Monday, November 11, was the day after Ling Bei was discharged from the hospital. The weather was perfect.

During the few days in the hospital, Ancheng City was always foggy, and there would be a few sporadic drizzles from time to time.The weather in early winter can't help but give people a gloomy atmosphere.However, the weather that had been dull for the past few days swept away the dark clouds in the sky today, and the sky became clear and blue.

It is a hint that today is a good day.

So when the first ray of sunlight penetrated into the bedroom through the cracks in the curtains this morning, Nan Zishu and Ling Bei both woke up very early.

The division of labor was also very clear after that: Ling Bei was responsible for making breakfast as always, while Nan Zishu packed the luggage they needed to prepare for their trip.

Only then did she find out that Ling Bei had a house in Jiangcheng.

When he was on a business trip in Jiangcheng a few days ago, he had obviously compressed so much working time and was busy all day long; but he still spared a few hours to go to the mall to carefully choose a life for Nan Zishu supplies.

After all, Ling Bei had long been looking forward to returning to Jiangcheng with Nan Zishu.

Jiangcheng can be said to be "the place where his dream began."

But since he had already arranged their "second home", Nan Zishu naturally didn't have much to prepare.Just two people can use a suitcase to pack some commonly used daily necessities, and it will be packed quickly.

So she next planned to match the clothes she would wear today.

After all, I have to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate... This is only once in my life, so I can't dress up in a sloppy way, right?

Nan Zishu first took out the "everyday style" suits that Ling Bei often wore from the cloakroom.Then I looked around for a long time, but still couldn't make up my mind.

So she ran to the kitchen holding several sets of clothes.

At this time, Ling Bei was frying eggs in a pan.He skillfully spread the eggs on the bottom of the pot, and the oil instantly splashed out with a crackling sound, but at the same time, there was a burnt aroma that made your index fingers move.


Nan Zishu poked his head out from the wall to look at Ling Bei.But he couldn't help but be distracted by the aroma of breakfast: "Wow! It smells so good!"

As she said that, she subconsciously wanted to get closer and take a look.

"Hey, don't come over yet!"

Ling Bei couldn't help but raise his head when he heard Nan Zishu's voice.But his body moved faster than his brain and turned slightly sideways, blocking Nan Zishu from the oil splashing towards her.

Even though she was still far away from the stove.

I saw Ling Bei quickly flipping the eggs that had been formed, and then frying them for about half a minute, then he turned off the heat very neatly and put them on the plate.

After taking care of everything, he took out the kitchen towel and wiped his hands, turned around and walked to Nan Zishu.

"what happened?"

Ling Bei smiled and looked at the pile of clothes in her arms. Before Nan Zishu could ask him, he shook his head at her clearly: "We won't wear these today."

"What's the point of wearing these on such an important day?" He took the suits from Nan Zishu's arms and temporarily placed them on the sofa.

"But what to wear if you don't wear formal clothes?"

Nan Zishu followed Ling Bei and asked with some confusion.

"Let's have breakfast first. After breakfast, we will slowly choose a suitable set together." (End of Chapter)

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