Chapter 176 (Five Thousand)
Aurora lay down and asked the goddess: "Now can you tell me why Miguel was targeted? Is it related to the bet between the gods?"

Goddess System: [Give me 100 million likes and I will say it. 】

Aurora: "Do you think I have any love points now? She has just completed her tasks for this month and crossed out 100 million. Do you think I won't be able to pay off the debt on the last day?"

[It’s not impossible to tell you. ] Goddess System: [Okay, it’s free this time, and I’ll charge you double next time, and I can’t mention key words. 】

Aurora: "..." OK, OK, get the news first.

Goddess System: [Describe it this way, do you know the marathon rabbit? 】

Aurora: "What rabbit?" She didn't pay attention to the marathon.

[In marathon events, in order for runners to achieve better results, they usually use "rabbits" to lead the race, which are speed partners.Let them set the pace, and the seeded players will run with them, with the "rabbit" in front. Not only does it save effort, but the results are also very good.The rabbit can quit after about twenty kilometers, or it can continue running.Miguel's role is similar to that of a rabbit. According to our guess, the superiors do not want him to win, so there will be various accidents that prompt his death. 】

"Then why are there so many eight lifetimes?"

The Goddess was silent.

Aurora guessed, if, she meant if combined with "Shirley's" previous life experience.The winning condition is to prevent the end of the world.

After Miguel's death.

All fail.

In desperation, the world can only be restarted and "Rabbit" is re-released.

Aurora was a little excited, her eyes sparkling, and the rabbit could compete.

"Does the rabbit represent the human side?"

Goddess: [Yes. 】

Hahahaha, so that’s it.

What if humans win in the end?

She really wanted to see what the expressions of those things that claimed to be gods would be like after the victory of mankind.

"If the boss loses, will he no longer be able to interfere in anything in this world?"

Goddess Tradition: [Ahem, stop talking. 】

Aurora turned around and hugged Miguel's arm. Her Miguel waited for her through perseverance.

If it were her, she would have been tortured crazy by so many accidental deaths.

He's really amazing.

She must let him win in this life.

Miguel thought that Aurora was not sleeping well, so he reached out and patted her back, "Go to sleep, don't worry, I'll take care of it tomorrow if you have anything to do."

Early the next morning, Aurora really couldn't get up, so she stayed in bed.

Miguel got up quietly and went to work.

Marshmallow won't turn over yet, but it will find its mother's position and smell her scent. If it can't reach her mother, it will start crying.

The filial son and the little Xiami heard his sister's cry. In order to prevent her sister from crying again and affecting his sleep, he simply pushed his sister to Aurora and let Aurora handle it.

After pushing her sister to Aurora, she stopped crying. Xiao Xiami scratched her face and lay down to continue sleeping.

Aurora felt the movement around her and was stunned without opening her eyes.

After sleeping for another hour, Aurora yawned and got up. Marshmallow clenched her little hand and leaned against Aurora.

At three o'clock in the morning, she first fed Marshmallow, and then had someone come in to help comb her hair. She combed it herself, but she couldn't comb it well. Her hair was a bit too much and very long.

Susan's craftsmanship is the best, but today she has to take inventory, make year-end summaries to employees, and distribute new year's goods.

This kind of employee benefits is only available in Aurora's private companies.

Government, law enforcement and knights too.

Let’s talk about the rest after the territory construction is almost complete.

The Christmas Day is approaching, and Aurora will hold a float parade this year.

Every household can sign up, and anyone who has a wheeled car at home can make a float.

The so-called float does not need to be specially decorated with flowers. You can even push a snowman on the float creatively.

As long as it's beautiful enough or weird enough.

It can be used as a conspicuous bag or any kind of float.

After a while, the fifty most beautiful ones will be selected and paraded in the streets, and then placed in the city square for people to visit during the Christmas Festival.

There are gold awards for first to No. 10, and those after tenth place.

It is a participation award and will give you many souvenirs.

Beichen tries his best to do some work for the residents every winter, spend some money, and everyone is happy, as long as there are no conflicts or fights in idle time.

