Chapter 247 Chapter 247


"Sister Wu, I'm leaving first! You take your time to think about it! Be sure to think about it carefully!"

Wu Yufeng looked at her back and felt a little sour, maybe it was the best choice to follow her to AL.

Jiang Xiangli has no objection to the fact that Shen Jiangye also came to see Lu Xiyan live, but he is a little worried that it will cause a commotion if he is discovered.

She didn't deliberately pretend today, after all, she had already said on Big Eye Boy that she was going to participate, but Shen Jiangye didn't.

I hope the program team can find a fence to separate the two!

"Thank you so much, Yanyan, if it wasn't for her, I would have gone, and I would have lost my life by then!"

Shen Jiangye did not follow her words to praise Lu Xiyan, but said: "Actually, I can play games too."

This Lu Xiyan appeared too frequently in Jiang Xiangli's mouth recently, and he was not very happy.

Indeed, Lu Xiyan should be thanked, so he will ask his assistant to choose a gift for her, but he will not praise her.

Jiang Xiangli smiled and said, "Okay, my treasure must be super powerful! Take me next time."

Why are you still jealous of a girl? She needs to give him a little more sense of security.

The program team didn't know Lu Xiyan's level in advance, and the program was replaced with only one episode as before.Because there are too many powerful people, it may not be a big deal if Lu Xiyan comes, and she will be eliminated soon.

In addition to Lu Xiyan and Xingben, there is another person Jiang Xiangli knows in this variety show, but he cannot be said to be an acquaintance.

Liao Zhirui, they had conflicts before, and until now Liao Zhirui held a grudge against her.

Originally, Nie Fengjing couldn't get in touch with Liao Zhirui, but when she suddenly found a way, she wanted to make a summary, to catch Jiang Xiangli by surprise, and get her out of the entertainment industry completely.

She doesn't really approve of Liao Zhirui's combat prowess, but what if there is a quarrel during the live broadcast?That's another matter.

The eyes of the audience are discerning, under the eyes of everyone, the shortcomings of the artist will be infinitely magnified, it depends on whether Jiang Xiangli can bear it.

But unfortunately, Jiang Xiangli retreated completely.Lu Xiyan is here.

Nie Feng clenched her fists tightly angrily. She sat on the periphery of the auditorium and stared at the stage unwillingly, wanting to grab Lu Xiyan and replace her with Jiang Xiangli.

Liao Zhirui came to participate entirely because she heard that Jiang Xiangli was coming, she was ecstatic, thinking that this time she must torture Jiang Xiangli severely, and let her taste the taste of being deflated.

As a result, when the filming was about to start, someone suddenly notified her that Jiang Xiangli would not be coming and was replaced by Lu Xiyan, which made her feel like she was being tricked.

She and Lu Xiyan have no worries, and Lu Xiyan's family background is there, how dare she offend?
All her original plans were ruined at once, and she had already arranged to unite against Jiang Xiangli...

Otherwise, why would she come to such a variety show?Regardless of her age, fans feel that she is no longer a girl, so why should she rush to get scolded?

Liao Zhirui was so angry that the more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became, and she wanted to catch that person who spread rumors and beat him up.

This must not have been done by Jiang Xiangli herself. If her delicacy came true, the loss would outweigh the gain. One can imagine who would benefit from it.

It must be that Xingben did it. After being frustrated by Jiang Xiangli, he tried to force her to come out, but now that she has more power, she doesn't have to come out!

Lu Xiyan didn't dress up very carefully for this show. She felt that since it was a competitive show, it was better to wear comfortable clothes so that she could display her abilities.

When she entered, she thought she was in the wrong place, that she had come to the wrong place and went to a talent show.

The girls were in all kinds of beautiful gowns, perfectly styled and made up, and some had super long manicures.

Among these people, Lu Xiyan seemed out of place. She pinched her mobile phone and wanted to ask her manager if she had gone to the wrong place, but Liao Zhirui walked over with a smile on her face.

"Hello, Miss Lu, I've heard of you before, and I'm really happy that you can come to the show this time."

Liao Zhirui felt that Jiang Xiangli was successful and Xiao He was also defeated, so she went to pester Lu Xiyan to build a good relationship with her. In the future, when recording the show, she will definitely be able to catch Lu Xiyan's popularity and increase her exposure.

Lu Xiyan avoided her hand and asked, "Hello Miss Liao, is this the program team of "Girl Pesticide"?"

Liao Zhirui's clothes are still restrained today, but there are still large areas of snow-white skin exposed on her chest, which almost stuck to her just now.

Liao Zhirui didn't feel embarrassed when she dodged her, and said, "Yes, it's the girl's pesticide, yes, have you encountered any problems? I can help you."

"Nothing, just a little dazed."

Lu Xiyan didn't tell Liao Zhirui that she suspected that she had gone to the wrong place, otherwise it would cause public outrage.

But she was still a little puzzled. When she participated in the spotlight before, those girls wore lighter clothes than now. She speculated that it might be because of dancing.The girls here are dressed like they're going to a party, or something extra grand.

As long as she didn't make a mistake, she thought so and found a random place to sit down, and Liao Zhirui also sat down next to her.

At Big Eye Boy, she glanced casually, saying that she was going to invite this star to invite that star, but in fact, all the people who came were internet celebrities, most of whom were not well-known.Of course, it doesn't rule out that she doesn't know this circle, only a few big anchors.

Except for her and Liao Zhirui, there is no female star here who has actually filmed a TV series. At most, they are Internet celebrities who have filmed low-budget online dramas, so they call themselves female stars.

There are a few big anchors that she knows, or it can be said that everyone who plays this game and watched a few live broadcasts knows them.

When everyone saw Lu Xiyan coming, their eyes fell on her, and they looked at her curiously.

For most people, this is their first contact with popular female stars.Although Liao Zhirui can be considered, many girls look down on her from the bottom of their hearts, thinking that she can only rely on the big boss behind her to come up today.

But Lu Xiyan is different, she is talented and beautiful, she has a good family background, she is a famous talented woman, and she has such a big fight with Jiang Xiangli, everyone is very curious about what Lu Xiyan looks like after leaving the media's camera.

Sure enough, the female stars were different from them. They only wore the most common sweater and black trousers. However, the accessories were carefully selected, and those who knew it could tell that they were expensive.

Lu Xiyan is not afraid of people watching at all. She has forgotten when she has been the center of attention. Her actions and expressions are never rash, and there is nothing for others to criticize.

She didn't really want to communicate with Liao Zhirui, but in order to show politeness, she would answer what Liao Zhirui said to her, but it was more perfunctory.

 Come back lol
(End of this chapter)

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