The boss raises cubs in Interstellar and repairs desolate stars to make money

Chapter 229 Primary Election Guard Team (Monthly Pass Monthly Pass, Please Support

"My lord, have you finished reading that story? I wonder if I can teach you anything?"

With the appearance of the leader of Wenjiao, the members of this traceability group went crazy.

Some asked the leader for his knowledge of literature, and some asked for his opinion.

Of course, I want to know more about how the other party views the mythical story of "Pangu Kaitian".

Well, there is no mythology in Interstellar, it is replaced by magic.

Wenjiao leader: "Sorry, I just saw it too, and I don't dare to express my opinions at will."

"Instead of asking me here, everyone, you might as well read this story a few times yourself, study it carefully and think carefully."

"I believe that as long as we read this story thoroughly, we will definitely get unexpected gains from it."



"My lord is right. The young ones must read carefully, understand and analyze carefully, and absorb useful knowledge."

"My lord, please rest assured, we will seriously trace the source of the story based on this story, and find the inheritance of the ancestors of the Star People."

"I also hope that the leader will share his experience. I hope we can find the clues we want from this story and trace the traces of our ancestors."

At the same time, some people in the group of literature lovers are discussing this story.

To be honest, interstellar technology is very advanced, but literature is very lacking.

In recent decades, the interstellar living conditions are relatively stable, and people have the opportunity to pursue spiritual enjoyment.

Life settled down, and a group of star people who love literature began to become active in the star people.

These people have successively created some acceptable literary works, and have become the most influential group of people in the literary circles of the Interstellar Federation.

"Everyone, go to the Xingwang literature section to read a story called "Pangu Opens the Sky". The things in it are really interesting."

"You don't need to say that we have already seen it. It is really interesting and bold, but it is a bit incomprehensible."

"I read it three times in a row, and I'm still going on. I won't tell you, I feel that I can find new inspiration from this story."

"Then I will continue to read. It is rare to have such a miraculous story, so I can't miss it."


Tu Youyou didn't know how much disturbance one of his fairy tales had caused on StarNet.

At this moment, she was leaning on the bedside and looking through the letter Qin Heng sent her, that she could become a member of the guard team.

These were given to her in the form of a team, and Tu Youyou also saw a few familiar names from them.

For example, "Hongfan Wine Mercenary Corps", there is a parenthesis next to the word (female).

Another example is the "Conquest Mercenary Corps", "Changyou Mercenary Corps"...etc, they are all mercenary regiments.

And there are three women's legions, and the remaining twelve are all men's legions.

After reading the fifteen legions recommended by Qin Heng, Tu Youyou checked the information of these legions on the star network, as well as the star people's evaluation of them.

Judging from the star network alone, the word-of-mouth of these legions has both good and bad, and it is really impossible to obtain useful information for her to choose for a while.

After a little hesitation, she carefully read the information about the fifteen legions sent by Qin Heng.

Qin Heng's evaluation of them was very pertinent, without any personal preferences.

It seems that Tu Youyou still thinks that the information provided by Qin Heng is of more reference value.

After that, she went to the public accounts of the legions officially certified by the star network to learn about the information of these legions.

Sometimes, something can still be seen in the public account.

In this way, Tu Youyou spent about five hours to screen, and finally selected two women's corps and three men's corps.

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