The uncle became more energetic, grinning toothlessly and happily.

"Hey, you know I have good luck today, don't you think I caught a big fish?"

As the uncle spoke, he pulled the fishing rod hard, but the flexible fishing rod in the past seemed to have no effect at this moment.

The heavy object in the water made him fall further and further, but there was no sign of catching him. The uncle became more and more excited.

"It must be a big fish, it bent my fishing rod!"

[Ah, stop talking!I'm really jealous to death. ]
[As a fisherman, I have only caught fish the size of my finger for a year. It is really painful! ]
[This is really cruel to me. My own failure is heartbreaking, but when I see the success of others, my mind is filled with anger! ]

[Why can everyone catch fish?I just can’t do it, I don’t accept it, I don’t accept it! ]

However, at such a cheerful time, Su Nian spoke coldly, not talking about the big fish, but about the uncle's appearance.

"You have a fiery face, but your personality is extremely joyful."

"Due to the principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint, you will have experienced three fires and three floods in your life. You will not pass away until the fires and floods are over."

The uncle looked a little strange and grinned: "You girl, your calculations are really accurate. I just came here to watch the excitement, but I didn't expect you to be quite accurate!"

"But the three fires you mentioned, I haven't experienced so many. I have only experienced one flood and two fires."

[The uncle has such a good attitude. He has already experienced floods, but he still dares to come fishing here alone! ]

[But you are really too brave, I don’t dare! ]
[It depends on the person, maybe it’s just hobbies that trump everything else! ]
The uncle explained to the barrage.

"When I was just born, I already experienced a flood. I have no memory of it."

[Is it so miraculous that my hearing was damaged when I was born? ]

[As if that is the child that the uncle’s mother gave birth to in the water? ]

[Or maybe it was soaked in amniotic fluid, which is considered a flood? ]
The uncle blinked his eyes and said in a pretentious way.

"I heard that I was just born and Grandma Wen gave me a bath. Unexpectedly, I fell into the water and didn't get it out. It was considered a flood!" "As for the fire, it was me. When I was in elementary school, a fire broke out when a light bulb suddenly exploded. Another time, on my eldest son’s wedding day, a firecracker burned the curtains in our house!”

"But, these are all trivial matters. But according to what you said, I have to go through two floods and one fire. Oops, then my old man should stay away from water in the future!"

Su Nian nodded. What she didn't tell the old man was that the last flood he would experience in his life would be his death.

His last flood would have drowned him, and his last fire would have seen his body cremated.

But Su Nian didn't say this.

"But when will this second flood happen? My old man has always been sensible and will not let himself drown in the water. Besides, I am very good at water!"

Su Nian's expression was calm, but his eyes were burning as he looked at the gradually turbulent water surface.

He said in a deep voice: "The second flood is this one."

The uncle frowned, his face looked a little ugly, and he felt that Su Nian was cursing him.

It's unlucky for anyone to talk like this.

Therefore, he didn't say anything and just focused on pulling the fishing rod. The netizens in the live broadcast room originally had some negative fans of Su Nian.

At this moment, he started to curse without hesitation.

[What’s the use of being like this?What could happen if the uncle is fishing like this? ]

[That’s right, how could a water ghost emerge from the water?This is too fake! ]
The uncle didn't have time to watch the barrage, but his expression became more and more excited. He pulled the fishing rod hard. The fishing rod squeaked under the weight of the weight, while the things below were still struggling.

The fishing rod became more and more bent, but the uncle became more and more happy, until the calm water surface had ripples, and the uncle pulled it up with all his strength.

Su Nian also spoke leisurely at this moment: "Your second flood was caused by your fishing rod. Your fishing rod will catch a ghost."

(End of this chapter)

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