Mu Xiaoxi comforted: "Don't be angry, this kind of person is not worth your anger. Anyway, everyone knows that her true face will be exposed sooner or later."

Chu Yiyi nodded and said, "Well, I know that too. It's just that sometimes I'm really angry and think she's gone too far."

Mu Xiaoxi patted her hand lightly: "Don't be angry, anger hurts your body. You are so good, everyone knows, there is no need to worry about this kind of person."

Chu Yiyi smiled: "Yes, I know. I will try my best to ignore her, and I will not have too much interaction with her in the future."

Mu Xiaoxi agreed, "Yes, keeping a distance from this kind of person is the best way."

Chu Yiyi nodded: "Well, I will. Okay, don't mention her anymore, let's change the subject. How is your work recently? Is there any new progress?"

Mu Xiaoxi smiled and said, "It's okay, the work is going well. Recently, the company has a new project, and I'm in charge of part of it. I hope it can be completed smoothly."

Chu Yiyi said encouragingly: "I believe you will be able to do a great job. You have always been serious and responsible in your work, and everyone likes you very much."

Mu Xiaoxi looked at her gratefully: "Thank you for your support and encouragement, I am so lucky to have a good friend like you."

Chu Yiyi said with a smile: "We are best friends with each other. Well, stop thinking about that annoying colleague. Let's drink coffee and talk about some happy things."

The two continued to chat about relaxed and pleasant topics, laughing constantly, forgetting the unhappiness just now.

Chu Yiyi said excitedly: "Did you know that the company recently held a team building event, which was really fun! We are all looking forward to this event, because the work pressure is too great, and everyone needs to relax."

Mu Xiaoxi smiled and asked, "What did you do for the team building activities?"

Chu Yiyi said eloquently: "Well, we went to an indoor playground first, there were various games and challenges in it, and everyone had a great time. Some colleagues played very deeply, it was almost like Back to my childhood."

Mu Xiaoxi asked curiously: "Did you play any particularly exciting sports?"

Chu Yiyi proudly said: "Of course there is! We also played on the trampoline, and there was also a high-altitude zipline event, which was extremely exciting. I was a little scared at first, but after playing it, I really enjoyed it."

Mu Xiaoxi said enviously: "Sounds so interesting! I also want to participate in such team building activities."

Chu Yiyi smiled and said: "Next time I have a chance, I will definitely take you with me. However, what makes me most happy is that this team building activity has also enhanced the relationship between colleagues. Everyone had a great time together and get to know each other better.”

Mu Xiaoxi nodded in agreement: "Yes, team building activities can indeed shorten the distance between colleagues."

Chu Yiyi went on to say: "In addition to team building activities, the company also often organizes some cultural activities and dinners. We also went to a musical together before, and we all enjoyed it very much."

Mu Xiaoxi asked: "What are the company's cultural activities?"

Chu Yiyi said contentedly: "Sometimes we will visit museums or galleries together, and sometimes we will go to the movies together. The company pays special attention to the cultural life of employees, and feels that this can enrich everyone's spare time and enhance the teamwork. cohesion."

Mu Xiaoxi said approvingly: "Your company is really humane. Such a cultural atmosphere will make employees more motivated to work."

Chu Yiyi nodded in praise: "Yes, I think the company's cultural atmosphere is very important, it can affect employees' work attitude and teamwork."

Mu Xiaoxi smiled and asked, "Does your company have any other interesting activities?"

Chu Yiyi smiled all over her face: "What's more! Our company holds an annual party every year, and each department will prepare wonderful programs. Everyone will actively participate, for example, some departments will perform dances, some will perform sketches, and some will sing .There will also be some awards at the evening to recognize employees who have performed particularly well over the past year."

Mu Xiaoxi said with emotion: "It seems that the atmosphere in your company is really good. Such activities can make employees feel that the company values ​​them."

Chu Yiyi smiled and said: "Yes, I think the company's cultural atmosphere is one of the important reasons why we can feel happy. Working together is not just colleagues, but more like a family."

Mu Xiaoxi agreed: "Your company is really great, allowing employees to feel happy even after work."

