"Pirates are very good at water, and the Black Skulls are a group of thieves. Our warships will not have an advantage unless we join forces with warships from other territories. If we Beichen fight them alone, we can only choose air combat, a quick battle..."

"In this way, it is safer to place the dispatched supplies. They also have anti-air weapons, and there are not many magicians..."

The former knight commander and the current knight commander had a heated discussion on how to formulate a war marching route and a retreat route...

Aurora didn't quite understand either, so she just told these people the purpose.

As expected, they were all loyal knights, and none of them refuted her decision, and they started preparing for war as soon as they came up.

They talked for a while, and only discussed the beginning.

Once the war starts, many follow-up things need to be scheduled.It is impossible to make a thorough plan so quickly.

Every one of Beichen's knights is brave and good at fighting, but most of them have never been on a large-scale battlefield. Most of them participated in guerrilla warfare, and the situation is still a bit small.

Miguel only looked at the terrain and the sea area, and he already had a plan in mind. The reason why he kept silent was to cultivate the ability of these people to lead the war.

"Go back and give me a report each." Miguel glanced at them, "Don't let me disappoint you."

With just one look, they stopped expressing their opinions.

When they left, Aurora smiled, "Do you think I'm wasting money and people?"

"You don't feel bad, I don't feel bad." When Bei Chen was poor, pirates would not bother to come.When Bei Chenfu was in charge, he was still in charge.

What if he is not there?

So Miguel had already planned to destroy the opponent first.

Pirates, a presence most coastal towns have ever hated.

Even better, they were villains trained by nobles.

Aurora chooses to attack now, which is the best opportunity.

Even if the princess knew that the pirates belonged to the special care of the king, she would not know it.

Judging from the action trajectory of the princess, she should want to seize power, because she needs her son to grow up, so His Majesty will be alive temporarily.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the princess will quickly develop her own power and suppress His Majesty's power.

Killing the Black Skull Pirates is to help the princess.

Miguel: "Do you want the princess to sit on the throne?"

"It doesn't matter. The replacement of the throne may affect Beichen, but it's not a bad thing for the king to dismount. Empresses have never been easy to do. Veteran nobles don't like to bow down to a woman who has no political achievements or achievements." Youxiu prefers to guess by herself, the nobleman They will support His Royal Highness to take the throne, and the princess will do the same.

Before the little Highness became an adult, the princess had the power to rule. Can a woman who has tried power really come down?

The little highness who was about ten years old back then, now has the appearance of an adult, and has transformed from innocence to recognition.Would a person with His Majesty's gene be willing to be a king under the control of his mother?
Too much history tells Aurora, don't stand in line, and don't mix.

Standing for the current king, you may be hated by the next king and regarded as a thorn in the side.

Stand up to the next king and you will be hated by the current king and the next king.

Temporary prosperity does not mean that you can keep going uphill for a long time.Therefore, in the fight for the throne, let them play by themselves.

Her Beichen still talks about how to destroy pirates.

"In fact, there is a very fast method that does not require sacrificing too much manpower and material resources." Miguel's deep blue eyes shone charmingly, and his lips softly spit out cruel words, "The reason why the Black Skull Pirate Islands have developed People suppressed it because there are merman near the waters of his archipelago. Every year when the merman breeds, the black skull pirates will sacrifice many female species for the merman to mate."

Among them are many women.

The mermaids born from human wombs are smarter. After a long time, the mermaids established a good relationship with the black skull pirates and became the watchdogs of the black skull pirates.

There will be a large number of female creatures coming to the door without going ashore to snatch them. Mermaids only need to pay attention to passing enemies when playing in the sea.

Aurora felt terrified when she heard this, isn't this the same nature as raising octopus monsters in the temple?

What's even more absurd is that the Black Skull pirates would sacrifice their own offspring. Many underage girls were taken away, first forced to give birth, and then big and small sharks ate the "mother" who had just given birth together.

Every time at this time, there are many perverted black skull pirates who will watch all this, as if this scene is led by them and controlled by them.

Perverted scenes can satisfy their perverted desires.

In their eyes, the weak have no use value, so they should become pawns and a part of their interests.

Miguel only spoke partly.

