Families with children under the age of ten will arrange to grow medicinal materials, grow mushrooms, and pick mushrooms.

With manpower, glass bottles and more metal products can be produced, and canned mushroom sauce and canned food can be tried.

The rest were assigned to weaving and processing medicinal materials, and they were all scattered.

The next batch of arrivals will be arranged to go to construction, trim street vegetation, clean, etc.

The last ones are all technical talents, and they will come back with the fleet.

It is also put into all walks of life. Except that slaves cannot enter and leave the territory at will, they are not much different from free people.

Aurora will not treat people badly in terms of food, clothing and housing. As for salary, she also intends to pay them as usual, so that they can live according to their work efficiency.

After they get used to it, the able ones will be treated like slave farmers in the manor.

But these, the new slaves do not know.

When those who went to the port were arranged by Aurora to do the coolies at the port, they all had a sad face.

Because in their impression, coolies will die.

Along the way, they didn't find any news about Beichen from the attendants, and they kept their mouths tightly shut. They didn't abuse them, which was much better than the treatment in the Colosseum.

People are in a different place, panicking.

Two of the middle-aged men walked together.

The large troops were sent to the port, and they followed the flow of people.

Next to them are their wives, mothers, and several teenagers who are half-grown.

"Hope no one dies."

They were a little frightened and regretted not having escaped on the way.

A few escaped successfully. At first they thought that the attendants would chase after them, but those attendants ignored them and dismissed them.

If he ran away, he ran away, and Beichen still had a few fewer slaves.

said the squire to the interpreter of the slaves.

Those who fled are destined not to live well, because they cannot speak the language, and there are many monsters eating people in the mountains and forests, as well as undead hiding in the dark.

Only the official road is relatively safe.

If you don't follow the official path, you will live or die, depending on fate.

Beichen is the best place to go. How Beichen has treated them for so many days, he didn't beat them, didn't let them go hungry, and took a rest on the way, and walked for a while, without urging them.

After hearing these words, they stopped thinking about running away.

The two are cousins, one named Dana and one named Jason.

Dana was older, he said: "Let's see first, if you can't survive, just run away, it's the same wherever you go."

After being captured, they never thought about fleeing back to their own country. If they fled back, they were still prisoners.

There was a civil war in the country and fierce competition for the throne, which affected innocent civilians.

Living as a freeman is not very good, and the treatment of slaves is even worse.

This has always been the case between countries, unless the captive is a very important person in the country, it is possible to be redeemed.

Even some professors and intellectuals were not spared and became captives, and it was difficult to get rid of slavery.

Jason always listened to his cousin, and he only listened to his cousin to survive until now.

At least not dead.

The whole family is thin, and everyone is eager to rest.

The person in charge assigned these slaves to an uninhabited village two kilometers away from the port.

These houses are different from the wooden houses close to the port. They are all solid stone houses with high and firm foundations, and there is a small river nearby.

In the past, this was a village full of people, but later they all died, and the houses naturally remained.

In fact, there were houses near the small river, and Aurora ordered them to be demolished.

Living by a small river is equivalent to collectively discharging sewage into the small river. How can the water be used.

Therefore, the river is also fenced off, and it is not allowed to enter the water at will.

The village has been uninhabited for a while, and there is dust on the ground, but nothing serious.

The important thing is, can they really live in stone houses?

Slaves generally could only sleep in sheds, and some even slept on the ground in the open.

They don't quite believe their eyes, is there really such a generous lord?

Most of the people here are low-level civilians. It is difficult to build wooden houses, not to mention stone houses, because the forests are owned by nobles, and they can only be cut down and transported with their permission.

Or go buy it.

The price of selling wood is much more expensive than going to the lord to apply for it, and it is simply unaffordable.

All the people stood on the street, crowded together.

People standing on the edge can touch the house.

"This house is too good." Dana's mother stroked the grain of the stone with her rough and chapped hands, her eyes full of longing.

Many houses in this village were used to entertain passing businessmen and distinguished guests, so the houses are well built.

The person in charge glanced at these people with sharp eyes, "The house is just for you to live in, not yours, so it cannot be damaged. If it is damaged, you have to pay for the repair fee."

everyone bow their heads
Jason plucked up the courage to ask, "What if something in the house is broken?"