Aurora called Xiao Xiami to get up, and Marshmallow was held by the maid.

The weather today is very good, it is clear and cloudless, and the knights do not need to search for traces of the undead.

Black Glutinous Rice flew back to the manor and drank some water near the trough specially prepared for it. When it saw two white dumplings in the snow, it happily kicked its long legs and walked over.

The combination of two white and one black is very eye-catching.

Black Nuomi was originally afraid of the baby dragon, but the rice ball has always been its big brother. If the big brother can play with the baby dragon, so can he.

The three monsters were running rampant in the manor. When serfs and workers saw their figures from a distance, the old people gathered together would suddenly disperse.

The reason is that Fantuan and Baby Dragon are so good at chatting.

Li Nong rarely answers their questions directly.

In order not to take Crooked Duke's pets with them, they all stayed away.

The baby dragon skipped and tromped on the snow. I didn’t know it, but I thought it was just a happy, fat little pony.

The princess's servant has arrived in the study. With the princess' questioning, he tells Miguel that the Minister of Military Logistics will prosecute him.

Miguel calmly took out two memory crystals.

"This is the reason why the giant dragon appears on the outskirts of the imperial capital." One is the image of the baby dragon being kidnapped not far from the casino, and the other is the scene where Fantuan cleverly recorded the viscount unpacking the box.

The treacherous words that the Viscount said are all in the memory crystal ball.

Although it was only a few dozen seconds, it was enough for Taylor to clear away the suspicion.

"Don't worry, even if you fall and break on the way, I still have a backup." Miguel dragged his chin and smiled, "You'd better bring the evidence to the princess safely."

The servant pursed his lips and spoke more carefully.

"The princess asked me to comfort you on her behalf and ask if the Duke is well. There are often monsters in the south that disturb the village..."

"It won't be healthy if you disturb me again. There are too many things to deal with in the territory. How about some money coming from above to let me have some peace and quiet for a while?" Miguel learned the essence of Aurora's yin and yang, and the royal family wanted to inquire about her physical condition, wasn't it? I want to send him to lead the troops.

Why should he bear the commotion caused by the temple and the king?

The servant wanted to say something more, but Aurora opened the door and entered the study, "We have already said that we will not lead troops in ten years, so don't use the name of the princess to make excuses."

The servant was the princess's servant, and he did convey the princess's wishes, but Aurora's words left him speechless.

Dismiss the servant temporarily.

Aurora said to Miguel: "Let's solve the problem of the undead first and leave everything else alone."

It would be best to get back the territory occupied by the undead.

In those places, if there is no long-term underworld air, it is best to grow fruits and vegetables, as the temperature difference between day and night is large.

While you are still young, you must fight the undead to the end. If you don’t compete with steamed buns, victory must belong to the human side.

Miguel smiled, "Okay."

Aurora first wrote a letter and sent it to the princess.

Then he brought an additional letter to the Countess of Ghana and the Duchess of Montella.

The two of them were already considered her good friends.

She invited them to come and play on Christmas Day, and she had a surprise for them.

Then he wrote to the Duke of Montella and said that he could donate [-] solar panels to the front line.No reason was given, and no reason was needed, because Aurora wanted to fight the undead.

The Warcraft side will naturally be frightened by the baby dragon in the future, and the harm caused by Warcraft is far less than that of the undead.


The princess received Aurora's letter in the evening, as well as two memory crystal balls.

After watching the video, the princess felt even more headache. How could someone overestimate their own abilities and think they could command the dragon?

She was not sure that her people could make the dragon completely obedient.

The Minister of Military Logistics is completely seeking death.

It's your own fault.Faced with his accusation, the princess took the evidence to the law enforcement court.

The Law Enforcement Yuan originally thought they could take a trip to Beichen.

Raising the royal banner and slapping the Taylor family in the face is what they really want to do.

But it's useless to pull the flag, they have already prepared.

Everyone was speechless when they saw the video.

The wind direction is about to change. It's so good. Why do you have to mess with Beichen?

