Chapter 206 Despicable and Shameless Person

A group of them came to the rockery in the garden of Wei Mansion, and saw that Wei Chengyi and Wei Chenghong were both tied up and thrown on the rockery.

The two children had woken up at this moment, seeing Wei Congwen and Wei Wenyao shouting anxiously: "Grandpa, Daddy, save us!"

"Hahahaha!" Wei Congwen looked at the two grandsons who were trembling with fear, and laughed happily: "Cheng Yi, Cheng Hong, don't be afraid! You will be free in another hour. Don't worry, grandfather and your father , how could it harm you?"

Wei Chengyi is almost ten years old, and he doesn't really believe Wei Congwen's words.

He tearfully asked, "Since you won't harm my brother and me, why did you tie us up? Also, why did you tie up little Molin?"

Wei Chengyi's eyes fell on Xiao Molin who was tied up in the hands of the guards, and tears flowed out disobediently.

"Is what my sister said is true? How many people are you really going to kill our mother and son?"

When Wei Chengyi said this, he suddenly widened his eyes and glared at Wei Congwen: "Where is my sister Xu'er? Where did you hide her?"

Wei Wenyao chuckled, looked up at Wei Chengyi and said, "Yi'er, Master Jing Xian likes Xu'er so much, and wants to take her as his apprentice. Xu'er is now in Bishui Nunnery."

"What?" Wei Chengyi suddenly stared at his red eyes angrily like crazy: "Wei Wenyao, Wei Congwen, you are not human! You are animals! What is Bishui Temple? Do you think I don't know?"

"People say that the poison of a tiger does not eat its offspring, what about you? Even your own flesh and blood will not be spared! Wei Congwen, Wei Wenyao, just wait, the Wei family will have retribution! You will all die! You will all die~"

"Xu'er, who is going to save Xu'er? I beg you." Wei Chengyi cried into tears, and his voice became smaller and smaller.

He heard from his classmates in the academy that Bishui Temple looks bright and beautiful, but in fact it is full of bad water.Every night, Bishui Temple is the world of bad guys.

Those ladies and wives who were sent to Bishui Nunnery to practice cultivation eventually became prostitutes.

Wei Chengyi didn't believe that his father and grandfather didn't know what he knew as a child.

He thought of the inexplicably missing classmate again, and couldn't help but shudder.

Before the classmate disappeared, he said that his father and grandfather conspired to kill him, saying that as long as he died, his family's luck would be better and more prosperous.

Wei Chengyi suddenly felt that he was following in the footsteps of his classmates.

Wei Congwen glanced at Brother Wei Chengyi coldly, took the wood and went up to the rockery himself and started beating on it.

After the three stakes were laid, the three brothers Wei Chengyi were tied to the stakes.

The sun was getting hotter and hotter. Wei Congwen and Wei Wenyao, father and son, were sitting under the eaves drinking tea and chatting, waiting for Mrs. Jingxian to arrive.

The three brothers Wei Chengyi were limp from the sun, and they might faint from heatstroke at any time.

A group of people in Zhen Guogong's mansion watched this scene and wanted to rush forward to save people, but they were stopped by Xiao Ningyin.

With a flick of her finger, the noses of Wei Chengyi and the three brothers were stained with medicinal powder for understanding heat. With these medicinal powders, they would be fine even if they were exposed to the scorching sun for ten hours.

Xiao Ningyin said: "Eldest aunt, second aunt, fourth aunt, brother Cheng Yi, they are still descendants of the Wei family after all. If we make a move now, they may not believe our words."

"It's better to wait until the last moment, when their brothers can see clearly the true face of their grandparents, grandparents, and daddy, then it won't be too late for us to save them."

"I'm afraid that I saved them too early, so I saved a few enemies for Duke Zhen's mansion instead."

Everyone knew that what Xiao Ningyin said was reasonable, and they all held a bad breath in their hearts.

The waiting time is always very difficult. It seems that they have waited for a century, but they still haven't waited for the shadow of Mrs. Jingxian.

At this moment, above the court, the emperor decreed that the eldest prince, Long Cheng, would return and choose a date to be crowned prince. The entire court was in an uproar, and the ministers were neither surprised nor surprised.

The news that Grand Master Yan's son strictly offended the First Prince yesterday has long been rumored.

The Procuratorate and the Ministry of Punishment were quick enough to investigate Grand Master Yan's roots overnight.

Coupled with the blessing of Xiao Ningyin's Zhenhua Pill, Grand Master Yan and Yan Jing themselves explained everything.

Early this morning, the Procuratorate and the Ministry of Criminal Justice announced Grand Master Yan and his rigorous confession and the crimes they committed. Only then did everyone know that Grand Master Yan, who has always been so peaceful, is actually such a despicable and shameless person!
When Taishi Yan was young, he fell in love with the teacher's daughter. He knelt down and proposed marriage to the teacher. The teacher took pity on him and married the daughter who was raised on the cusp of his heart.

Three years later, Taishi Yan participated in the government examination, and was favored by the magistrate again, and wanted to recruit him as his son-in-law.In order to get the support of the magistrate, Taishi Yan returned to his hometown, poisoned the teacher's daughter, and then put the crime on the classmate who once admired his wife.

Grand Master Yan Ruyi married the prefect's daughter, Chunfeng proudly took his wife to the imperial capital to take the exam, passing through Qinghe County, the husband and wife stayed in the first family Ma's house in the middle of the night.

Here I have to say that Taishi Yan had to be talented and good-looking when he was young, Ma Huiwen, the eldest lady of the Ma family, fell in love with Taishi Yan at a glance.

On the second day, the two of them recited poems and argued against each other after the Ma family made an appointment at dusk, so they were very romantic and happy.

When Taishi Yan and the magistrate's daughter left Ma's house, Taishi Yan had already made up his plan.

The two passed through Luoyunpo, the magistrate's daughter was kidnapped by bandits, and her life and death were uncertain, but Taishi Yan pretended to be injured and fled back to Ma's house for help.

Later, it was reported that the magistrate's daughter couldn't bear the humiliation and was killed in Luoyunpo. Ma Wenhui accompanied Grand Master Yan every day in the name of comfort.

After Grand Master Yan Sanyuan became the first emperor, he went to the Ma family in Qinghe County to marry the eldest lady Ma Wenhui.

From then on, Ma Wenhui became the wife of Taishi Yan and gave birth to several children including Yan Qiuchan and Yan Jing.

Just the case of Taishi Yan planning to kill his two wives is enough to get his head.

Not to mention, he once assassinated upright officials, blamed his subordinates, and secretly instigated the second prince, Long Cheng, to compete with Long Yi for the crown prince.

However, there is even more breaking news that the poison that the eldest prince Long Cheng suffered back then was actually administered by Grand Master Yan.The death of the first empress was also related to Grand Master Yan,
The emperor was very angry when he heard it.

He immediately decreed that Taishi Yan committed a heinous crime, and all his families were copied and executed.

After the morning court, Long Cheng rushed to Zhen Guogong's mansion. He sat in front of Xiao Bingyan and told all the evil things that Grand Master Yan had done one by one.

"It's that old thief Yan Huai who killed my queen mother." Long Cheng covered his face with his hands, his shoulders twitched and began to cry: "I never imagined how a person could be so bad ?”

"It's all because of him that I lost my home, my mother, and became an orphan."

(End of this chapter)

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