Ling Bei has always understood the reason, so every time Mo Ziwen "tips the news", he turns a blind eye and closes one eye, and at most "punishes the small one".

In this way, Ling Bei and Mo Ziwen, who are always tacitly aware of each other, are no longer just cousins ​​with half the same blood.

They are the most trustworthy confidants in the world.

Therefore, Ling Bei never calls himself "elder brother" on weekdays.He always said that he disliked Mo Ziwen, but he never doubted his ability in business matters.

Whether it is a company matter or a personal matter, as long as Mo Ziwen is willing to participate, Ling Bei will hand it over to him without hesitation.

Of course it also includes this incident.

On the way to the warehouse in the southern district, Ling Bei didn't have time to think about it, so he directly explained the matter to Mo Ziwen.

But now that he thought about it carefully, he realized that it might not be appropriate for Mo Ziwen to handle this matter.

Definitely not because of his ability.

Just because Ling Bei knew that Mo Ziwen, who had a happy family since childhood, was actually extremely pure in heart.He can understand those dirty tricks, but he may still feel a little uncomfortable about this "life and death".

that's the truth.

At that time, Mo Ziwen arrived and saw that woman ended his life with such a decisive shot, he still couldn't let go of it.

Ling Bei always felt that Mo Ziwen was different from himself.He is not the kind of child of aristocratic family who likes to be scheming, has a deep city, and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal.It is completely different from those dandies who are ignorant, have no sense of responsibility, and only know how to rely on their family background to do their best.

No matter how outsiders evaluate Mo Ziwen, Ling Bei always has a steelyard in his heart.He can always understand Mo Ziwen's behavior style objectively, and he also knows the simple and even naive side of his heart.

In this so-called "celebrity of aristocratic family" big dye vat, this pure state of mind, which is extremely rare in the world, is so precious.

This is what Ling Bei has always envied Mo Ziwen's family environment brought him.

And Ling Bei's ignorance of the world has been completely wiped out by Ling Qianshan a long time ago, so Ling Bei has always felt that "Mo Ziwen" is actually the state of mind he lost prematurely, and he should act like a protector. Protect this rare and precious truth as well as yourself.

But this time, it was because of his negligence that Mo Ziwen came into contact with the cruelest side of the world so closely.

It may also be because Mo Ziwen has been preoccupied too obviously since he first came in, which made Ling Bei feel particularly guilty when he saw him.

Although he never liked to always call himself "brother" in front of Mo Ziwen, but at the moment of "apology", Ling Bei still felt that his brother had not done well after all.

"Brother, should be me who should apologize."

Mo Ziwen saw that Ling Bei, who has always been vigorous and resolute, showed such a delicate side to himself, and the traces of irritability in his heart could not be suppressed immediately: "If I hadn't been unable to find specific clues yesterday, you and Xiao My sister-in-law doesn't need to stay in it for such a long time.

"If something happens to you, I... um!"

Before Mo Ziwen finished his "self-examination", Ling Bei flicked his forehead with his finger: "What nonsense are you talking about? Shut your crow's mouth, your brother's life is on the line." (End of this chapter)

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