Later, Aurora also saw from the information provided by the system that the Black Skull pirates had tried to train the mermaids to go fishing in the sea, but because the mermaids were bloodthirsty in nature and impatient, they finally failed.

Aurora didn't know where to complain, she felt that there was no need for the mermaids to live, but the system told her, [The mermaids hunted monsters at the bottom of the sea, and the undersea monsters didn't flood, it was thanks to the mermaids. 】

Aurora has nothing to say. Sure enough, as long as it is a member of nature and not a product of artificial intervention, it has its own unique side.It's not that human beings think they are hateful and hateful, so they can obliterate the necessity of their existence.

Goddess: [The host can properly kill some merman, because of human intervention, their number has increased, and the ecology of the nearby sea area has gradually become unbalanced. 】

Aurora held Miguel's arm and asked him, "What specific method do you mean?"

"The mermaids have groups, and there will be conflicts between the groups. The weak little mermaids will be eaten if they are not recognized by the tribe, because the little mermaids are the best medicine to restore the strength of the mermaids. Sensitive, especially the bloody smell of the merman. If the merman smells the bloody smell of the mermen from other races, they will follow the smell and eat the person who has the blood of the merman.” Miguel’s plan is to go to Catch a few small mermen, mix their blood into a potion, and put it into the food of the black trousers road pirates.

Aurora thought along his train of thought, how can they be sure that they will eat those foods?

Before she knew it, she actually thought about how to kill people more conveniently.

"Little Ola, what's the matter?"

Aurora's cheeks were lifted by Miguel's big hand, she woke up from her stupor, "It's okay, I'm thinking about some philosophical issues. I think human nature is really complicated. While I advertise that everything uses laws to regulate society, I also do It is very contradictory to look at things outside the law. But it seems to be a very natural thing.”

Aurora blinked, "Well, the last sentence, I learned to excuse myself."

Miguel touched the top of her hair, "Don't think too much, I know how to fight the black skull pirates. I'll do the fighting, you just need to develop your city well."

"No, I will also participate. I will provide you with supplies and be your most solid backing. Anyone will have psychological pressure, and I can adjust it." Aurora slapped her face, and it was not a peaceful society. It's not necessary to be a kind person.Ma Shan was ridden by others, Ren Shan was bullied by others, and the Black Skull Pirates were heinous. If they are wiped out, the sea route will be safer.

Even if she had to use the most insidious means to win, Aurora would not hesitate.

Aurora's eyes gradually became firmer.

Back at Taylor Manor Castle, Aurora's tense mood relaxed a lot. The harbor of the soul is home, which is true.Aurora didn't dare to sleep soundly outside, for fear of being attacked by someone.

This is especially the case in Taylor Manor, the imperial capital. Countless profit-seeking nobles are eyeing them. They are not bound by morality. Typically, as long as I have no morality, morality cannot kidnap me.

Sometimes it's a sin to be too good, and it causes too much jealousy.

If anything happened to Aurora, they'd be backstabbing right away.

So Aurora is always vigilant.

Beichen is different. With the Goddess in charge of vigilance, she can sleep peacefully.

When they fell asleep, the two doctors were picked up and they were worried for a few days. They thought something happened to the territory.So save the healthcare workers.

When Aurora woke up, she called them over.

Tiffany and Eliza are about thirteen or fourteen years old, and because of their nutrition, they are generous and beautiful.

Has grown into the pursuit of most young people.

However, they seem to be more professional, and they are still in a state of ignorance about feelings.

Aurora also felt that at their age, it would be better for them to concentrate on studying.

She made them sit down, and Capa sat down together, facing Aurora.

Aurora didn't like small talk, so she asked directly: "If the king is ill and needs to conscript you to the imperial capital for treatment, what are your wishes? If he can be cured well, he will be granted a title, and there will be a reward of [-] gold."

When Aurora mentioned the illness, they immediately realized that the king might have been poisoned by some kind of mushroom poison that did little damage to the body, and the specific treatment depended on the condition of the patient.

Tiffany and Eliza refused on the spot. They were family lovers, and the rewards were clearly aimed at male physicians. They had no sons or husbands, who would inherit the title.

