Miguel was also hungry, and he ate in a gentle manner, but the speed was very fast, and he finished three large breads and two roasted chicken legs in less than 10 minutes.

Being able to eat, Aurora recovered a lot.

Thinking that the [-] million likes she earned in the future would have to be handed in, she couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Fearing that there will be natural and man-made disasters in the future, she can't exchange for life-saving things through love points.

Aurora was thinking with her stomach in her arms, thinking about how to quickly accumulate love points.

Miguel wanted a second order of bread and chicken legs.

Like a hungry wolf cub.

But Lisa didn't give it away, and only gave him a bowl of porridge.

Whoever made him worry his family so much should not eat meat, and being a vegetarian is also cheaper for him.

Miguel: "..." He is innocent.

In Aurora's words, God didn't want him to live.

He doesn't understand what he did wrong?
Aurora sat on the head of the bed. She remembered that she had said before that she would create a shampoo and shower gel factory, but she said it would take so long to sell ordinary products.

It is also time to attract a wave of traffic.

"Susan, call the servant for me. Call Annie, I have something to tell her. And Aru, let him bring Pava with him." Maybe some people forget who Pava is, he is now a paper mill A senior technician and administrator at .

Before she was in the manor, she saw that the young genius Julie often taught her brother Pava to learn.

A few years have passed, and Pava's ability improvement is obvious to all. .

Some of the paper formulas were sold, and these formulas were enough for researchers in other territories to follow the diagram and find directions to make paper for other uses.

Paper mills will only go downhill from now on.

As a management talent with R&D experience, Pava is very suitable to help her manage the daily chemical market.

On the other hand, Lisa watched her sister-in-law wake up and work in an orderly manner, feeling distressed.

Can't help but also help.

She has been in charge of handling affairs for the past two days, and her work is remarkable. If she manages a city independently, she is capable enough. She only lacks some social experience.

Taking advantage of some time, Aurora had a few heart-to-heart talks with Lisa.

Lisa loves the military, but she can also be quiet and do things.

After some training, he is fully capable of handling territorial affairs.

"Sasha, in two years, you will go to banquets and meet boys. Are you interested in going to Longwei City? Help me assist Lacey for half a year, and let you see the outside world and how nobles get along with each other. Yes." Aurora mainly prevents Lisa from marrying into a bad family, and she doesn't even know that the villain is playing tricks behind her back.

Lisa had long thought of going out, but when she thought of leaving home, she became timid and unconfident, "Can I do it? Will it cause trouble for Uncle Lacey?"

"You are a lady from the Taylor family. You are smart and smart, and there are no difficulties that can trap you." Aurora hoped that Lisa would be happy, although she did not think that Lisa would be as lucky as herself to enter such a simple family as the Taylor family. There is a husband who accommodates himself in everything.

But happiness is all on your own.

Before striving for happiness, Lisa needs some space to grow. Obviously, Beichen does not have such conditions.

Lisa was so well protected, and putting people in front of her, Aurora couldn't help but protect her.

Lisa is also very aware of Aurora's worries, "Thank you sister-in-law, I am willing to go to Longwei City to help Uncle Lacey work, but I will go after you give birth, okay?"

"You are such a considerate and good girl." Aurora hugged her gently.

At this time, the servant also called the three people Aurora wanted to see.

Aurora moved the room and went to the study.

After waking up and starting to work, Mrs. Taylor was a little unhappy, worried that Aurora was too busy and weak again.

Aurora: "Aunt Ruolan, don't worry, Lisa will help me."

Mrs. Taylor nodded, and told her daughter: "Help me well, don't overwork Aurora, she works like hell, you remind her to drink plenty of water. Forget it, you guys have worse memory than me, I'll tell the kitchen, wait a minute Bring some fruits and snacks, and you urge Aurora to eat more to replenish her strength."

Mrs. Taylor really loves her daughter-in-law.

It's all my son's fault, except for being able to fight, he is useless.

When I saw my son before, I thought he was better than anyone else.

Compared with his daughter-in-law, he is directly compared to scum.

But she couldn't complain about her son's soft rice, after all, it was a piece of meat drilled out of her stomach.