Chu Yiyi said happily: "Well, I am really glad to be able to work in such a company. Although the work is sometimes stressful, I really feel very happy to have such a team and cultural atmosphere."

Mu Xiaoxi said happily: "Hearing you talk so happily, I feel that your company is like a big family."

Chu Yiyi nodded with a smile: "Yes, I think so too. There are laughter and tears at work, but we can all face it together and grow together. I am really grateful to my colleagues and the company for allowing me to find the truth in my work. Joy and happiness."

Mu Xiaoxi said excitedly: "I'm really happy for you. I'm so happy to have such a working environment and team."

Chu Yiyi smiled and said, "Thank you, Xiaoxi. You will definitely find a job and team that make you happy." The two continued to chat happily, and the happy time seemed to never end.

Chu Yiyi continued to talk about the things that made her happy: "Another thing that makes me particularly happy is that I have made some breakthroughs in my work recently. There was a project before that was stuck in a bottleneck and the progress was very slow. My team and I After months of working together, a solution was finally found and the project moved forward.”

Mu Xiaoxi said approvingly: "It's really not easy, it seems that your team's hard work has paid off."

Chu Yiyi smiled and said, "Yeah, I'm really happy. Before, I was worrying about the project every day, but now it's finally solved, and I feel a lot easier."

Mu Xiaoxi asked excitedly: "Is there any special highlight in your project?"

Chu Yiyi said with a mysterious smile: "Actually, our project is an innovative product that involves some new technologies and concepts. During the process of advancing the project, we encountered many difficulties and challenges, but we all overcame them. , and finally succeeded.”

Mu Xiaoxi sighed: "You are really amazing, you can innovate such a product."

Chu Yiyi said modestly: "Actually, everyone in our team has their own expertise and advantages. Only by working together can we achieve such results."

Mu Xiaoxi smiled and said, "You really have a tacit understanding, and your cooperation ability is so strong."

Chu Yiyi nodded in agreement: "Yes, we often have meetings and discussions, and everyone can exchange opinions candidly without any reservations. Everyone hopes that the project can go smoothly, so it is really a pleasure to work together."

Mu Xiaoxi asked curiously: "Does your team have any special team building activities?"

Chu Yiyi said excitedly: "Yes! Our team often organizes some small group building activities to enhance mutual understanding and relationship. Sometimes we will go to the countryside for picnics, and sometimes we will go on a day trip together. Sometimes, some team building activities will be organized.”

Mu Xiaoxi asked: "What kind of team development activities?"

Chu Yiyi explained: "Team development activities are activities that allow team members to improve teamwork and cohesion through a series of challenges and cooperative tasks. Our team once went to an outdoor development base and did a whole day of activities. The team building activities are really interesting.”

Mu Xiaoxi said with a smile: "Sounds very exciting, I also want to participate in such activities."

Chu Yiyi said encouragingly: "Next time I have a chance, I will definitely take you with me, you will like it."

Mu Xiaoxi smiled gratefully: "Thank you, Chu Yiyi. I also feel happy to hear so many happy things from you."

Chu Yiyi said happily: "It's okay, I'm very happy to share this with you. We are good friends, share happiness and spend good time together."

Mu Xiaoxi nodded in agreement: "Yes, I am really lucky to have a good friend like you."

Chu Yiyi said with emotion: "I also feel very lucky to have a friend like you by my side all the time."

The two continued to chat, sharing each other's joy and happiness.Their friendship grows stronger and their happy times seem to never end.

Mu Xiaoxi said excitedly: "You know, the encounter between Shen Ye and I is really a wonderful story. We were still students at the time, and I was reading in the library, and suddenly found that I had forgotten my schoolbag, and was worrying about how to go home. Shen Ye took the initiative to come over and borrow my notebook."

Chu Yiyi smiled and asked, "Wow, what's going on? He came over to borrow your notebook?"

Mu Xiaoxi nodded: "Yes, he said that his laptop was out of battery and needed to borrow it. I was quite surprised at the time, because he usually doesn't want to communicate with strangers."

