Lost eight hundred million at the beginning

Chapter 225 Chapter 225 The City in the Desert

The rapid construction of many modern cities in the desert is indeed a miracle, and behind the miracle is the blood and sweat of countless unnamed foreign laborers.When these migrant workers lose their ability to work, they will be ruthlessly driven out of this "paradise" they built with their own hands.

Lin Ruoyan also knows that there are sober rulers in this resource-based country, and they are also thinking about how to make the country's prosperity sustainable, not just squandering.For example, the prince she is going to meet today established a technology company that does not just introduce games.

That prince is considered to be the distant cousin of the chief who is in power now, and there are eight hundred if not one thousand nobles with his status.When he was young, he went to North America to study and also studied in Europe. He knows the convenience of the Internet and can speak fluent Cockney Y.But he has not been tamed by European and American culture in his bones.

He has been trying to preserve and promote the culture of the nation, and he does not want the country to be completely Westernized.The game industry has a great influence on the thinking of young people. He discovered this and realized the advantages of Hao Heshan's products over European and American products.So he has to give priority to the introduction, obtain the exclusive right to operate, occupy the spiritual world of young people, and expel those European and American things.

In addition to the signing ceremony this time, he also hopes to order special games and cultural learning software, and entrust Hao Heshan's company to develop it on his behalf.

When the two parties met in the luxurious conference room of the hotel, the prince found that Lin Ruoyan was wearing traditional local women's clothing and brought a boy to attend. Hao Heshan said that she was a "mascot" from I feel comfortable in my heart.This shows the respect that the boss of a country has for the local culture and customs.

In the local area, women are alone at home. If someone knocks on the door and asks, the woman will answer that there is no one at home, and there is nothing to do until there is a man at home.

There is an old saying in China that "follow the father and brother at home, and follow the husband and son when married". Women are men's accessories. This concept is still a common social perception in many countries in the 21st century.It sounds outrageous, but it is real.

For example, in this wealthy country, in the era of the book, women could not even get a driver's license to drive a car alone.If there is no adult man in the family and the woman has to go out, it is best to bring her son or younger brother to make decisions on her behalf.

Don't ask, people's cultural traditions are like this.

Lin Ruoyan just felt that the air conditioner was too cold, so she put on local clothes over her original clothes, and took her son for a free tour reception. She didn't want to interfere with the business Hao Heshan was talking about. Naturally, she wouldn't speak casually, but she didn't Thinking that the accidental collision aroused the favor of the other party, and eventually led to more cooperation projects.

Before Hao Heshan came here, he made up for the local customs on the plane. Seeing that Mr. Lin practiced it like this, he admired him even more.In order to promote the business, Mr. Lin is obviously a strong woman, but she wants to pretend to be gentle and virtuous, and has sacrificed a lot.He was very grateful and worked harder to get more projects.

After all, the local people are very willing to give money. His series of products, including company management OA, engineering cost software, etc., actually have a local market, and the Y language version is acceptable.

He also took advantage of the situation and told the prince that there is an elder brother above Lin Ruoyan in the Lin Group, who is running many industrial projects, and there may be opportunities for cooperation in various fields. He invited the other party to come to the country for inspection and discuss industrial aspects. cooperate.

In fact, the prince is already very interested in Lin's real estate.Especially when he heard about the 1.5 million European-style Dokdo manor recently developed on the Shanghai stock market, he read the simple promotional page and decided to buy a set.

Afterwards, Hao Heshan and Lin Ruoyan asked for credit: "Boss Lin, how much is the commission for selling a luxury house? I sold a house for 1.5 million yuan."

"It seems to be Qiansan's commission. You and Lu Qian should take credit for it." Lin Ruoyan did some calculations, and it was a commission of 45 yuan. It seems that a single set with a larger area is more valuable and more worry-free.There were a total of 18 houses in that project, and one house was sold in a flick of a month, and it could be sold out within two years.

As a result, Hao Heshan and Lu Gan had a phone meeting to show off their achievements that night, but Lu Gan said in disapproval: "I have already ordered eight sets."

Lin Ruoyan was shocked on the spot. The progress of this project seems to have just begun to dig a hole, and the final construction drawings are still under review. Can Lu Gan and his gang fool so many people into booking a room with just renderings and model photos?This is a set of 1.5 million, not a set of five yuan.

"The so-called order, is it just a verbal confirmation?" Hao Heshan was still not convinced.

Lu Gan explained: "My statistics here are of course only when the two parties signed the house purchase agreement. The 1000 million yuan has already been transferred to the supervision account we applied for. Although we don't know how to use the money, we will temporarily supervise it, but the other party wants to break the contract. , the money is ours. After the model house is made, those who pay the money and sign the intention to buy the house can be prioritized to see the house and choose the house. This is basically the logic. The status of the oil king prince is not the most honorable. The crown princes of small European countries have also paid."

That day, Lin Ruoyan exclusively enjoyed a large suite in a seven-star hotel.Lu Wei also accompanied her and lived next door.

I have to say that the locals are used to local tyrants, and the design of the hotel also fully takes into account the issue of class status.Not only is the elevator very large, it can accommodate more than 20 people in one car without feeling crowded, and the guest rooms can also be divided into single floors for privacy, fully considering the needs of accompanying personnel to follow the employer's personal protection.

At that time, Lin Ruoyan didn't quite understand why the elevator car here was so big, but she witnessed a local man with four wives, seven or eight children, a few nannies and a group of bodyguards boarding an elevator together. Just realized.

Then on each floor of the hotel, in addition to super luxurious suites, there are also many standard rooms and ordinary double rooms.She also understood that those rooms were actually the rooms of the accompanying staff, surrounding the large multi-bedroom suite of the main house, so that they could respond to the work of serving and protecting immediately.

Local people can marry four wives according to the law, and the status of the wives is equal. If you buy a gift for a certain wife, you should also give the same valuable thing to the other three wives, and there is no preference.Therefore, the local people who can marry up to four wives can only be rich people, and those who have no money cannot afford to support so many wives.

Besides Lu Wei, Lin Ruoyan hired a few bodyguards locally, but they only brought them when they went out.She plans to visit several well-known local attractions.Local museums, big markets, big mosques and the like.

According to the legend, women are not allowed to enter the Great Mosque, and they can only take pictures at designated places outside the mosque with their faces covered.She thought that her face was covered. What's the point of taking a picture with the big mosque in the background in the high temperature of more than 40 degrees?You can only take the baby together, and you must add time to take pictures, and wait for a few years to see, can it prove that the woman who is pulling the little boy is herself?

Double update and second update.My other new book of the same kind, "Buy a Mountain at the Beginning", if you like it, you can go to the collection and have a look.

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