Chapter 227 Project 227 won

When she was about to leave, Lin Ruoyan received news from Bowa that the project had been won.

The large state-owned enterprise represented by Mr. Yuan officially signed the contract. The new city planning made by Lin Ruoyan before, and the theory of combining industry and housing also impressed the local management.The locals hope that a new city can be erected as soon as possible to accommodate those who have temporarily left their homes due to the construction of agricultural and infrastructure facilities.

Mr. Yuan still stays in the Bowa country, and arranges the big giants over there. Lin Ruoyan, as the crucial party B of the housing construction, will definitely fly to the Bowa country again to express his sincerity and sign the "subcontracting" agreement.She entrusted her son to Hao Heshan to bring her back to China. Taking advantage of her Bowa visa is still valid, she decided not to return to China and flew directly there.

It happens that there are many flights from the oil country to European country F or D, and both countries have planes to Bowa country the next day.She booked tickets immediately, and at the same time, the people from the domestic design department and Hua Mengmeng also had to rush there.

This time, Zhao Xingxing, the director of the design department, tricked the state-owned enterprise design institute into organizing a luxurious expert team to go to the Bowa country site.

They brought multiple versions of the design plan, and even brought their own X-language translators specializing in the field of architecture.Their plans are not only drawings, but also corresponding measures for long-term on-site service.This group of people is already very clear about the job content. In addition to connecting with various local professional designers, most of them will stay and work locally for at least half a year.

Visas for those who fly over have also been prepared, and it is no problem to stay on official passports for one year.

The fact that the design institute was able to write the book like this had a lot to do with Lin Ruoyan signing the design contract in advance.When Zhao Xingxing was looking for design institutes in China, he talked to several design institutes and discovered this problem.State-owned enterprises need to have a contract in order to move forward. Even if it is only a preliminary consulting service contract, sign a smaller one first, so that they can make follow-up arrangements.

The system is perfect, the management is very strict, but the flexibility is not good enough.If the large state-owned enterprise where Mr. Yuan works is looking for a state-owned enterprise to cooperate, then the negotiation and signing of the contract between the two of them will probably be delayed for a long time.Lin Ruoyan's private company acts as a bridge in the middle, but can make this matter more flexible.

Her company decides on its own, and the contract can be signed directly, but there must be an agreement. Once Mr. Yuan’s contract is terminated, or if there are uncontrollable forces such as wars and natural disasters in the local area, the corresponding design work will also be suspended. The terms of the contract bind both parties to stop losses in time.

With Lin Ruoyan's operation and concessions, the design contract was signed in advance at [-] million yuan.

The state-owned enterprise compound has not signed such a large order for many years, and the annual contract value is only one billion yuan. This project accounts for one-tenth of it, and the degree of attention is naturally ranked first.

Lin Ruoyan didn't care when Mr. Yuan could get the money, or whether she would allocate funds to Fangjian. Anyway, she confirmed that the people from the design institute would come to the site, and after confirming the people who stayed behind, she would give 30% of the down payment.In the future, the progress payment will be linked to the construction progress. After the people in the design institute draw the drawings, they will stay in the local area to cooperate with the construction team. It can be regarded as the design department of the "real estate enterprise" here.

In the future, Lin Ruoyan only needs to leave Chen Jun and his logistics team here to cooperate with the design institute.In this way, there is no need for Lin's real estate design department to keep people there for a long time.After all, Lin's real estate projects in China still need manpower management and control, and they cannot all be placed in Bowa.From a comprehensive comparison, the risk of overseas projects is high, and it is only cost-effective to use the people from Lin's real estate design department on domestic low-risk and high-profit projects.

It is rare for the design institute to see such a happy Party A. After the people arrive and stay at the project site, they can get 30% of the design fee, which is more than 3000 million.Most domestic projects last for two or three years, and the final settlement is only 3000 million.Naturally, the design institute was overjoyed, and the old experts rushed forward with a group of young people in their 30s and [-]s.

Several old experts have been to Africa for construction aid projects, and they are all prepared to endure hardships.After all, although Latin America may have a better climate than Africa, poverty is a common problem.

Some of the younger generation of designers may have been to North America, but no one has been to South America. They are full of curiosity and determined to leave their design works on this continent.At the same time, they were also apprehensive, fearing that the conditions would be harsh and they would not be able to bear it. They would not be able to hold on for half a year and returned to China, betraying the trust of the organization.

As a result, when we arrived in Bowa, the airport pick-up was like a few newly bought off-road vehicles, and the air conditioner was fully turned on.Everyone drove all the way from the airport to the city, and all they saw were modern cities in the style of the 90s and [-]s, which were much more prosperous than places in Africa where high-rise buildings were rarely seen.

Especially when gasoline is cheap, there are a lot of cars running on the road.There are all kinds of gas-guzzling cars in North America. I heard that they are all scrapped there and sold as second-hand cars here.Anyway, as long as the car can be driven locally, someone will buy it.

Although Bowa is a tropical country, the climate is warm and humid, the capital has good green conditions, and most houses do not use air conditioners.One is that purely imported air-conditioning equipment is more expensive, and the other is that it rains regularly every day, and when the wind blows, it is actually not hot.The climatic conditions alone are much better than those in Africa.

Several old experts couldn't help but sigh with emotion that this trip to overseas projects is probably much more comfortable than they imagined.

Chen Jun naturally booked the best Intercontinental Hotel in the capital for these people.It is said that it was designed by a well-known architect in North America, and it is no worse than the original metropolitan style fashion hotel in North America.

The mentality of these experts from the design institute to assist the local construction dissipated, and they had to seriously examine the existing architectural design level.The local construction technology level and construction speed may not be very good, but the design level has been washed by European and American schools all the year round, and the aesthetics are actually very high and fashionable, especially the design taste of hotel and office buildings in cities is almost the same as that of developed countries.Even if it is an architectural work 40 to [-] years ago, it still has its unique fashion charm.

Fortunately, this time we invited a domestic design team to do high-rise collective housing.Not high-rise mansions, but social housing for ordinary people.Domestic design experts still have confidence in this aspect.

Lin Ruoyan's first stop when she arrived in Bowa was still the capital, not the confirmed project location, that province B.Because Mr. Yuan is also in the capital, besides meeting with domestic cooperation units, it is said that he is also waiting for the meeting arrangement with President Charles W.

In the same hotel, both normal guest rooms and hotel apartment buildings are full of Chinese people. In addition to the upstream and downstream enterprises driven by Mr. Yuan's project to visit the site, there are also various cooperation units that have already been negotiated with Mr. Yuan. Everyone has made a special trip to gather together to sign mutual agreements.

Mr. Yuan found a special time to meet with Lin Ruoyan alone.The meeting place was chosen in the living room of the hotel suite where Mr. Yuan lived.Bodyguards guarded the door, and a very detailed security check was also carried out inside the door.

After Lu Wei inspected the scene, she was also invited outside, and only Mr. Yuan and Lin Ruoyan were left in the room.

Lin Ruoyan saw this big battle, and already had a premonition that what Mr. Yuan was going to tell her next might involve some kind of secret.

 The second update of the double update, thank you for your votes and comments.

(End of this chapter)

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