What's more, owning one hundred thousand gold divisions at one time is like telling others that they have money, so come and grab it quickly.

Capa thought that his medical skills were not good. If he went there, it would represent Beichen's face. If he could not be cured, he would have no face to come back.

As for the rest, they didn't think about it

"Don't limit things to the surface. Power and money, there is still a lot of darkness. As for whether it is worth your risk, it is something you need to consider when you grow up. This time, I blocked your future. If one day you If you want to see the vast land outside, you must not hold the mentality that a doctor must be kind and only look at the surface. This will harm you.” Aurora sighed, “It was my negligence. Starting today, you have to study psychology and politics class."

The three doctors were stunned for a while, but they still followed Aurora's suggestion and went to a few scripted psychology courses and a political class from the retired librarian of Imperial Capital College.

After that, they understood Aurora's kindness.

If the mushroom poison is not fatal, it will be metabolized after a period of time, and hallucinations will not continue.

In the case of the king, it was obvious that someone had poisoned him, and the person who poisoned him must be someone close to him, that's why he couldn't recover for such a long time.

If they are ambitious and capable, and they choose to go for treatment, it depends on the timing, and they must be careful, otherwise, they may face death no matter which side they stand on.

Aurora is not a dictatorial lord. If her subordinates want to develop better, she will not stop them. It is just a battle in the palace. If you are not good at learning skills, don't go there for now.


After talking to the three apprentices, she didn't follow up what they thought.Those who understand will always understand, and those who don't understand will understand when they grow up and go through hardships.

Then Aurora looked into the task list, and there was a long-awaited reward.

"Randomly select three plants."

Any plant is possible, all improved species.

Goddess has reminded many times that if Aurora doesn't take it away, it will take back the reward.

Aurora couldn't bear the nagging. Today she washed her hands specially, touched a bag of gold coins, and muttered something in her mouth, praying that the drawn seeds must match the gold coins in her hand.

The Goddess Unification learned to tease: [Your magic weapon is very special. 】

"Of course, this is a spiritual victory method. If you don't get a good draw, it must be your fault."

The Goddess wanted to open her mouth to argue.

Aurora: "Don't make noise, I'm casting a spell."

Goddess: […]

Aurora closed her eyes and pressed the draw button. When she opened her eyes, the reward pool was still spinning rapidly.

Wait for the spin to slow down, then stop, and the rewards are freshly baked.

Seeds are not rare, all are common.

One is peanuts and one is beets.

The last one, the golden surgery, covered with plump white meat, is Beidao.

"Ahhhhhh..." Aurora's screams were heard throughout the study, and Xiao Xiami looked up from the crib in a daze, "Mom?"

When Susan heard the cry, she was faster than the twins, and immediately rushed over from the other side of the study.Seeing Aurora hugging Xiao Xiami, with tears in her eyes, she asked worriedly, "Miss, what happened?"

Aurora wanted to share the joy, but she chose to lie, "I, just saw a little cockroach."

Susan was speechless, and the twin maids snickered.

Seeing the different expressions of the three, Aurora asked someone to sweep the dust, "I overreacted, let's install some gauze on the windows next time."

It was cold in spring, but Aurora liked to have the windows fully open, so Susan put a thin cloak on Aurora.

"Miss, you are really, you are such a big person, and you are still afraid of those little bugs. What to do if you scare the young master."

Aurora was a careless mother, the button of Xiao Xiami's collar was unbuttoned, and Susan helped to button it to keep it out of the wind.

"Ma'am, don't be afraid, we'll go get things and clean up the study right now." Mingming just finished cleaning last night, but bugs came again, the twin maids blamed themselves and went to work in a hurry.

Aurora is very innocent, "I can't control my emotions for a while, and I won't next time."

The main one was too excited, the three plants quietly placed in the space ring were all the seeds she dreamed of.

How could she not be excited.

The moment she saw the rice seeds, her addiction to food was completely aroused.

Delicious white rice, the corners of Aurora's mouth curled up naturally, and she was in an invincible and comfortable mood. No bad news could stop her from being in a good mood today.

At this time, Fantuan and the two little pandas came in through the small door under the study room, ran and ran around at Aurora's feet for a few times.

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