"This is what I'm going to tell you next. After the room is allocated, you have to check the room up and down to make sure that the beams are not broken, whether there is any place that needs repairing, and only report if there are relatively serious safety hazards. You can't report the missing corners of the floor."

The person in charge said again: "I will be the officer in charge of you from now on. You call me Mr. Bott. I am also a knight's squire. I will not be here to watch over you all day. If you want to escape, please feel free. The ugly thing is, this Territory, just experienced the baptism of high-level undead not long ago, so I don’t know where the undead will come out. This is not a threat, you can find the answer if you ask anyone.”

"Soon, there will be police stationed here, and you can go to the police if you have a grievance. When there is a dispute, you can't fight or hurt people. You will learn more about Beichen's rules in the future. My other job is to train you. You are slaves. It is the soldiers of the territory, there will be no troops stationed here, and the undead will attack, you must learn to deal with it..."

The person in charge said a lot.

The slaves listened carefully, for fear that if they missed a sentence, they would be severely beaten if they did not do well in the future.

After speaking, the house will be allocated, and families with more than five members will be allocated a small house.

The family of three lived in an apartment-style house.

For those who are single, eight people can live in one house.

After all the distribution, there is still the rest of the house.

It is conceivable that the size of this small town is very large.

There is an advantage of not living together densely, and there are fewer conflicts.

The first night the slaves were settled there was no quarrel at all.

When they got up early in the morning, the slaves went to get a set of loose and wear-resistant linen clothes.

This is already a common occurrence every year among Li farmers.

They are slaves, slaves who have not entered the factory, no matter how many fields they cultivate, they are not paid.

The slave peasants who entered the factory to work will have wages, but the wages will be very low, and the relative welfare is much better than that of civilian workers.

The person who handed out the clothes was not surprised, but the slave who got the clothes was completely shocked.

"No money?" Dana confirmed again and again.

"Our lord's wife hates slovenliness. You will have to learn to collect manure in the future, don't defecate casually, and change your clothes frequently."

Jason took the clothes and said with a smirk: "I have a wife and daughter, I'll do the coolie, and just leave it to them to do the washing."

The person in charge looked at Jason with a half-smile, "You can give them everything, but don't blame me for not reminding you, the Duchess really hates men who bully and oppress women. And our territory first made a fortune by relying on castration technique."

The silly Jason put away his smile in an instant, he heard right.He looked at other people, the people who handed out clothes and bread, and took it for granted.

The wife who was standing behind the man was delighted to hear this, but the aunt was not willing.

"Men have worked hard enough outside, how can they help with housework when they go home."

"Are you questioning the Duchess's decision?" The person in charge didn't want to talk to these uninformed people. There are always some people who think that the men in the family are particularly noble.

He has been a servant for so long, and he has always cherished his wife and children, which is consistent with the Duchess' philosophy.The wife and children gave birth to a child and almost died, and taking care of the child is also very hard.

As a man, he doesn't know how to be considerate, so can he expect a harmonious family?
The aunt immediately shut up.

Even if she felt wrong, she could not say that the Duchess was wrong.

It cannot be said whether it is on the surface or behind the scenes.

Dana and Jason's family became neighbors, and they dragged their families, a total of 12 people.

In adjacent small houses respectively.

Dana's mother opened the door and rushed into the house to check carefully. The hunchbacked figure was faster than anyone else.

As she checked, she exclaimed, "Nice, this place is so good. This country is so good to slaves."

Dana said: "Mother, it's just this place. Listen to Mr. Bott's point clearly. The Duchess attaches great importance to rules, provided we can't violate the rules she made."

"Then... what is the lady's rule?" Dana's mother recalled the castration said by the person in charge, "If you break the rules, will you be punished by that?"

Dana suddenly became ill, "No, it won't be that serious."

Dana's wife is also worried about each other, "Let's go find out tomorrow."

Dana's mother was still worried, "Work hard, work hard, and don't fail to be a man. In fact, it's okay if you can't be a man. You have already had a son, so don't make your son unable to be a man."

Dana: "..."

Before they knew too much, the men were all sent to the port as porters.

With these porters, the port can unify the price and prevent people from raising the price too high.

