Chapter 136 Don't You Choose Another One?

Fang Xun asked the adult men and women in the tribe to stand on the altar.Beside the altar are many freshly caught game.People from the tribe gathered around the altar and cheered.

Wanrou stood on the altar and began to pray to the beast god.Wanrou began to sing, praying to the beast god to bless the weather in the coming year, protect the health of the tribal people, and go out to earn enough income.Xiong Qingmei couldn't understand Wan Rou's singing, Wan Rou's singing was a special term used by witch doctors to communicate with beast gods.

Later, the patriarch Fang Xun and the witch doctor told the beast god how many people have grown up in the tribe this year.When the man's name was finished, he prayed to the beast god to bless the people.Xiong Qingmei can point at herself with her gentle fingers.She felt a chill and felt comfortable.

When Wanrou was blessing Xiong Qingmei, the system that had been silent for many days suddenly made a sound.Xiong Qingmei clearly felt that the system was activated, but only heard a heavy sigh from the system, and then went silent again.

"System, what do you mean by saying that?" Xiong Qingmei used the mind communication system.

This system plus her own ideas made Xiong Qingmei very unhappy.

"It's not interesting, but I think your witch doctor is too bad and useless." The system said contemptuously.

"What do you mean?" Wanrou is the only witch doctor in the tribe, and besides the patriarch, the most respected person in the whole tribe.What does it mean that the system suddenly belittles Wanrou?
"You'd better get this over with and we'll talk about it later." The system seemed to be more dynamic this time around.

Although Yin Zhu was full of doubts, he still put the matter aside.Today is her big day, marking that she has grown up and become Fang Quan's partner.She put the matter aside for now.

“Okay, we’ll talk about it next time.” Institutional issues always have to be addressed and shouldn’t be left alone.

Soon, the bar mitzvah is ready, followed by a great tribal celebration where adult females can choose their mates.

Adult males without partners can also bring their own trophies to give to beloved females.If the females like each other, they will accept gifts from each other.

This time there were seven adult females, but there were only five without Jing Erling and Xingmei.There are seventy or eighty adult bachelors in the tribe, so each of them brings his own booty to profess his affections to the females.

Xiong Qingmei didn't know these rules before.She is lazy and doesn't know much about them.Fortunately, Xiong Qingmei supplemented some of this knowledge and finally learned a little bit.

Xiong Qingmei looked at the man in front of him.He found that besides the team leader Fang Quan, there were more than 20 people behind him.Is he that cute?She has too many candidates.

Xiong Qingmei is very happy to know that so many people like him.After all, she's a bit of a vanity.However, she felt that she would explain it to everyone later.Xiong Qingmei didn't like it, and felt that her eyebrows were knotted again.

Thinking of this, Xiong Qingmei hurriedly ran to the male classmate next to Fang Quan and said, "Brothers, I won't choose anyone other than Fang Quan this time. You should go to another place to line up."

Xiong Qingmei also knew that if she said that she would choose a side in her life, it would be too shocking.She's not going to be the lead.Even if she wants to be the lead bird, she has to wait until her strength is strong.She does not intend to lead the clan in a monogamous relationship.The polyandry system of orcs can be said to be the most suitable for the development of the orc world, and she can't destroy it.

The male penguins behind Fang Quan all cried when they heard this.They also know that they don't have the advantages of Fang Quan and Jin Heng, but everyone wants to pursue good things.What if they were lucky?Maybe there is a chance?
"Xiong Qingmei, one party right is not enough. Don't you choose another one?" Some people are unwilling.

(End of this chapter)

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