Mrs. Taylor hugged Xiao Xiami, straightened the ironed skirt, and turned her head to remind Miguel, "Aurora said you can't leave her sight. After you wash up, don't forget to go to the study and talk to Aurora. Laura stay together. Practice martial arts every day, I don't see you can save yourself, learn more in the future."

Miguel drooped his head, he knew he was wrong, could he stop blaming him.

He can do a lot of magic.

But others are underground, and magic cannot be used at will.

Every move he makes may lead to accelerated death.

Just like an avalanche, it only needs a little fuse, and it will collapse.

No matter how he saves himself, he will die and it is difficult to reverse.

It's not like he hasn't tried to practice magic to the current peak state of human beings in so many previous lives.

But he was still struck by lightning, even standing in the house, and his death was out of control.

As soon as Mrs. Taylor left, Miguel slipped to wash up, and then went to the study to find Aurora.

When Miguel opened the door and entered the study, Aru, Anne and Pava were saluting to Aurora,
Lisa was also there. She raised her eyes to look at her brother, then lowered her head and continued to help her sister-in-law process the manuscript and read the account book.

Miguel quietly moved a chair and sat beside Aurora.As he often handles official business, he knew that he hadn't had time to read those, so he picked up the bottom one and started to review it as well.

Aurora began to order work.

Aru's task is the simplest, to lay out a factory building.

Anne is in charge of the early stage campaign.

Then there was Pava, who hadn't talked face to face for a long time. Aurora smiled and said: "When I first met you, I still remember that you brought your two younger siblings to the interview, and you were a little reserved. Unexpectedly, after all these years, you are still reserved."

Pava blushed. He hadn't talked to his wife for a long time. "I'm a little excited. I know that my wife is going to summon my subordinates, and my subordinates are very happy. My wife is still as beautiful as the first time we met."

He is now a free citizen and is no longer the miserable slave farmer he used to be.

Take a deep breath and regain your senses, "I don't know if Ma'am called me, what's your order?"

Aurora turned her pen around.

Ask him if he is willing to leave the paper mill and work in a daily chemical factory.

Daily chemical factories are also readily available, mainly engaged in soap, shampoo and shower gel.

Most of the raw materials are purified in traditional Chinese medicine, and they also have to deal with chemicals, so if he takes over, he needs to learn relevant knowledge.

The director of the daily chemical factory has been a bit smart lately and has frequent contacts with outside businessmen.

At this stage, the relationship between supply and demand has not changed, and demand exceeds supply.

The factory manager didn't need to care about things other than production, but he did.

Aurora plans to take him down, and next, the formula of the hair tonic is a secret, and she wants someone she can trust to master it.

Aurora told Pava truthfully.

Pava didn't even need to think about it, "I will never let Madam down."

The fate of his family was changed by Aurora, and he was able to become an elite in society because of the resources Aurora gave him.

My younger brother is now an opera master, and every script he writes is well-known to everyone.

In the manor, my younger sister was called a little genius.

Without Aurora's promotion, my sister would still be just an inconspicuous and innocent little girl busy in the farmland.

So no matter what Aurora wants him to do, he will do it, more loyal than a knight.

Aurora joked, "Annie, do you know? When I look at Pava, it's like seeing you at the beginning. Like the angels who came for me, it's hard for me not to reuse you."

"Thank you Madam for your compliment. I will live up to Madam's orders." Annie has become more and more capable and confident since she became the supervisor of the newspaper office.

Confidence shines through.

Alu's eyes are proud, this is his fancy wife.

On the second day after Aurora ordered her to go down, the daily newspaper published a news about recruiting candidates.

The content is very simple, but very exciting for bald people.

In order to solve the appearance anxiety caused by lack of hair in life, Aurora Taylor specially developed a hair tonic.

It has been tested internally and proven to be effective.

But in order to ensure its authenticity.

Fifty people who are troubled by hair are specially recruited to participate in this half-year free trial.

It's free and official.

Such a big toad jumped out.

Some people questioned its show.

But that was an event held by Aurora, and all the promises made so far have been fulfilled.

In less than two days after the newspaper was published, thousands of people signed up enthusiastically.

Hair tonic, this is simply the gospel for bald people.

A dream item.

Among them, Ogri, who was most worried about losing his hair, went through the back door immediately and approached Aurora, hoping to participate in the trial.

