fiery white rose

Chapter 207 Beauty

Shen Ye nodded: "Yes, I believe you are a very interesting and lovely person, but sometimes we also have to consider the impact on our friends. I know you are good friends, and I don't want you to change yourself, I just hope When you get along with Xiaoxi, you can also take her feelings and needs into consideration."

Chu Yiyi said seriously: "Don't worry, I will pay attention. Xiaoxi and I are sincere good friends, and I will not let her suffer any negative influence."

Hearing Chu Yiyi's assurance, Shen Ye felt much relieved.He knew that Chu Yiyi was a kind and sincere person, she would think about the happiness of her friends and would not intentionally hurt Mu Xiaoxi.

"Thank you, Yiyi. I believe that you are a good friend, and I also believe that you will always maintain a sincere friendship." Shen Ye said sincerely.

Chu Yiyi smiled and said, "You're welcome, I will always be with Xiaoxi and cheer for her."

Hearing this, Shen Ye couldn't help showing a gratified smile: "Okay, then I'll leave it to you. Thank you for your understanding and support."

Shen Ye was a little surprised and amused after hearing Mu Xiaoxi's words.He smiled and said, "Oh, so that's the case. That's good, I don't have to worry about it."

Mu Xiaoxi curled her lips and said with a smile: "Don't think too much, Yiyi just likes to read novels written by wealthy CEOs, that's why she's interested in the young master of the Shen family. Don't take her seriously."

Shen Ye nodded with a smile: "Okay, I won't think about it any more. But speaking of it, my surname is Shen, and your surname is Shen. What a coincidence."

Mu Xiaoxi looked at Shen Ye with disbelief, and she said mockingly: "You are also called Shen? Then I really don't believe it. The eldest son of the Shen family is a legendary rich man. Look at you, how can you be so ordinary? It's him?"

Shen Ye said tentatively: "Maybe, maybe it's not him, but maybe it's his relatives or something."

Mu Xiaoxi smiled disdainfully: "It's nonsense, the eldest son of the Shen family is such a famous person, how could he have anything to do with an ordinary office worker like me? Your imagination is really rich enough."

Shen Ye was amused by Mu Xiaoxi's words, he smiled and said: "Yeah, I was thinking too much. I admit that I am not a rich man, but I promise that I will treat you well and let you live a happy life life."

After listening to Shen Ye's words, Mu Xiaoxi showed a happy smile on his face: "I know, you have treated me very well. I don't need a rich man, as long as I have you by my side, I am already very satisfied."

Chu Yiyi echoed on the phone: "Yes, Xiaoxi, you should cherish Shen Ye, he is a very good man."

Mu Xiaoxi nodded: "Well, I know, I will cherish him well."

Shen Ye looked at Mu Xiaoxi, eyes full of affection: "I will always be by your side, no matter what happens, I will never leave you."

Mu Xiaoxi felt Shen Ye's sincerity and firmness, and she held Shen Ye's hand tightly: "I believe in you, and I also believe that our future will be better."

On the other end of the phone, Chu Yiyi listened to the conversation between the two, and couldn't help sighing: "I really envy you for having such a relationship."

Shen Ye smiled and said: "You will have it too, as long as you believe, happiness will come to you."

After listening to Shen Ye's words, Chu Yiyi nodded secretly in her heart. She decided to work hard to find her own happiness.

At this moment, Shen Ye decided to temporarily give up the idea of ​​confessing in his heart.He feels that the most important thing now is to accompany and love Mu Xiaoxi, so that she can feel happy and safe.He knew that everything would be unraveled slowly, and when the time was right, he would tell Mu Xiaoxi everything frankly.

And Mu Xiaoxi also decided to believe in her choice, believe in Shen Ye's love for her, and firmly move towards a happy future.

In this beautiful love, they will face the challenges of life together and spend every beautiful moment together.They believe that as long as they trust and support each other, they will be able to create their own happy ending together.

Mu Xiaoxi frowned as she watched the low battery warning displayed on the phone screen.She smiled at Chu Yiyi and said: "Yiyi, my phone is out of battery, it seems that I have to chat with you another day."

Chu Yiyi nodded understandingly: "It's okay, Xiaoxi, it's normal for the phone to run out of battery. We'll talk another day, but you have to remember to charge it in time."

