Hearing such powerful words as "declaring sovereignty", the whole tea room was boiling instantly. Some colleagues even stuck their heads out and looked around to see that no one was paying attention. Then they cautiously stepped forward and closed the glass door of the tea room.

"Elaborate! Secretary Li, please!" The colleague clasped his hands together, closed his eyes tightly, and looked pious.

Secretary Li looked a little embarrassed and hesitated for a long time, "Aren't you busy this morning?"

Another colleague who leaned all his body weight on the bar slowly said, "It's not like you don't know the leader of our second department. No matter how efficient you are, when it's time to get off work, you have to arrange something for you to stay." work overtime."

"We might as well start messing around during the day, since we have to stay and stay up late anyway."

After he finished speaking, there was silence again in the tea room, and everyone took a deep breath.

In the construction industry, everyone has been working one DDL after another since their undergraduate days. In fact, they have long been accustomed to such a busy life, and everyone is mentally prepared to work overtime before joining the company.

But I didn’t expect that after joining the company, every day was DDL, and every day seemed to be the last week of the deadline. No matter how efficient you are, there will always be endless work assigned and endless pictures to be revised.

Jian Anran's Construction Department [-] has not seen such a situation yet, but she once witnessed her colleagues from the Construction Department [-] next door finishing their work before leaving work, shutting down the computer, and preparing to pack up and leave. The leader of the Department [-] He suddenly appeared out of nowhere and began to accuse his colleagues of "not having enough work" and lamented, "It's true that young people today can't endure hardship, unlike us back then..."

It is in such a depressing environment that many people in the company dare not leave or refute. There are middle-aged colleagues who are old and young, and who are still burdened with mortgage loans. Everyone is in this square grid made of steel and concrete. Spend every day and night without overtime pay.

And construction, an industry that has been developing rapidly since the last century, is now a highly mature and relatively aging industry. There is no so-called overtime pay. All your hard work will be summed up in what the leaders call "the end of the year." performance".

But how performance is calculated, everyone is still confused.Does it count how many pictures you have drawn?How many texts have you written?

Valin is one of the top Party A companies in the area and has the right to speak. At present, its performance has not been affected by the downturn in the market, so everyone's wages and bonuses are still paid as usual.

But the former colleagues and classmates of these middle-aged colleagues may not be so lucky to be able to board a stable ship like Valin.In the past two years, what everyone has heard most is that which design institute has cut salaries, which institute has laid off employees, and which studio cannot even pay wages.

It's like moving into a nursing home when you are seventy or eighty. The news you hear every day is that an old friend has left again. No one knows whether it will be their turn next.

The few gossips in the company can be said to be the only outlet for colleagues to relieve their boredom and relieve their emotions.

Their lives are so dull that there are no ups and downs, as if the only joy in life must be found from other people.

"The other senior secretaries didn't reveal much to me," Secretary Li finally relented. "I only know that the lady just now was named Li. The other seniors called her 'Mrs. Li' and she was the lover of a certain director."

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