Kiss!The paranoid clings to me every day and is addicted

Chapter 211 Their little brother was almost broken by someone's neck

It's different from the sweet relationship between Cheng Qingyi and Nan Qiao.

Meng Zhaoci and Zhang Meng had already vomited once before entering the pigpen.

The stench can be carried all the way.

This made it difficult for both of them to accept the exquisite dress.

Anyone can see the bad mood of the two of them.

In order to dress herself up beautifully, Zhang Meng's shoes are still a little high-heeled.

Zhang Meng moved his aching feet.

My heart is full of irritability.

I was too anxious just now and forgot to change my shoes.

There is no way to go back now, I don't know how long I walked to reach this ghost place just now.

"What are we going to do now?" Meng Zhaoci was in a bad mood, and the tone of the question was not very good.

The staff who just wanted two people to talk about it in detail didn't want to answer.

He casually pointed to the dirty bag at the base of the wall, then pointed to the dirtier bucket next to him, and said to the two people:
"The bag is full of pig feed. You put the private chat in the bucket, add water and mix well, and then you can feed the pigs."

The staff left after speaking.

Only the camera guy and two people were left staring at the pigsty.

Meng Zhaoci really couldn't stand the smell.

And ran to the side to vomit.

Zhang Meng's suppressed vomit made her stomach a little twisted, and the staff left, so she could only ask the cameraman, "Is it all right after we finish feeding these pigs?"

"There's another row behind this."

How could the task assigned by the program group be so simple.

Zhang Meng looked in the direction he was pointing, and almost fainted from fright.

At a glance, there are at least ten pigpens.

All these needs to be fed by her and Meng Zhaoci?

Meng Zhaoci vomited more irritablely, "Don't vomit, hurry up and prepare to feed the pigs."

Zhang Meng was filled with disdain for Meng Zhaoci.

Isn't Meng Zhaoci a doctor?

I usually do a lot of surgeries, I'm used to seeing the bloody side on the operating table, now I'm not as good as a female artist when I come to the pigsty.

At that time, she should have had the cheek to switch with Cheng Qingyi.

Her purpose is to get close to Nan Qiao.

But the two of them don't live together, they don't work together, and they don't usually see each other, so how can they get close?
"Are we really going to feed the pigs?" Meng Zhaoci still couldn't believe it.

Zhang Meng glared at him, "What else?"

Meng Zhaoci remained silent.

He knew that just because of his performance just now, many people would scold him in the live broadcast room.

After the show was broadcast, his influence was even more difficult to keep.

Not yet, start working harder and strive for one more hardworking and capable person.

After thinking it over, Meng Zhaoci reluctantly accepted the current downfall, and smiled at Zhang Meng:

"I'm sorry, my stomach was a little uncomfortable just now, let's go, let's feed the pigs."

Zhang Meng looked at his changes, puzzled and disdainful.

The time at noon passed quickly.

Cheng Qingyi and Nan Qiao were busy all afternoon, barely picking up all the eggs into the bamboo basket.

A bamboo basket full.

To be precise, Cheng Qingyi was busy all afternoon.

When Nan Qiao was picking up the eggs on the way, Cheng Qingyi had already given the order after a chicken almost flew on his neck.

Nan Qiao is not allowed to pick up eggs.

I can only squat in the corner and watch him pick up eggs by himself.

Now seeing Cheng Qingyi about to leave with a bamboo basket, the already sensible chicken still dare not move.

After all, they saw with their own eyes how their chicken brother was almost cut off by this man.

In the end, it was the photographer brother who saved Brother Chicken.

Cheng Qingyi asked Nan Qiao to walk in front, and he carried the bamboo basket behind, "Let's go, we're done picking up."


Happy 520.521, dears~~

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