Mu Xiaoxi smiled and said, "Of course, I will remember. You have to take care of yourself too, don't go to bed too late."

Chu Yiyi responded gently: "Don't worry, I will rest early. Xiaoxi, you have to take good care of yourself, don't be too tired."

Mu Xiaoxi nodded: "Okay, I will pay attention. Yiyi, thank you for always being with me and supporting me."

Chu Yiyi smiled and said: "Fool, we are good friends, you are welcome. I am very glad to be best friends with you. The time we spent together are good memories."

Grateful light flashed in Mu Xiaoxi's eyes: "Yes, I'm also very lucky to have such a good friend as you. Every time I'm with you, I feel very happy, you always bring me happiness and laughter .”

Chu Yiyi also sighed: "Me too, every time I am with you, I feel very relaxed and happy. You are a kind, cute and interesting girl, and I like you very much."

Mu Xiaoxi smiled and said, "I like you too, Yiyi. We are both lucky to each other. It really makes me feel very happy to have a good friend like you."

Chu Yiyi held Mu Xiaoxi's hand, her eyes were full of affection: "Xiaoxi, no matter where we go in the future, I hope we can always be good friends and accompany each other through every moment."

Mu Xiaoxi held Chu Yiyi's hand tightly, and said with a smile, "I hope so too, Yiyi. No matter what happens, you are my best friend, and I will always cherish our friendship."

The two best friends looked at each other and smiled, silently exchanging many emotions that are difficult to express in words.We all know that this friendship is so precious and priceless.

In the end, Chu Yiyi smiled and said, "Okay, go charge your batteries quickly. Let's talk another day, have a good rest, good night."

Mu Xiaoxi also smiled and said, "Okay, good night, Yiyi."

The two best friends said goodbye to each other and hung up the phone.They secretly swear to each other that no matter what changes and challenges there will be in the future, they will firmly guard each other's friendship and walk through every good time together forever.

Mu Xiaoxi smiled and said, "Okay, I have to take a shower." She gently squeezed Shen Ye's cheek, then turned and walked to the bathroom.

Shen Ye nodded, watching Mu Xiaoxi disappear behind the bathroom door with light steps.There was a warm feeling in his heart, he felt that he was really happy to have such a gentle and lovely girl by his side.

After a while, the bathroom door slowly opened, and Mu Xiaoxi came out from inside.Mu Xiaoxi's appearance at this moment is really heart-warming. Her hair is wet and sticks to her forehead, and a loose bun is casually tied behind her back, which looks extraordinarily fresh and natural.The water droplets dripped on her skin, exuding a crystal light, like pearls scattered on her body.

Mu Xiaoxi was wearing a light blue pajamas, which looked loose, but it was this casual dress that made her figure even more slender and charming.Vaguely, Shen Ye could see her slender legs and a little bit of white skin, which made people's heart beat wildly.

With a slight blush on her face, she looked delicate and lovely.The drops of water dripped on her cheeks, like the most delicate dewdrops, embellishing her face.Her eyes were bright and moist, as if they contained crystal tears, which made people want to wipe them away.

Seeing Shen Ye staring blankly at him, Mu Xiaoxi couldn't help but smile: "What's the matter, are you staring dumbfounded again?"

Shen Ye was short of breath, he stood up and walked in front of Mu Xiaoxi.He gently stroked Mu Xiaoxi's cheek, his voice trembling: "You are so beautiful."

Mu Xiaoxi lowered her head shyly, her cheeks turned even redder: "Don't praise me like that, I'm even embarrassed."

Shen Ye leaned close to her ear and said softly: "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, whether it is inside or outside, you make my heart beat."

Mu Xiaoxi felt Shen Ye's tenderness and sincerity, and her heart beat faster and faster.She raised her head, looked at Shen Ye's affectionate eyes, and quietly cupped his cheek.

At that moment, time seemed to stand still.The hearts of the two are tightly attached to each other, as if they have merged into one.

Shen Ye hugged her tenderly, as if he wanted to hold her in his arms forever.Their bodies are pressed together, and the warmth and emotion between them are intertwined, making them feel the power of love.

