After Er Ming saw the seven-colored rays of light appear, there was some joy in his eyes.

He first looked at Daming and Aunt Die, with some gratitude in his eyes, and at the same time he also saw Xiaobai who was in a coma.

"Brother Bai, is he okay?"

Er Ming looked in Xiao Bai's direction and asked worriedly.

He knew that he could survive this catastrophe only with the help of Xiaobai, Da Ming and Aunt Die.

"Brother Bai?"

After hearing Er Ming's words, Butterfly Rabbit had some doubts on his face, and then after an instant reaction, the doubts turned into a smile.

"It's okay. There's nothing wrong with you, Brother Bai. It's just because you used too much force during the tribulation. You're still in a coma. You'll wake up soon."

Butterfly Rabbit helped Er Ming, who was worried, to clarify his doubts. After Er Ming heard the answer, he instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Auntie Die, Daming, thank you!"

Er Ming said to Dietu and Daming with grateful eyes and tone.

"There's nothing to thank you for, just because we are good friends. By the way, Er Ming, please absorb this colorful energy. This may allow your bloodline to gain a higher level of atavism."

Butterfly Rabbit looked at it and said jokingly, asking Er Ming to absorb this colorful energy first.

Da Ming also nodded and looked at Er Ming, without saying any other words. He and Er Ming had been friends of life and death for a long time.

Er Ming nodded his head and began to close his eyes, absorbing the colorful light swirling around him.

After absorbing about [-]% of the colorful energy, he stopped his absorption and opened his eyes to look at the spirit beasts around him.

"I have experienced it. My own race, the Titan Ape, is an ancient ferocious beast. As for the next race advancement, even if I absorb the last three layers of colorful energy, there will be no progress."

Er Ming looked at Da Ming and Butterfly Rabbit, shook his head with regret and said that he also wanted to achieve a racial breakthrough, but it was still too difficult to achieve a breakthrough.

"I know you don't need anything in return for helping me, but I still want to thank you. You can absorb the remaining three layers of colorful aura equally!"

After Er Ming finished speaking, the seven-colored ray of light split into three, and one of them flew towards Xiao Bai and merged into his body.

The remaining two were floating in front of Butterfly Rabbit and Daming, waiting for them to absorb them.

After Er Ming finished these actions, he began to close his eyes, as if he was pretending to stabilize his cultivation.

In fact, after absorbing the power of the seven-color light, even if he is in danger of death, he will not fall below the 10-year-old soul beast.

Dietu and Da Ming knew that Er Ming didn't know what to say, but just stopped talking.

She looked at the colorful light in front of her and used her mental strength to try to return it to Er Ming, but she found that she couldn't move at all.

Dietu and Daming looked at each other, with a helpless smile on their faces.

Then, the two of them integrated this seven-colored light into themselves. When absorbing this seven-colored light, the two of them encountered no obstacles.

After confirming their absorption, Da Ming and Butterfly Rabbit closed their eyes and carefully absorbed the colorful energy.

Er Ming felt that Auntie Die and Da Ming had absorbed the colorful energy. He quietly opened his eyes and watched them absorbing it, with a bright smile on his face.

He knew that Auntie Die and Daming must have suffered a lot of damage during the catastrophe, and this colorful light also happened to help them recover from their injuries.

Just as Er Ming thought, this colorful light was still very powerful for Daming's recovery ability.His cultivation itself was due to violating the Heavenly Tribulation, which resulted in the reduction of his cultivation period.

If he wanted to rebuild it, it would take at least ten thousand years.

This is because he still has residual dragon blood in his body, and he was a 20-year-old soul beast before, otherwise it would have taken much longer.

As Daming absorbed this colorful energy, his aura began to become stronger, slowly tending to bring him back to his peak.

However, this colorful energy was too little. After he absorbed it for a while, it disappeared, and his tendency to return to the top also disappeared.

However, even after absorbing it for a while, his cultivation period has returned to the level of a 15-year-old soul beast.

And because he has experienced 20 years of cultivation, he does not panic at all even if he faces a 20-year-old soul beast.

After absorbing this colorful energy, Butterfly Rabbit directly focused on improving its mental power.

She integrated all this colorful light into her own mental power, and soon, her body experienced some changes.

Butterfly Rabbit's mental power is constantly increasing, and in the process of increasing it, she also encounters a kind of resistance.

After she felt this resistance, there was no trace of disappointment or worry in her eyes, but instead there was some joy.

Butterfly Rabbit no longer slowly absorbed the colorful energy, but absorbed it all in one breath and charged directly towards the barrier.

With the help of the colorful energy, she broke through almost instantly.

After her mental power broke through this barrier, her mental power officially reached the level of a 20-year-old soul beast.

Originally, her mental power was about 18 years old. After experiencing this crisis, she gained some insights, coupled with the help of this colorful light.

It seems that it can break through 20 years of spiritual power, which is not surprising for Butterfly Rabbit.

Butterfly Rabbit opened his eyes, with a look of joy and excitement in his eyes.

"Auntie Die, has your mental power broken through the 20-year level?"

After Daming looked at Aunt Die's happy expression, he felt it for a moment and said happily.

Butterfly Rabbit looked around and found that Da Ming, Er Ming, and Xiao Bai, who was previously in a coma, came to his side and stared at him curiously.

"That's right, my current mental power has exceeded that of a 20-year-old soul beast!"

"Then Auntie Die, aren't you a 20-year-old soul beast now?"

Er Ming asked with some confusion, because after he broke through to the 10-year-old soul beast, he already had the training after the 10-year-old soul beast in his mind.

The cultivation after the 10-year-old soul beast is different from the cultivation before the 10-year-old soul beast.

Before the 10-year-old soul beast, if you wanted to break through the 10-year-old soul beast, you could only achieve a 10-year-old soul beast by breaking through both spiritual power and soul power.

After the 10-year-old soul beast, there are two cultivation methods.

One is a breakthrough in spiritual power, and the other is a breakthrough in soul power.

Of course, if you want to practice both at the same time, it's not impossible.

Among the soul beasts in the entire Star Dou Forest, there happens to be one soul beast that cultivates both spiritual power and soul power at the same time...

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