He knew that Beichen's territory was full of spies, but he still had the guts to flirt with him. What was wrong with flirting with him, flirting with the giant dragon.

No one with any brain would do such a stupid thing.

He deserves to die.You can only live with regrets for the rest of your life.


The two videos were obtained from the Minister of Military Logistics on the fifth day.

The manor was destroyed and the man moved to another place for treatment.

When the money was gone, he thought that Beichen would vomit it to him sooner or later.

So he didn't panic even while lying on the bed.

When law enforcement arrived, all he could think about was that law enforcement was going to get him justice.

But the person who came was his nemesis, and his nemesis said: "Viscount, I am really happy for you to see you like this."

Viscount:? ? ?
"You finally realized your dream. You can lie down and not move for the rest of your life. Rotten people should just lie down and rot."

Viscount: "What do you mean? Are you here to cause trouble, or are you here to seek justice for me? Are Beichen willing to pay compensation?"

"I'm afraid you don't know, but I'm here to give you the dismissal document. And your punishment notice."

The Viscount was confused, "Are you kidding me? Beichen punished me for causing me to do this? I want to see His Majesty, and you are covering up."

The archrival took his time and showed him the video recorded by Beichen.

The more the Viscount looked, the more frightened he became, and he was so frightened that he immediately wet the bed.

It can't be cleaned clearly, it can't be completely cleaned.

Did he really say that at that time?
The Viscount's mind was empty.

He wanted to say that Beichen framed him, but Long Baobao ran from Beichen to his manor for no reason, destroyed a manor and then left. There were countless witnesses.

People from nearby villages can testify.

Everyone knows that the images of memory crystals are real and cannot be modified unless they are all deleted and turned into blank memory crystals.

His remarks not only caused social death, but also ruined his reputation.

With nothing left, he patted the bed board in despair, unable to do anything.

The priest of the temple said that he could recover without drinking the tears of angels, but he only needed money, a lot of money.

I thought I could blackmail a lot of money.

As a result, the money was not returned through extortion, and the family's gold mine was also gone.

Why did a little kitten still wear a memory crystal thing? Why didn't he see it at that time?

At that time, the Viscount only had eyes for the dragon. As long as the dragon surrendered to him, he would gain countless fame and treasures.With interests going to his head and not much experience, he made the most regretful choice in his life.

The archenemy was even happier to see him like this.

Then he told the contents of the punishment notice in front of the viscount.

The main Taylor family wrote another letter, accusing the other party of stealing the family's hero cat.The Taylors never mentioned dragons, only cats.

It is said that this act of cat abduction has caused a psychological shadow on Fantuan, a cat. It has been depressed and unwilling to eat (unwilling to eat fish because the dragon baby catches too many of the same species.), and even has a lot of signs of hair loss (it has been for a long time). Unable to move in a warm environment.), had an allergic reaction to strangers (scratched the faces of people who sneaked into the manor.)
The abnormality of the rice ball cat made the Taylor family very angry, criticizing some people for their ambitions in the name of contributing to the country.

The purpose was to weaken the power of the North.

Everyone who has experienced high-level undead wars knows the importance of cats.That was a cat that made an absolute contribution to the territory. You took it away without saying a word. If the dragon hadn't been by your side, the cat would probably have died.

Duke Taylor severely condemned the Viscount as being immoral, incompetent, and insane.

This matter has been confirmed.

The Viscount needs to compensate Maomao for her mental loss and all medical expenses during her illness, totaling 200 million gold.

If he cannot get it out, the Viscount himself will have his family property confiscated until the amount can be repaid.

His attitude of biting back was no worse than that of the viscount.

The Viscount, who was already bedridden, roared: "Why is the treatment so expensive?"

The new servant next to him said naively: "But Viscount, your own treatment costs 500 million gold."

The Viscount was so angry at the Taylor family's counterattack and the servant's words that he fainted again.

The arch-rival dropped the punishment notice and left.

Treatment on one side and compensation on the other add insult to injury.

The viscount had to peel off layers of skin before he died. As for the money from the baby dragon, Aurora returned all of it to the princess. It was her business to use it in private. How she wanted to use it.

