The daily work assigned to Anne was a bit difficult for her in the early stage, but it gradually became smoother later.

Daily gossip news about entertainment, science, travel, political current affairs, and some human ethics.

As long as you read and hear the content inside, you can't help but fall in love with it.

Half a month later, a newspaper named Mira Daily was born.

This is also the daily with the longest operation and the deepest influence in the long history.

A daily newspaper is two coppers, and a month's subscription is fifty coppers.

Almost anyone with a little money and who can read will buy it and have a look.

Some people were so clever that they even set up a small booth to read the daily newspaper to illiterate people every day and explain the information contained in it.

The old and the young all like to sit in front of these booths in the evening, as long as they hand over a copper, the whole family can sit in front of the booth and listen to lectures.

Over time, people have learned a lot about commonsense stuff.

I also like to discuss all kinds of new things, and gradually have my own opinions.

In the newspapers, comic strips are also drawn, telling some philosophies of life, and establishing the correct three views for the people.

Mrs. Taylor's tourist information office was also built simultaneously.

But the development direction of her counseling office deviates from expectations.

Originally, it was to introduce the beautiful scenery of Beichen to foreign tourists, where to go to play, where to go to spend, because the talents cultivated are very familiar with the territory, so many outsiders will ask other things.

In particular, the manager behind the scenes of this store is Mrs. Taylor, who knows more about it.

For example, they may ask if there is any channel for cement to get more goods, what new tricks Beichen has sold now, and where should I go to buy seeds?
For another example, asking the consultation office to purchase tickets for a certain performance in the gymnasium, and asking the staff at the consultation office to make an appointment for a dragon car, has become a service center in a rural town.

Although Aurora was a little surprised, she could understand.

But in this way, the manpower will be stretched.

She had to send more people to help, and some aspects should be regulated.

The staff is not allowed to purchase on behalf of others, and cannot disclose channel information about certain products on the market.

Therefore, the Tourist Information Office was renamed as Beichen Service Center.

After these things come to an end.

Aurora did another mission and started to fight against illegal smuggling.

In Beichen's territory, certain items are strictly prohibited from being brought in.

Cursed items and plague animals are absolutely prohibited from entering the territory, expired food, expired medicines, special plants, insects with strong reproductive ability, and statues of the Temple of Light, etc.

Before everything is brought into Beichen in large quantities, it must be reported, because taxes must be paid.

In order to pay less tax, some people will secretly move into Beichen after poaching them from special channels.

This aspect is also absolutely prohibited, the tax collected by Aurora has been kept to a minimum,

These people dare not pay taxes, how could she let them go.

Anyone who makes a profit from smuggling will be fined and included in the commercial blacklist.

Relevant laws have been promulgated, but the legal books are not read by everyone.

Aurora was about to hit hard, so she mentioned it again.

She just needs to make an example of others.

I mentioned it, if you still commit the crime knowingly, then don't say I'm indifferent.

The role of notification is still obvious.

Many people can't bear the fine after being found out, and shrink back.

The announcement has been out for a long time, and the police and knights patrol as usual every day, and there is no unnecessary action.

Under the seemingly calm water, there will always be someone ready to move.

The smugglers have all stopped, otherwise the market has grown.

Taking risks can make a fortune.

There are people who think they are smart and think that as long as they are more concealed, they will not be investigated.

Moreover, the war has passed for some time, and the lord has never seen anyone arrested and imprisoned for fines.

He also thought that the lord was just a warning, just a scare, so his courage began to grow, and even swelled.

Just be careful and smuggle a large batch without anyone noticing.

He only does it once, so it's hard to catch the first time.

People who want to take shortcuts have this mentality.

This issue of Aurora focuses on the kind of people who take chances, and the students of the academy police can investigate without using the system.

A businessman from the imperial capital prepared a "meeting gift" for a certain nobleman, who was said to be able to open up Beichen's network.

This nobleman bragged to the sky in the land of the Duke of Longwei, and then some people really believed it.

No need to guess, it was Viscount Hunter.

He went to the Duke of Longwe to spend his days drinking and drinking, and told everyone that he was Aurora's cousin, and now his expenses were all paid by Aurora.

So if you want to do anything in Beichen, just ask him for help, he will help if he can.

So someone came to the door.

Ask him to do something, and he even agreed.

Leave everything to him, and he will take care of it. If you are caught and report his name, the people in Beichen will save face.