In the past, because few people came to the port to carry goods, the labor price was raised very high.

Not now, the same price.

How much money to give, how many things to do.

With the official setting an example, the private moving industry will feel a little bit aggrieved, but the official price is not too low, it is a normal price.

You can still make money in business.

With this group of coolies that can be hired at normal prices, merchant ships are very willing to call at Mira 2 port. This port is large, and it is easier to pass without passenger ships.

The arrangement of the slaves is fairly stable, Aurora only uses these people as cheap labor, and doesn't really treat people as slaves.

The slaves in other territories still had to be tied up, so she just let it go, ran away if she wanted to, and just didn't come back if she escaped.

Of course, those who brought them back by themselves have to inspect them as usual.

After a while, it was also the autumn harvest season, and Aurora wanted to go out to have a look again.

In the field, a large number of sweet potatoes were dug out.Stacks piled on the ridge.

Many businessmen passing by saw it from a distance, and went to the newly established tourist information office at Mira Port to ask if these sweet potatoes were for sale.

The consultation desk almost always answers all questions, "Not for sale."

Aurora still has to stock up on more food from the outside, what to sell, and continue to expand the breeding and planting area next year. The warm stone land has a vast area, and now there are countless more areas for Aurora to use.

She will not sell food outside unless she has enough food for two years.

Improved wheat was also planted, with heavy ears and partially full fruit, increasing wheat yields by at least one-fifth.

All the slave farmers were all smiling, and the commoners who followed suit were also grinning from ear to ear.

This means that there will be more grain and more abundance this year.

Aurora sat in the ground dragon car, and she was very pleased to see the joy of the harvest on the farmers' faces.

It's an untouchable sense of accomplishment.

The peanuts, rice, and sugar beets produced by the family can be planted in large quantities next year.

These three are like handles among crops.

Hope to bring more food reserves to Beichen.

On weekdays, when farmers saw Taylor's car passing by, they would look at who was sitting in it. If it was Miguel, it would be no surprise.

When they saw Aurora on the top, it was different. Every farmer threw down their agricultural tools and bowed from a distance, respecting this precious lady of the lord from the bottom of their hearts.

Aurora seldom leaves the manor. If she leaves the manor, she is either on the road or on the way, coming and going in a hurry.

Such a leisurely travel-like trip is too rare.

Aurora was very helpless, she just didn't like this kind of welcome, so she gradually reduced the frequency of going out.

Absolutely not because I want to stay home.

Walking on the official road to Hunter's territory again, Aurora felt a lot of emotions. She never thought that she would acquire the territory in this way.

I remember that when she was being chased before, she couldn't see the way clearly, and there were undead chasing after her all the time. That kind of thrilling scene was far away, and it seemed to happen yesterday.

On the official road in the forest, many slaves in new sackcloth are widening the road. They are lazy and slow in their work. Because the chief does not beat people, many of them are lazy.

Of course, there are also those who work hard.

Aurora didn't say anything. She wasn't being taken advantage of. These people will always work hard after a while.

The ground dragon car passed by.

The earth-moving dragon pulling the cart in front is tall and mighty, the hair around its neck is very soft, and its eyes are calm. Seeing this earth-moving dragon, those who are familiar with the Taylor family know that it is the earth-moving dragon of the Taylor family.

On both sides of the ground dragon chariot, there are several majestic knights riding wildebeest as guards, with extraordinary momentum.

The administrators all bowed down to pay tribute to Dixinglongche, and gave their most sincere greetings.

When the slaves saw the management doing this, they all imitated the management, and saluted awkwardly to the ground.

When the Dragon Carriage was completely gone, a courageous slave asked the management, "Sir, who is that?"

"The dragon carriage of the Taylor family, when you see it in the future, you must pay attention to manners." The management did not say who was in the carriage, who could dispatch the deputy knight commander, and there was no doubt that the person sitting inside was Aurora.

"Go to work soon." The manager loudly said to those who pretended to be busy but were actually lazy: "Don't blame me for not reminding those who don't work hard. They will definitely regret it soon after. Don't blame those hardworking people Why not join your ranks. I repeat, work hard, the Duke and Duchess will never treat those who are willing to work hard."

They have already given away clothes and two meals, which is already very good, so what else can they do, pay wages?

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