Evil star life?The rebirth space is against the sky, directly becoming a god

Chapter 257 Please Your Majesty Make General Humian the King of Zhennan

The passive situation of the soldiers was reversed after Hu Shuai escaped, and Xiao Jin killed those evil soldiers by himself.

After clearing away the evil soldiers, it would be much easier to deal with the controlled zombie soldiers. Xiao Jin threw out the powder and fell down a large piece.

Without the control of Hu Shuai and the evil soldiers, the zombie soldiers are just puppets without thinking, standing blankly in place one by one.

Until Xiao Ningyin and Shangguan Yuan arrived and took out the antidote, the soldiers took the antidote to detoxify the zombie soldiers.

When the manipulated soldiers and civilians woke up, they were terrified and thought they were dreaming.

They only remember what happened before they were poisoned, and they don't know anything about what happened after they were poisoned.

Some people were so shocked that they couldn't recover for a long time after knowing that they had left their homeland thousands of miles away.

After Xiao Ningyin and Shangguan Yuan sent the antidote to other places, they returned to Lingdu.

In Lingdu City, the people woke up from their sleep and heard that the evil lord drugged the people and soldiers and turned them into puppets to attack Lingdu.

For a while, people were in panic, afraid that the war would come to their doorstep.

Families with males in the family are still worried that the imperial court will conscript soldiers, and they are all worried all day long.

Just when everyone was in a panic, the imperial army returned triumphantly, which was the sound of nature to everyone.

It didn't take long for the stories of the heroic battles between the generals and the evil soldiers to spread. Among them, the battle between Xiao Jin, who was wearing a fox mask, and the fox commander was the most attractive, and everyone talked about it.

Hu Shuai, but a powerful general under the evil lord, the emperor's personal guard who also wore a fox mask actually injured him. Everyone is very curious about who the emperor's personal guard wearing a fox mask is?

Thousands of miles away, Hu Shuai couldn't muster any more strength, and fell under a cliff.

Hu Shuai sat slumped in the grass, he didn't even have the strength to take out the hemostatic powder and sprinkle it on the wound.

He looked at the sky blankly, feeling so powerless for the first time.

Why is the true energy in his body constantly passing away?He could even truly feel that his strength had dropped a lot.

Even though Hu Shuai was thinking about it, he couldn't think that Xiao Jin's sword was coated with poison that eroded the power of the evil race.


The howling of wolves made Hu Shuai's hair stand on end, and he looked in horror at the wild wolves running towards him.

He watched helplessly as the wild wolf bit his body, but he didn't have any strength to resist.

The wild wolves ate up all the flesh and blood on Hu Shuai's body, but they were extremely disgusted with his heart. They stomped and kicked his heart and then walked away.

After the wild wolf left, Sang Ying came out from behind the rock. She looked at her beating heart suspiciously, thought for a while and said, "Forget it, go back and ask the young master what's going on?"

She took out a wooden box and put Hu Shuai's heart in it, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

In the evil domain, the evil master stumbled back to the holy palace where he lived.

"Mo Xin! Quickly pass on Mo Xin!" The evil lord fell powerlessly on his large buckskin bed, his eyelids became heavier and heavier, as if they were about to close forever in the next moment.

Mo Xin got the news, and quickly came to the evil master's bedroom, looking at the evil master lying on the bed, he was more anxious than everyone else.

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Mo Xin quickly ran to the evil lord, took his pulse, and looked at his eyelids, and then reported to the late wife of the evil lord: "Ma'am, the evil lord He was poisoned by a poison that consumed his strength, this kind of poison has never been seen before, and the process of developing the antidote may take a little longer."

Mrs. Xiezhu nodded indifferently: "Well, I see, you can go down!"

Mo Xin retreated to the gate, then slowly turned around and walked towards his pharmacy.

Mo Xin went to the pharmacy, closed the doors and windows, covered her mouth and laughed after making sure no one was peeping.

Evil Lord, Evil Lord, no matter how powerful you are, so what?With them joining hands with the young lord, sooner or later the evil lord's myth of immortality will become a joke!
In Lingdu, the emperor has rewarded everyone who has contributed to the evil army of the evil lord of hell this time.

In terms of rewards for meritorious deeds, there is nothing to say about this matter.

The problem lies in the fact that the emperor named a new king of Zhennan, and when the name of the king of Zhennan was uttered, it was so shocking that the government and the public were stunned.

"Have you heard? Your Majesty has appointed another King of Zhennan."

"Guess what is Zhennan King's name?"

"Xiao Jin!"

"Hasn't Xiao Jin been dead for more than three years? Where is there anyone who pursues the dead as King of Zhennan?"

"Isn't it? Because of this incident, all the ministers of the imperial court went to the palace today. I don't know how lively the Imperial Study Room is at this time."

The fact is as everyone guessed, the emperor's imperial study room is almost overcrowded at the moment.

"Your Majesty, even if Princess Mingzhu has made contributions to the country, you can't make a dead man King of Zhennan, right?" Taiwei Hua said fiercely to the emperor sitting on the dragon chair: "It's unfair for Your Majesty to favor Princess Mingyue like this." ah!"

"Your Majesty, what the Taiwei said is correct." Lingjun Wang said with a heartbroken look: "Your Majesty appointed a man who had been dead for three years as the King of Zhennan, but the real meritorious officials were not rewarded. This is not to let the soldiers Are you cold?"

"Oh! Didn't I reward any meritorious minister?" The emperor silently listened to the courtiers denouncing him in the imperial study for a long time, and finally gave a little reaction.

"The general wearing the fox mask?" Lingjun Wang said triumphantly: "He fought against the fox commander, and tens of thousands of troops witnessed it, but His Majesty's imperial decree did not mention the general's achievements. What is chilling?"

Taiwei Hua also quickly echoed: "I request that Xiao Jin be awarded to the general wearing a fox mask."

"Please Your Majesty seal General Humian as Zhennan King!"

"Please Your Majesty seal General Humian as Zhennan King!"

In an instant, dozens of ministers knelt in front of the emperor.

The emperor looked at the kneeling important officials of the court, and then at the expressionless Lord of the Town Xiao Qi, his face was very exciting.

These ministers who were kneeling on the ground were all at odds with Duke Zhen. They thought they were smart to ask for credit for General Fox Face, but they just wanted to win over that "Fox Face" General.

The emperor's expression was unclear, and he looked at the coldness on the faces of these courtiers: "Hehe! According to what the adults said, is it true that if I don't designate General Humian as King of Zhennan, he will be divorced from me in the future and will never treat me again. Am I loyal?"

"Your Majesty, of course General Fox Face is loyal to His Majesty." Seeing that the emperor was already angry, Hua Taiwei still bit the bullet and said: "You can't just because he is loyal, His Majesty won't be clear about rewards and punishments!"

The emperor nodded slightly: "Well, after thinking about it, I think that what you Ai Qing said is right, then make General Humian the King of Zhennan!"

Immediately afterwards, the emperor looked at Xiao Qi who had been silent all this time: "Duke Zhen, do you have any objection to the change of my order?"

Xiao Qi made a salute to the emperor: "I have no objection!"

"Okay!" The emperor nodded: "The fox-faced general stepped forward to accept the seal!"

"Da da da~" After a burst of sonorous footsteps, the tall and mighty figure of the fox-faced general appeared in front of everyone.

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