When Ogri came to look for him, Aurora was having breakfast, and she almost spit out her tea when she heard him asking for hair water.

"Mr. Ogri, you need hair tonic, just say it directly, and you don't need to take up the quota." Aurora wiped the corner of her mouth, and then took a bite of the newly developed cheese sausage. It smelled a little bit of cheese, and the meat was dry. She looked forward to the imagined juiciness of her teeth.

taste very bad.

She ate one and didn't put it down.

The chefs were given free rein and they produced poor food.

In the future, when they make new products, they must let her take a look at them.

The new sausage on the dinner table was withdrawn by several Taylor family members in disgust.

Watching the large plate of sausages being brought down, Ogli was a little surprised. It was rare for the Taylor family to waste food like this. He was curious about how unpalatable it was.

Half of it was left on the table, and Aurora asked him to sit down for breakfast. He sat down rudely, and cut a piece of sausage to try.

Then he was silent, speechless for a long time, and took several sips of tea to recover.How did the Taylor family try this thing with a blank face.

At the dinner table, Ogri deliberately asked about the hair tonic again.

Aurora smiled and said, "As you know, it is difficult to achieve hair growth effect with normal medicine, so I added some elements extracted from magic plants. It is not easy to be allergic, and the effect is stable. It's just that after using it, the hair grows out and can't Completely discontinued. Need to use it every once in a while."

"That's also very good. I believe what you said. When will it be available?" Because of baldness, he is a few years older.A gentleman always pays attention to his image.

"The day after tomorrow. Remember to give me a copy of your experience when the time comes."

Ogri rubbed his hands, "Okay, okay, no problem."

Not long after the meal, Aurora was drinking tea to relieve her boredom, chatting with Ogri every sentence.

Miguel suddenly changed his expression and started to vomit. The servant immediately handed over a small basin.

Miguel vomited continuously and couldn't stop at all, and his face turned pale from vomiting.

Ogri was stunned.

Aurora grabbed Miguel's wrist to feel the pulse, and then opened his sleeves and collar. There were patches of red spots on the skin, and she was allergic.

"Go and check immediately, what ingredients are used in today's food."

Allergies can be big or small. Looking at Miguel's allergy symptoms, they are very serious.

It seems that Miguel's death has not yet passed, natural disasters can't kill him, and began to use various methods to destroy him.

"Do you know what you are allergic to?" Aurora asked.

Miguel was a little confused. He had never had anything like this happen before.

That would be difficult, and Aurora decided to go to the kitchen to have a look.

"You let Capa come over and feed Miguel the medicine first."

As for Ogri's request, she asked the servant to bring him two bottles of tonic in two days.

Ogri understood the ways of the world, and quickly said: "Madam, don't worry about me, my brain is bright for a day or two, you should take care of the Duke's affairs first."


And a novice cook in the kitchen watched the servant come back expectantly.

Seeing the almost intact meat sausage on the plate held by the servant, he froze for a while.

He was surprised and said: "No one eats?"

"It's not just that no one eats it, it's terrible. These are terrible foods. I just took a piece and ate it. Is this for people to eat?"

The little chef was slightly stunned, "Is...is it so unpalatable?"

The head chef has just finished his work and put on his apron to prepare the ingredients for lunch.

After all, he is still in charge of the menus for alchemists and science students, so he is indeed a bit busy.

Hearing the conversation between the new little chef and the servant, he immediately walked over, and seeing the sausage being carried by the servant, his expression changed drastically.

Cut out a piece to eat, and chewed a couple of bites in my mouth.

I couldn't swallow it anymore, so I pulled it out of the trash can and spit it out.

"You handed this up to the masters?" The head chef was furious, "Do you have any brains? Or is it a taste disorder?"

The little chef defended: "But I followed the steps. I swear, I never did any wrong step."

Chef: "Wait a minute, you said you followed the steps. You wouldn't give it to the master without trying the finished product, right?"

The little chef bowed his head, acquiescing to what the chef said.

The surrounding cooks and chefs all stopped.

The head chef asked to bring today's breakfast list. There was no new product marked on it at all. There were sausages, but it said smoked sausage.

Now the matter is serious, "A novice is not qualified to touch the three meals of the masters. It is your own initiative, or someone asked you to do it." The head chef roared.

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