Although Viscount Hunter's life style is corrupt, everyone knows that he loves to brag and exaggerate.

But the businessman believed it, and didn't ask for proof at all. He only investigated the relationship between Aurora and Viscount Hunter, and confirmed that they were cousins.

He planned to make a fortune first.

In fact, the Viscount Hunter is almost done.

Now he does not do business in the entire territory, and the port belongs to Beichen, and he has no livelihood, let alone tax revenue.

It goes without saying that the lives of nobles are bad, but you can't be bad in front of some big nobles.

Viscount Hunter was fearless, and even harassed the son of a great nobleman, teasing him about his butt.

Viscount Hunter's death has reached the point where the princess wrote a letter to warn him.

If he doesn't rectify and revive the territory, he will lose this title.

Viscount Hunter is not afraid at all, he has Aurora, he thinks Aurora will help him clean up, just like every time he makes a mistake, he has not suffered retribution, and still has money to enjoy himself.

Between drunkenness, dreams and death, he didn't know what he would lose.

The night was dark and the wind was high. After finishing the transaction at sea, the businessman of the imperial capital entered the port in the middle of the night after receiving the goods.

He unloaded the cargo first, and today he bribed the two guards at the port, and he smoothly loaded the cargo onto the draper.Can't wait to transfer the goods to the warehouse.

During the transfer, he hummed a song softly, thinking that he could make a lot of money and leave.

Suddenly, it was brightly lit, and his ten carriages were surrounded by lights.

There were more than a dozen policemen hovering above the head, and the businessman took a closer look. Good guy, there are more than 20 knights.

Before he could react, Chris took the lead in searching his goods.

When the rear trunk of the Land Dragon car was opened, his eyes cracked, "Don't touch my goods."

He wanted to rush over to cover it, but was firmly pressed down.

Anyone who resisted fiercely was killed on the spot.

It's too late to do anything.

A knight grabbed his back collar, lifted it up easily, and threw it behind.

There are a lot of contraband in this businessman's Dixinglong carriage, the most of which are all kinds of insects, packed in glass jars, and I don't know where he got so many glass jars.These alone have cost a lot of money.

That's all for insects, but also poisons, human skin products, cursed items, and what's more, hallucinogenic "sugar".

Aurora also followed in this operation. After she recognized that the powder was hallucinogenic "white sugar", her anger reached its peak.

During the announcement, she put a five-pointed star on the names of several plants, and it is strictly forbidden to enter the territory. As long as smuggling is found, it will be the death penalty.

Aurora knew that sooner or later someone would know the use of these plants, and the temple had already been used.

But she didn't understand that being caught was the death penalty, and it wasn't enough to stop people in their tracks.She can forgive other smugglers, but not "white sugar".

Aurora understood one thing, instead of concealing it, it is better to fully understand the horror of this drug.

Taking related medicines without the clear guidance of a doctor is very harmful.

Maybe the Goddess has this consideration, so let her strictly control smuggling.

It is impossible to imagine a situation where a large number of citizens are addicted to drugs, what will happen to Beichen.

Aurora remembered that there was a country in her previous life. Because of the serious civil war, in order to curb people's desires, the upper echelons devoted themselves to planting hallucinogenic plants and let everyone in the country eat them.

This kind of plant eats soil fertility very much. If it is not strictly controlled, the land will be planted for several rounds endlessly, and it will basically be useless.

And if people eat it, they will live like zombies all day long.

Not thinking about making progress, indulging in illusory happiness every day, and spending every day of decadence by eating hallucinogenic plants.

That country, which is obviously poor, still thinks that such a life is very good.

The upper layer relies on this to paralyze the nerves of the people below and obtain a lot of benefits from it.

Ridiculous country, ridiculous people.

Some people may think that there is nothing wrong with this.

But Aurora absolutely disagrees. If a person is alive without energy, is he still alive?A poor life also needs to have an economic foundation. If you are so poor that you can’t even afford black bread, you still don’t make money.

Her investigators found smuggling, but failed to find out the behind-the-scenes forces. Aurora directly asked the goddess.

The goddess gave the answer, [The Temple of Light. 】

Aurora said to the people present: "Everything is packed, and tomorrow, I will take people to the execution ground."

When the businessman heard that he was going to be dragged to the execution ground, he was so afraid that he lost control on the spot.

