Lost eight hundred million at the beginning

Chapter 265 Chapter 265 Selection and Bidding

Chapter 265 Chapter 265 Selection and Bidding
Lin Ruoyan inquired about Jamarani's position and believed that he would not be corrupted by the Western world.As for those rumors in the market, maybe they are all just bait news released by someone, and concern will be chaotic.Maybe there will be some anonymous bid evaluation voting at that time, a large circle of experts will dilute the power, and no one outside will know who voted for which company.

But Jamarani can carefully arrange choices, who he chooses, and finally make the right decision.

Lamond still looks at these local managers from the old concept of colonists and compradors, and the means of bribery are straightforward and rough.He pretended to be friendly, but Jamarani probably knew the fangs and schemes behind him.

Of course, the bidding management department has given all companies that want to develop copper mines a fair chance to bid. Maybe some innovative and really good technical concepts can be mentioned in their bidding documents. The additional conditions are relatively strict and there are other disadvantages, which does not hinder Local copper mines can fetch a good price.

It wasn't until the day of the bid opening that the companies participating in the bidding knew that the first two rounds were voted by [-] experts by secret ballot, and the top two were selected, and then the bids were presented on the spot.

The bidding documents are all in a uniform format, without showing the name of the bidding unit, and all of them are in Y language version.The most amazing thing is that the bid evaluation experts may not know that they have been selected for the bid evaluation committee the day before, and they are almost temporarily invited into a closed venue, completely cut off from the outside world.They must devote themselves to reading the bidding documents, and must not be swayed by other forces.

At this time, no outsiders were allowed to enter the meeting place. There were soldiers guarding around, and a cordon was pulled up.Each bidding unit can send representatives to wait for the results outside. It is also suggested that it is best to go back to the hotel in the respective camps and wait for the phone call. When the results will be available, it depends on the speed of the experts. Usually it will not be a day or two.After all, there are so many tender documents and the content is complex, it will take a long time for experts to fully read all these materials.

Jamarani is also a member of this venue.The focus of his work is not to look at the professional parts of those documents, but to look at the core idea of ​​reviewing the entire document.

See what the bidding unit wants to do, how long it will take, and what price the local area will pay.

Lin Ruoyan and the others learned in advance that some of the bid evaluation experts who might be selected were temporarily busy and failed to enter the bid evaluation process.

This is a bit bizarre, those few are actually relatively well-known experts in the industry in the country, all have overseas study backgrounds, and of course they all have some private contacts with certain companies.

Lin Ruoyan suddenly realized that maybe Jamarani knew all the private actions of various companies.He didn't refuse, and allowed these people to trade and receive benefits at will, probably to confuse those who didn't follow the right path.Those people thought they had the chance to win, and they thought that they could get the tickets by paying money and promising benefits. As a result, those experts were even disqualified from evaluating bids.

If it is simply a competition of technical ability and the perfection of the plan, or even the advantages of the local economic development, Lin Ruoyan is still quite confident in her own set of bidding documents.

After three days, the bidding results were finally announced.

The names of the top two selected companies will be announced in the newspaper, and the corresponding contact person will also be notified by phone. The next day, the expert group will give oral presentations and answer questions.

No.1 is the consortium of Panshi and Lin's Real Estate. No.2 is a mining and construction complex in Lamond.

Lamond is naturally very satisfied with the result.

Looking at this issue from their point of view, Jamarani has great influence and has been able to influence the results of the bid evaluation. Not giving them the No. 1 company is to hide their strengths and bide their time.After all, No.1 will receive more attention and doubts. No.2 is quite satisfactory. When answering questions orally, the team itself also has the advantage of Y language, and can communicate with local experts without barriers, which will definitely improve the total score.

In Zhuo Yuan's camp, the corresponding teams are ready.

This time they prepared excellent translators in addition to technical staff.These technicians and translators have been working together for more than a month, and they have a full understanding of previously unfamiliar vocabulary or professional content.Moreover, all the data in the bidding documents were obtained through their own research, thinking and analysis, and they did not listen to or believe in the information of so-called professional institutions.

They also rehearsed the questions that experts might ask, and had plans for some tricky and weird content.The person who submitted the bid was the local project manager hired by Lin's real estate with a high salary.This person is fluent in Y, knows engineering well, and has also done infrastructure construction in mining companies.In general, he presented the bid with confidence in all aspects of his expression.

No.1 was scheduled to be debriefed in the morning of the next day.

At this time, the team of Lamond Enterprise finally seized the opportunity and stopped lazily herding sheep. In order not to be late, they drove from the comfortable coastal port city to the bidding site early.They also want to listen in.

Jamarani is the highest person in charge of the entire bid evaluation work, he agreed to this proposal.After all, for the sake of fairness, interested companies are allowed to attend the bid presentation, but they can only listen in. Questions must be asked by the local bid evaluation team and specially invited experts.

Among the invited experts was the European consultancy that assisted the local authorities in developing the tender.

The team leader of Lamond Enterprise happened to know an expert from a European consulting agency, and greeted him warmly, with a look of sure victory.After all, there are so many local experts present, why don't they listen to the opinions of European experts, the bidding documents are all drafted by them, can you not listen?How many of these locals have studied, and those with professional knowledge have all studied abroad in Western developed countries?
Indeed, more than 80.00% of the experts present have returned from studying abroad in Western countries. Instead of staying in the prosperous world, they chose the backward and poor motherland in order to make their hometown better.

The other 20.00% are local officials who fully understand their people and this land of treasures.They have also opened their eyes to see the world.What will happen to those who choose to sell national interests and resources?Is their country still safe now?They can see and understand that the times are different, and the great powers can no longer be allowed to continue to colonize in a covert way, turning them into slaves and draining their last wealth.

Their citizens are not black monkeys who can only do physical work and mine, they also have smart people who are knowledgeable.Give them the opportunity, they can also build their own factories, develop their own businesses, collect and process ore instead of selling it cheaply.

They know exactly what they want.

If these judges did not have such a firm belief, they would not have considered returning to China as early as the beginning of studying abroad, or had already accepted the interests of large companies before, and lost the qualification to enter the bid evaluation site.

Lin Ruoyan understood these problems immediately after careful analysis.Lamond's corporate team seems to be bound by inherent concepts, and they don't look at things from this perspective.In their eyes, the Western world is of course the strongest and most prosperous.Only by leaving the barren land and becoming citizens of the Western world, can those people get rid of barbarism and realize civilization and freedom.

Most of the colonies on the surface are independent, but the economic oppression and slavery in the dark have never stopped.What the great powers couldn't grab, they used printed green paper to cheat, but what they talked about benevolence, righteousness and morality sent garbage and plague.

Different from the western way of thinking, the eastern culture system is more inclusive, and the harmony between man and nature is mutually beneficial. Facts have proved its advantages and disadvantages. Lin Ruoyan no longer needs to worry about how the local people of insight will choose. up.

 Double update and second update.Thank you for your votes and comments. This book will start to be updated tomorrow and will be finished by the end of the month.When people are traveling, manuscripts are automatically posted. In case the review fails, don’t be impatient, I will try my best to ask the editor for help to get it done.The new book "Buy a Mountain at the Beginning" also has a similar theme. If you like it, you can read it.

(End of this chapter)

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