Chu Yiyi said mischievously: "It seems that he fell in love with you at first sight."

Mu Xiaoxi smiled shyly: "Don't talk nonsense, I didn't have any feelings for him at the time. Later, we often met in the library, and gradually became familiar."

Chu Yiyi asked curiously: "Then how did you start dating?"

A gleam of happiness flashed in Mu Xiaoxi's eyes: "One day, he suddenly asked me to have coffee with him. I was a little nervous at the time and didn't know what he meant, but I still agreed."

Chu Yiyi smiled and asked, "How was that date? Who confessed first?"

Mu Xiaoxi recalled: "That date was very pleasant. We chatted a lot and found that we had a lot of common interests. Later, on the way home, he stopped suddenly, looked at me and said, 'Actually, I have liked you for a long time. Now, would you like to associate with me?'"

Chu Yiyi blinked: "And then? Did you agree?"

Mu Xiaoxi smiled and said, "Of course I agreed! In fact, I have been a little bit moved for a long time, but I never had the courage to say it."

Chu Yiyi patted her on the shoulder happily: "That's really great, you two are a match made in heaven."

Mu Xiaoxi smiled shyly: "Thank you for your blessing. Since being with Shen Ye, our life has become more and more interesting."

Chu Yiyi asked curiously: "Is there anything interesting to share?"

Mu Xiaoxi frowned and said: "Yes, we often laugh together, and we have too many happy times."

The corner of Chu Yiyi's mouth raised slightly: "Say it quickly, I can't wait."

Mu Xiaoxi recalled: "Once we went to the amusement park, he was very naughty and deliberately chose the most exciting roller coaster. I have always been afraid of roller coasters, but seeing him so excited, I am too embarrassed to say no."

Chu Yiyi asked curiously: "Then what happened when you were riding the roller coaster? Are you scared?"

Mu Xiaoxi bit her lips: "Yes, I was really scared at first, and I didn't dare to open my eyes. But seeing him sitting next to me so happy, I'm too embarrassed to be too cowardly."

Chu Yiyi smiled and said, "And then? When you were riding the roller coaster?"

Mu Xiaoxi said excitedly: "Later, when the roller coaster started to run wildly, I suddenly discovered that such an exciting experience is actually quite fun. I screamed with him, and it felt like I was back in my childhood."

Chu Yiyi laughed and said: "It seems that the two of you are really naughty with each other and laugh together."

Mu Xiaoxi nodded: "Yes, we are always happy together. Another time, he secretly bought two balloons, one is a giant panda and the other is a little pig. He said, the giant panda is me, and the little pig is He. Although I feel a little childish, I am still very happy."

Chu Yiyi smiled and said, "What a sweet couple, the themes of the balloons are all cute animals."

Mu Xiaoxi smiled: "Yes, he can always bring me a lot of surprises and happiness. Every day is very happy, and I feel really happy."

Chu Yiyi said enviously: "I really envy you for being able to find such happiness. I hope I can also have such good luck."

Mu Xiaoxi said encouragingly: "You will definitely, you are so outstanding, you will definitely find someone worthy of your love."

Chu Yiyi smiled and nodded: "Thank you for your blessings, I will work hard." Seeing Mu Xiaoxi's happy expression, she also felt warm in her heart, and hoped that she could find someone who would make her happy in the future .

The two continued to chat, sharing each other's joy and happiness.The friendship between them is stronger because of each other's support and understanding, making each other's life more fulfilling and beautiful.

Chu Yiyi sighed, her expression was a bit complicated, Mu Xiaoxi was keenly aware of her emotional changes, and asked with concern: "What's the matter, is there anything bothering you?"

Chu Yiyi said in a somewhat secretive way: "Oh, it's nothing, maybe it's because I've been busy with work recently and I'm a little tired."

Mu Xiaoxi frowned dissatisfied: "Don't hide from me, we are good friends, you can tell me anything."

Chu Yiyi looked at Mu Xiaoxi's firm eyes, and smiled helplessly: "Well, I've actually been a little troubled recently."

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