Dressed as a sick and charming emperor's uncle's palm pet

Chapter 212 The Modern Chapter: QELEGANT'S TOP COSTUMER

Chapter 212 Modern Chapter: Q.ELEGANT's Top Costume Designer
boom -

The thunder was deafening, and the bean-sized raindrops crackled and smashed on the glass windows along with the dazzling lightning. The curtains in the room were drawn but the lights were not turned on. Only the computer on the dining table was shining continuously.

Suddenly, the head lying in front of the computer shook.

Shu Nuo frowned and slowly got up from the computer desk, bent his arms to support his head, his head felt dizzy intermittently, the rain outside the window seemed to be falling harder, and the rhythm of hitting the glass windows became more chaotic.

What's wrong with her...

Shu Nuo rubbed his hair and pulled down the desk lamp. The yellowish warm light dispelled a small piece of darkness, but it was enough to look around. There were black and white sofas, plush blankets, and an oil painting of ocean waves hung on the 32-inch LCD TV.

Looking down, a mess of design drawings were thrown everywhere, some without sleeves, some without skirts, and some even after the design was complete, they were painted with layers of black circles with black pen , but these drawings are all ancient costumes without exception.

Picking up these blueprints and looking at the copywriting that said 'the general style of the villain's costumes in "Beauty's Scheme"', I was in a daze.

She, a senior costume designer of Q.ELEGANT, was specially invited to join a production crew with an investment of 7000 million yuan to do costume design and film and television photo shooting. The daughter of a business executive, the lineup can be described as strong.

But the battle is stronger, and it's even harder to serve.

The eyes are more sinister than the other,
The preliminary costume design of her character alone has been returned six times, the reason is very simple 'the designed style does not conform to the character set in the book at all, I suggest you read more books when you have free time, and learn to read by the way'.

I know you ****
Calm down, for the money!

Shu Nuo took a deep breath and faced the computer again. The page unfolded was the novel content of "The Beauty". She has now read that the heroine is reborn and the hero loves and kills each other. When the villain is also interested in her, slide the mouse to Jing scrolled down, and paused when her eyes fixed on the name of the big villain 'Chu Jiangsu'.

Her heart speeded up uncontrollably, and the picture in her head kept flickering. It was the 'dream' she had just now, and being in the scene was enough to make it look like a real 'dream'.

"Shu Nuo, calm down." She was a little irritated, "There is no such thing as time travel in this world, there is no such thing as transmigration, and you are not allowed to become a master after the founding of the country, have you forgotten all these things?"

Get up and go to the refrigerator to get a can of Sprite.


The phone muffled.

Shu Nuo raised his head and took another sip of Sprite, picked up his phone and connected it: "Hello."

"My cousin Shu, where are you?!"

Shu Nuo was taken aback, and took the phone away to see the word 'Lin Zhong' printed on the screen, oh...it was her cousin who never died.

"Is there a problem?"

A few mouthfuls of ice and snow made his head clearer, and Shu Nuo sat back at the computer desk and asked while brushing the novel.

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to be jumping anxiously, "Why are you so calm?! Do you know what day it is today?!"

Shu Nuo: "If it's not the day for you to die in peace, then there is nothing to worry about."

Lin Chong: "...The Best Actor Chu! The Great Actor Chu! Today is the day when the Best Actor Chu will take a photo shoot. Where are your clothes and your manuscript?! My aunt, you will not forget, right?!"

Shu Nuo glanced at the date, oh, she really forgot.

"I... I'm ready, I'll take a taxi there later."

"You don't need to take a taxi, I'll be right downstairs from you."


Shu Nuo opened the curtains, and really saw two white BYDs stopping in front of the building with flashing lights. She despised everyone who urged the workers to work, and went back to the living room to turn on the lights. There was a shelf in the center of the off-white floor, elegant The black costume costumes are put on it.

This is her last idea, and it is also one of the more outstanding ones among the many design drafts. She was very satisfied before, but looking at it now...for some reason, she doesn't pinch it anywhere.

Forget it, it’s too late to redraw the draft,

Anyway, there is one thing that can be dealt with first.

She packed up the costumes and drawings neatly, took a windbreaker casually, picked up an umbrella, and went downstairs.

Open the co-pilot and dive in.

"It's not like you that you forget things."

The young man holding the steering wheel tilted his head, his flaxen short short hair drooped slightly to half cover his eyes, Shu Nuo fastened his seat belt and glanced at him sideways: "You actually remember things for me, it's not like you, come on, hold back What is bad water?"

"No way, how is it possible." As he said that, Lin Zhong's eyes lit up suddenly, "Sister, my good sister, can you bring me with you when you join the crew this time?"

Shu Nuo glanced at him: "I'm a producer, not a great director, so what's the use of telling me."

"It doesn't necessarily have to go in." Lin Zhong suddenly said a little shyly, "I just want to meet King Chu, just once! Of course, it would be even better if I could get his autograph."

Shu Nuo's right eyelid twitched suddenly: "Aren't you not chasing stars?"

"No, but I met a sweet girl on the Internet..."

"So you are in such a hurry to pick me up because you want to pick up a girl?"

"Ah, no, the point is that I don't know where I'm going without you leading the way, sister, you can use the navigation."

Shu Nuo: "..."

This kind of cousin can be packed and thrown away.

(End of this chapter)

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