Professor Wen, your little workman is sweet and wild

Chapter 446 Spring passes and summer comes

Spring passes and summer comes.

Ning Beibei lay on the bed in a "big" shape, sighed deeply and rubbed her eyes, "It's 29 degrees indoors. When will we turn on the air conditioner?"

Jian Anran had already changed into short-sleeved pajamas, and gently pressed her cheeks with a wet washcloth, "It's up to you, it's almost time to start."

She threw the washcloth into the trash can and looked at the word document on the computer screen in trance. It wasn't until she heard Ning Beibei's voice that Jian Anran came back to her senses again.

Ning Beibei turned over and looked at Jian Anran who was about to open bottles and cans under the bed, "Can you wash the filter?"

Jian Anran's hand that was still wiping her face stopped momentarily, she looked at Ning Beibei behind her through the mirror, and shook her head blankly.

In previous years, the school would hire a dedicated master to clean the air conditioner, but the efficiency of Luoda University was extremely slow. Every time it was too hot, the hired master would be late.

Ning Beibei was about to suggest that she should hire a master to clean the air conditioner herself, but she suddenly patted her head and then remembered, "Oops!"

Jian Anran had long been used to Ning Beibei's surprises and said disapprovingly: "What are you doing again?"

"Our internship certificate!" Ning Beibei said in a loud voice, "I forgot to get it!"

"Zhang Xiaoxian has been urging me for more than a month, and I always forget about this."

The internship actually ended at the beginning of May, but the counselor didn't press for the internship certificate, so everyone was not in a hurry and did whatever they were supposed to do, and didn't take it to heart at all.

It wasn't until this week that the counselor finally urged everyone in the group that Ning Beibei remembered that she hadn't had time to find Zhang Xiaoxian to get her internship certificate back.

With the communication from Ning Beibei's mother, Jian Anran and Ning Beibei's internship certificates were both opened with the help of Ning Beibei's cousin Zhang Xiaoxian.

Hualing's internship was ruined. She was not a rare talent in the first place. Naturally, no one mentioned Jian Anran's departure. She didn't know why she found out that she had been removed from each work group. Shen Huainan seemed to have disappeared from the world these days and never came to class again. He only had the occasional class where the uninformed elective teacher called him by name, and the name came into everyone's sight again.

But a well-known rich man did not come to class, and everyone was disapproving.

Even when he came to every class before, the classmates were surprised——

Why else would he go to school?

Chu Chen still didn't miss the class, and he was playing around with Jian Anran and Ning Beibei as usual, talking and laughing, but for some reason, they all tacitly agreed not to mention the name Shen Huainan again.

Ning Beibei couldn't hold back and wanted to speak directly several times, but was immediately stopped by Jian Anran. She knew that there were too many unresolved differences between their brothers.

"Hey, let me tell you," Ning Beibei was a little impatient under the boulevard, "Is Shen Huainan some kind of Voldemort? Will he be cursed if he mentions his name? You can't even ask this?"

Jian Anran shook her head and was silent for a long time, staring blankly at the green leaves falling on the ground.

"Let me ask you," Ning Beibei said impatiently, "Why don't you let me ask about Shen Huainan's current situation?"

Thinking that Jian Anran would not answer again, just when Ning Beibei was about to give up, she suddenly heard her voice again.

"I always feel that...he is probably doing something that he doesn't want others to know."

"Or," Jian Anran said seriously, "it's something you don't want us to know."

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