"Ma'am, I'm Viscount Hunter's friend. I'm his friend. He must have told you that my shipment is also to honor you. You can't treat me like this."

Aurora: "How much money do you make from this batch of goods? I don't need your three melons and two dates."

Powdered "white sugar" is still unaffordable. Once more people take it, the situation will be different.

"I won't sell it, I won't sell it, and I won't sell it in the future. If you give me the goods, I swear that I will never set foot in Beichen again."

"I don't believe your guarantee. If you dare to commit crimes in Beichen, you should be prepared to be punished accordingly. You may not know what criminal law you have violated by selling this white thing in Beichen." Aurora opened a book Let him read one of the law books carefully, sell "white sugar" privately, and he will be sentenced to 20 to [-] years in prison, and if the circumstances are serious, he will be sentenced to death.

"Do you know the difference between the former and the latter? The former is someone who doesn't know, and the criminal law can be reduced. And you, knowingly committed the crime. Smuggled, bribed, and fabricated that I cooperated with that idiot." There are not many people who really despise Aurora. It was Viscount Hunter, the last Longwy, and the dead Jennifer.

Regarding Jennifer, Aurora thought that there was a chance to fight, and there were scenes of pushing people to the ground and rubbing against each other.

In the end, Jennifer was not even worthy of a fight, so Viscount Hunter framed her.

Viscount Hunter is indeed the lucky one.

She coveted the title of Viscount Hunter, but she couldn't do it directly.

Forced to have no choice but to wait for Viscount Hunter to die, it is best to die half-dead, paralyzed, and don't go out to harm others.

The next day, the daily newspaper was officially released. There are not many newspaper pages in this era, only two.

However, the densely packed words and black and white still photos let the citizens learn more about Beichen.There are fewer layouts in other places, but they are also very exciting.

Seeing that a certain smuggler actually committed the death penalty on the page, people clapped their hands and cheered, while they were concerned about what this person smuggled so that he violated the death penalty.

"White sugar" is also known as happy powder. Aurora introduced the harm and efficacy of this drug in detail under this information page.

Beichen absolutely forbids the distribution of this kind of thing. If you find someone else smoking, you can report it and you will be rewarded.If you dare to take risks and break the law knowingly, you can only be sentenced to death.

Happy powder has many effects, but it is also very harmful.

At present, only Beichen Hospital is equipped with them, but they are not for sale.

There are strict requirements for the use of medicines, and patients must follow the doctor's advice to take them.

Although some people doubted this, thinking that Beichen wanted to monopolize the industry, it turned out that they really thought too much.Self-produced anesthetics are not cheap, but they are not expensive either. Calculate the profit based on the cost of fertilizer and manpower, it earns very little, and it even earns more money selling roundworm medicine.

After popularizing the effects of this drug, there are both good and bad sides. People in Beichen knew the disadvantages, and people in other territories knew the benefits, and they all asked if it was so magical.

Miraculous is miraculous, but this is the secret of Beichen Hospital's "not passed on".

I want to, no.

If you want to learn, you can.

First go to school to learn the basics, learn common sense problems, recite the rules of Beichen Hospital, and recite the rules of ethics.

Only by washing yourself physically and mentally can you immerse yourself in the medical world.

Because of the combination of Chinese and Western medicine, it takes ten years or even decades to study medicine in school.

Only after passing Aurora's examination and review can he obtain Beichen's medical certificate and practice medicine outside.

In Aurora's words, the three of Capa are all interns, and they can't do it alone. They can only be a little doctor under the supervision of a mentor near the territory.

After all, the nearest consultation, they can shake people when they encounter something they don't understand.

Far away, I don’t know how to deal with strange and complicated diseases.

After cracking down on smuggling, the products on the market have been regulated a lot, and some strange things rarely appear again.

41. Create newspapers and control public opinion (completed)
Reward: Detailed plan for improving printing technology (provided by Goddess Tong)

43. Standardize the types of goods sold by chambers of commerce and crack down on the smuggling of prohibited items. (Finish)

Reward: Coordinates for energy quarry mining in Beichen Territory.

After the task was completed, Aurora immediately went to improve the printing technology to reduce the printing cost again.

Technology has advanced, and the people who are busy are the daily newspapers and book publishers.

Annie, on the other hand, bears a huge workload every day.

Even more tired than Alu, every night when they go back, the young couple can only comfort each other.

There are also holidays, take a good rest on holidays.

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