Shen Huainan was very surprised at first to see Jian Anran outside school.Looking at the familiar figure in the distance, he subconsciously stepped forward. After approaching less than five steps, he was stunned for a moment——

What if Jian Anran asked him about the purpose of coming here?
Shen Huainan is not a conceited person, but he knows very well that his background is quite superior. With a strong family background, his personal external conditions are also good. He is often approached by girls and even boys on the street. , Shen Huainan has always been quite confident.

But this incident completely shattered his confidence. He was even ashamed to mention it for a time, as if it was a stain on his life that he couldn't erase no matter how hard he tried.

His mother Kang Shuling has been ill for a while. If it is a physical problem, then Shen Huainan at least knows how to seek medical advice.For people of their class, most diseases are not incurable, and the hospital's VIP channel gives them the green light 24 hours a day.

But what Kang Shuling had was probably a mental illness. Whenever Shen Huainan came home, he would see his mother sitting gloomily on the armchair beside the bed. The air conditioner in her direction was always turned on at full speed, with a blanket covering her knees.

At first she would hold a book, or the kitten Maomao raised by his housekeeper, but gradually, Kang Shuling just looked out the window quietly, not knowing whether it was the rolling hills in the yard or the dragonflies by the pond.

Shen Huainan stood at the door and did not dare to go in. At first, Kang Shuling could react when he called her, but later she even pushed her forward, but she didn't have much reaction.

Shen Huainan privately asked the family doctor. Everyone initially suspected that Kang Shuling had early Alzheimer's disease, but this speculation was quickly ruled out by further examination results.

The housekeeper hesitated for a long time, and finally pulled Shen Huainan aside, "The young lady has a heart problem."

The housekeeper, Ms. Wu, came with the Kang family after Kang Shuling married from Ludao to Luojiang. Kang Shuling's parents were busy with work all year round, and the only person who accompanied Kang Shuling day and night was her nanny, Ms. Wu.

Shen Huainan frowned, "What's wrong with you?"

The housekeeper looked at Kang Shuling who was not far away, sighed, and pulled Shen Huainan out of the room. When she was sure that Kang Shuling didn't notice, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She took out a thick brown paper envelope from the pocket of her coat, "Inside is what the private detective photographed, what happened right under our noses."

Hearing this opening statement, Shen Huainan suddenly understood half of his heart. It turned out that the most bloody thing about the wealthy family finally happened to their family.

I don't know if it was Shen Huainan's own illusion. He even felt that his fingertips were trembling dramatically at this moment. After hesitating for a moment, he still didn't have the courage to open the envelope.

It was as if what was sealed under the envelope was the unhappiness of their family, or the unhappiness of his father. He even held a slight hope in his heart that if he didn't open the envelope, he could pretend that nothing happened.

Inside the unclosed door was Kang Shuling's figure sitting by the window. That unmoving figure was once his most solid support.Shen Huainan's heart was trembling crazily, and thousands of emotions were mixed in his heart in an instant.

"Wow -" He tore open the seal of the envelope, and inside was a thick stack of photos. Inside the photos -

one two Three……

a family of three.

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