This is a special moment between them. The scene of the beauty coming out of the bath, the touching appearance, and the deep love all make their love sweeter and more romantic.They believe that this love will be with them forever.

After Mu Xiaoxi calmed down, she looked at Shen Ye seriously and said: "What you said is also reasonable. We are both married. I don't know where my in-law's house is. It's really embarrassing. I think I should go to live in my in-law's house for a while. Get to know the environment and get to know your family.”

Shen Ye nodded and said in agreement: "Well, you are right. Actually, I have been thinking about this issue, after all, we are already married, and it will be a matter of time before you meet my family."

Mu Xiaoxi smiled, and a shyness flashed in her eyes: "Then when do you think it's more appropriate for me to go?"

Shen Ye pondered for a while, and said: "I think it's best to go before we arrange the wedding, so that you can take advantage of the gap between wedding preparations and give you enough time to familiarize yourself with the environment of your in-law's family, and you can also communicate with your family more. "

Mu Xiaoxi nodded in agreement: "Yes, this timing is pretty good. Then when shall we go?"

Shen Ye thought for a while, and then said: "We can go this weekend, so that we can have a week before the wedding."

Mu Xiaoxi nodded: "Okay, then it will be this weekend. What gifts do you think I need to bring to meet your family?"

Shen Ye smiled and said: "Your arrival is the best gift, but if you want to bring some small gifts to show your affection, that's okay. You can consider bringing some fruits or pastries, your family will like it. "

Mu Xiaoxi nodded: "Okay, I will consider preparing some gifts. Also, I don't know where your home is yet, so you have to tell me the address."

Shen Ye took out his mobile phone with a smile, and told Mu Xiaoxi the address of his home: "Okay, I've sent you the address. Write it down first, and I'll accompany you when it's time to leave."

Mu Xiaoxi took the phone with a smile and nodded: "Okay, I will write it down. Shen Ye, I'm a little nervous."

Shen Ye held her hand gently: "Don't be nervous, don't worry too much, I will accompany you, let's go to meet my family together. They will definitely like you."

Mu Xiaoxi's mood gradually calmed down, and she felt the warmth and support of Shen Ye.She knew that no matter where she was, as long as Shen Ye was by her side, she would feel at ease and happy.

"Thank you, Shen Ye. With you by my side, I feel so at ease." Mu Xiaoxi said softly.

Shen Ye hugged her tightly, and said softly: "Fool, I will always be by your side and accompany you through every stage. We will always be happy."

The two hugged each other, and their hearts were closely connected.They knew that the upcoming trip to their husband's family would be an important milestone, but they believed that with each other's company and love, they would be able to overcome this challenge and move towards a better future.

Shen Ye watched Mu Xiaoxi walk into the bedroom, and he secretly rejoiced that there were still a few days before the family could prepare for Mu Xiaoxi's arrival, so it should be in time.He knew that the most important thing now was to ensure that Mu Xiaoxi would not discover his identity, and that no details would reveal his flaws.

He walked back to the living room, sat on the sofa, and began to think about how to arrange this meeting.He felt that it was best to introduce the family to Mu Xiaoxi first, so that she could have a preliminary understanding of the family.At the same time, he also needs to remind his family members to pay attention to their words and deeds, so as to avoid accidentally revealing their identity when communicating with Mu Xiaoxi.

"Fortunately, there are still a few days." Shen Ye whispered to himself.He decided to discuss with his family within the next few days and make a reasonable plan.They need to be prepared to let Mu Xiaoxi feel the warmth and friendliness of his family. At the same time, they must also pay attention to controlling their speech and behavior and not revealing any information about their identity.

Shen Ye turned on the computer and began to write down the family introduction and meeting plan.He feels that this meeting is very important to their future, and he cannot take it lightly.He wanted to make sure that Mu Xiaoxi had a good impression of her family and made her feel that they were kind and friendly people who were worthy of trust.

He thought carefully about the wording of each sentence, and the information to be revealed.He hoped that his family members could learn more about Mu Xiaoxi when they met, and at the same time, pay attention to protecting his identity.It's a delicate balance, but he believes that as long as everyone works together, everything will work out smoothly.

Shen Ye thought of the days when he met Mu Xiaoxi, and his heart felt warm. (end of this chapter)

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