Xiong Qingmei looked at Jing Erling like an idiot.She couldn't figure it out.

"In a word, do you dare?" Jing Erling looked at Xiong Qingmei coldly.Of course, she knew that Xiong Qingmei was watching her, but she was destined to fight with Xiong Qingmei for the rest of her life.She didn't want to crawl under Xiong Qingmei's feet like this.If she was suppressed by Xiong Qingmei for the rest of her life, she would say that she would take revenge.She might as well die now.So Jing Erling wanted to fight to see if she had the strength to resist.

Ziyao and her spread some knowledge together, and let Jing Erling know that the most powerful thing in the world is not power, but soul.Of course, not everyone can inspire the power of the soul.Jing Erling can only survive under Xiong Qingmei's oppression if she strengthens her heart.

"Since you want to die, why not?" Xiong Qingmei hated Jing Erling very much.The main reason is that Jing Erling was too vicious and killed many people.She should have died long ago.

As for Fang Quan and Jin Heng, they will not stop Xiong Qingmei's revenge.No matter what, Xiong Qingmei will definitely win.As for him, this person can be eliminated by Xiong Qingmei herself, which can probably make Xiong Qingmei feel less guilty towards the Yutian tribe.

Jin Heng and Fang Quan had already retreated, they looked around cautiously, worried that there were still guards around, and Wu Xuan was also far away.

Jing Erling had already successfully prepared at this time.She lay on the ground with only one head raised, like a ferocious snake ready to strike.

At this time, Xiong Qingmei directly used magic that could specifically restrain half-orcs to deal with her.Even if Jing Erling is fully prepared, Jing Erling's use of special spells will not help.

Jing Erling trembled and twitched under the light of the cane.Her long snake tail left dimples around her because of the pain.The snake's scales began to fall off and blood began to flow from her body.Blood stains flowed from the corner of her mouth continuously, and fell to the ground drop by drop.

"Jing Erling, this is your fate. You have killed so many Yutian people, now it's your turn." Xiong Qingmei said coldly.His heart is not soft at all.To be kind to an enemy is to be cruel to him.Xiong Qingmei will not give Jing Erling another chance.

There was a pool of blood on the ground.Jing Erling couldn't move much.She could only tremble and moan incessantly, as if enduring unbearable pain.Just like this, even though Jing Erling couldn't move, she didn't beg Xiong Qingmei for mercy.Her eyes are always fixed on Xiong Qingmei.

Xue Bing, who was standing in the distance, couldn't help closing his eyes when he saw Jing Erling's appearance.She always looked down on Jing Erling, even when she played chess for her.She doesn't look at such dirty things, but now Jing Erling's will really angered her.This woman is cruel enough.

She doesn't know what suppression is, but there is nothing simple left by the beast gods, such as Baidong's divine punishment, Qingyu's divine fire, and the curse that half-orcs can inherit.Which one is very simple, but Jing Erling disagrees.

Jing Erling felt that her whole body was roasting on the fire, and then gradually she almost had no pain, that is to say, her whole body became lighter, as if she was about to fly, and even her consciousness became weaker. become more and more blurred.Then her consciousness reveals that Ji Woo is dead.Ji Yu kept her alive until she died.Her life was changed by Ji Yu, she can't just die like this.

She will not die like this.So-called curses can also be broken.She is Jing Erling, destined to be Xiong Qingmei's lifelong opponent.How could she lose so easily.

What Jing Erling didn't know was that when she persisted, the power of the orc (orc) beast pill hidden in her body exploded completely, and then continued to swim in her body.Because of this power, the body that was about to collapse began to heal.Although it continues to crumble shortly after it heals, it continues to heal after it crumbles.

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