After this dragon-stealing incident, Aurora became more strict with the baby dragon, often holding it and telling it stories.What The Lord of the Rings, The Adventures of Three Children in the Wizarding World.

The evil dragon inside made the baby dragon angry, "How can they slander us dragons like this, and the dragon inside is so weak. It is a subspecies of dragon, and it has absolutely nothing to do with us dragons."

Xiao Xiami was listening nearby, which was much more interesting than the servant reading the author's elegant novels.

Round blue eyes, full of curiosity, "Mom, then why did the novelist write Long Long in such a bad light?"

Baby Long agreed: "That's right, I'm obviously fine."

Aurora smiled and rolled her eyes: "Yes, the baby dragon is very good. Because humans are always full of fear of the unknown. If you really go to burn down human villages and rob other people's treasures, you will be heinous in the eyes of humans. The face is ferocious." Aurora told the baby dragon.

"Maybe the reason why you went to burn the village was that someone offended you first, and you were angry, so you decided to take revenge. But most human beings are very weak. If you are not careful, your revenge will affect innocent people. They don't know that there is someone I'm offending you, and they don't know you, and they don't understand your temper, baby dragon, so they think you're just getting angry randomly."

Xiao Xiami nodded, "It's like stealing the fruit of two red pandas. They chased my butt and scratched me. The servant didn't know the reason, so he kept them in the cage for a long time before letting them out."

So innocent!

Aurora: "..." So you have done that kind of trouble before.

"Why did you steal other people's fruits?"

Xiao Xiami tilted his head, "Because it seemed delicious when I watched them eat it." Thinking of it, he wrinkled his nose again, "Apples are actually not very sweet. I don't know why they like to eat them."

Good guy, it’s reasonable to snatch food from a bear’s mouth.

"Have you apologized to the red panda?"

Xiao Xiami: "I gave them two apples as compensation. They ate them happily. They should have forgiven me."

Okay, he will take the initiative to apologize, but God knows whether the red panda has forgiven him.

After explaining today's story, Aurora put on a thick down jacket and took a group of rice balls, baby dragons and shrimps to find the alchemists.

The new castle has not yet been built, but the large laboratories of the alchemists have been built first.

From a basement in the new castle, you can access the secret laboratory of the alchemists.

Miguel has just come back from outside. He is in a much happier mood now that he can stand under the blue sky again and do various difficult challenges.I went on patrol for a long time and planned to come back to help Aurora with the chores.

Unexpectedly, he saw them going to the new castle, so he ran over and touched her hand a little, feeling the warmth before letting go.

Aurora shook it and said, "How are you doing lately? Do you feel like you've made a lot of progress?"

"Not only have I made great progress, I feel that if I try my best, I can kill the high-level undead in an instant." Miguel finally felt that he had the ability to protect Aurora, and he was very happy.

"By the way, what medicine did you feed me?"

Aurora's smile collapsed, "I drank blood for you, do you believe it or not?"

Miguel knew he was asking the wrong question, so he quickly made amends, "My hands are cold, so I put them in my pocket and covered them." He put Aurora's hands into his pocket.

Aurora touched a hard stone with body temperature, and she took it out curiously.

It is a colorful opal gemstone, and it is very large. At this stage, people do not know the existence of opal gemstones, because most of them are under thick rock layers and are difficult to find.And it only occurs in specific regions.

"Where did you find it? It's so beautiful."

The baby dragon was fascinated by the light of the gem. He jumped around and shouted, "I want it too, I want it too. Uncle Miguel, don't you have mine?"

Miguel: "I gave this to my wife. Some knights have packed it in boxes and will give you some later."

The baby dragon was spinning in circles with joy.

Miguel said to Aurora: "I think there should be a market, so I will bring it back to you to see."

"There must be a market." Aurora thought that he set off to the Arctic field in the early morning. It was probably native to the Arctic. She didn't tell the baby dragon because he didn't want the baby dragon to destroy the mountains again.

(End of this chapter)

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