Lost eight hundred million at the beginning

Chapter 217 Chapter 217 That One Market

Chapter 217 Chapter 217 That Market

The business of Hao Heshan's technology company has been largely decoupled from the real estate company, and is now busy developing the online game market.

In the face of my country's cultural radiation circle, various language versions of online chess and card games have been launched, and the effect is booming.Especially Go, which does not require language communication, cross-country sparring, check-in upgrades, and various virtual achievements are no less than the routines of mature online games in later generations. Especially at the top, the customer stickiness is very high.

Adhering to the previous advertising tradition, if you pay to become a member, you will be given advertisements, and tourists who use it for free will insert advertisements from time to time. Anyway, you can play if you have money or not, and the income from advertisements and membership fees are also increasing day by day.

The marketing department had to station two people here for a long time in Hao Heshan, who were responsible for accepting advertisements, not only domestic, but also many foreign advertisers.

In the era of the book, the electronic products of Daoguo, Nanbang and Wanwan were of good quality, but the cost of advertising in traditional media was high, and customers were not very targeted, so they gradually switched to online media.Large portal websites and free software that can only be used by customers with daily active and high-energy Internet access have become their key positions for advertising.

Anyway, in the third month since the establishment of the technology company, the monthly profit has reached 300 million.And this is a stable income, members and advertisers are yearly and monthly renewal fees.Moreover, the advertising fee is a big one, and even bidding for renewal, if the bid is high to get a good position, the profit will only increase every month.

The technology company has only 25 employees including Hao Heshan.This is equivalent to a per capita monthly output value of 12, and an annual per capita output value easily reaching more than 100 million. The per capita annual income is expected to be higher than that of real estate companies. After all, their costs here are mainly labor costs and electricity fees, office rents and operating taxes. Because of policy support, there were almost no subsidies in the first two years.

In fact, the more profitable engineering cost software developed by Hao Heshan before, and the income from ranking fees and advertising fees on the bidding and procurement platform are all left in the information department of the real estate company.The newly developed business of the technology company, with an annual revenue expectation of 4000 million, was quite shocking to everyone, only Lin Ruoyan thought it was not enough.

After deducting the rent, the company's daily operating costs, and the cost of subsequent research and development, Lin Ruoyan hopes that the technology company's annual net profit will be at least [-] million yuan.

If web games can be developed and the Krypton Gold logic is well designed, this goal can be easily achieved.Especially in overseas markets, those local tyrants in oil countries must not underestimate their spending power.

In China, Xiao Ke’s monthly consumption of smoking boxes is one or two hundred, while abroad, the monthly consumption must start at one or two thousand without a cap to be worthy of the status of a local tyrant.After all, it costs millions of dollars to buy a scooter casually, and people look down on things that are too cheap.

There are many indescribable plots that cannot be described in China. In foreign countries, you only need to brush the edge of the trial. There must be some. The color animation after passing the customs and saving the beautiful women should refer to some countries with developed customs industries. It is interesting to do Some, revealing but not revealing, want to refuse or welcome, in short, carefully designed.

Lin Ruoyan said casually, Hao Heshan immediately understood.Single young men like Hao Heshan and the otaku programmers under him know the beauty of it best.

After Lin Ruoyan explained to Hao Heshan on the phone, she didn't show up at the company after flying back to Beijing, and stayed at home all the time.

At this time, it was the midsummer of 03, and Lin Mengxi was also on vacation.Every morning and evening Lu Wei stares at her exercises, and she reads in the room when it's hot. Lin Ruoyan is worried that he will have a tendency to be short-sighted.

At that time, it was generally believed that children who love to read books and play with electronic products were prone to myopia, and some said that it was a problem with the lights. The fluorescent lamps flickered, and if they used that kind of lights every day at school, the myopia rate was high.

Lin Ruoyan didn't know the reason, but she urged Lin Mengxi to exercise outdoors for two hours a day, and to get more sun in her yard, which would definitely be better than staying indoors all the time.

Over there, she also asked Li Yiqi about the development progress of the myopia treatment device.

Li Yiqi said that there is already a test model, but it is still in the stage of clinical verification, and a lot of approval procedures are still needed.Regarding the clinical, especially the verification mechanism for people, each country is different, and it will focus on human safety.Especially in China, many approvals are very cautious.

However, in some overseas countries, such as Tianzhu, where the caste system has been deeply rooted for thousands of years and people are not human, this kind of experiment is particularly easy to carry out.So much so that it has become the place where many new drug production must go.

Lin Ruoyan and Li Yiqi mentioned it.Li Yiqi was a little moved.

In fact, in country Y and developed countries in Europe and America, many similar experiments were transferred to Tianzhu. It is cheap and easy to approve, and the local people of low caste are poor. Earn more income and sometimes be lucky enough to be cured of diseases.

So Li Yiqi started the plan for clinical testing in Tianzhu and began to prepare.

When people heard that this product was developed by a high-achieving student from a university in Country Y, their mentor was well-known in related fields, and the technology for developing the instrument originated from Country Y. The Tianzhu people who have been colonized by Country Y for so long and officially speak Y language are naturally convinced and respected.

Li Yiqi also invited the old technicians from the acquired factory to go to Tianzhu to host the clinical test.When the Tianzhu people saw the pure Cockney accent of country Y, their servility was vividly displayed. It really depends on the color of their skin and their identity. They enjoy privileges inexplicably in everything, and their business efficiency will be very high in the future.

Anyway, it's not a local factory, it's just to spend money, there is no such dilemma of "earn money locally, spend it locally, and want to take it home", and things go very smoothly.

It is expected that at the beginning of 2004, relevant clinical data will reach the standard of domestic review.Once it passes the domestic review, the myopia treatment device can be promoted in the country in combination with some research and development projects.

This kind of research and development is to observe and collect data for the people who use the device in China. It does not mean that this kind of thing can be sold as a commodity immediately.

Li Yiqi's original research and development plan for this product can really be realized from the investment to the end, and it will take three or four years at the earliest.However, the domestic relevant review is strict, and there is a high probability that it will be launched first in other countries, and the domestic market will be the last to be launched.

Lin Ruoyan also thought about how to speed up the promotion, so that those students in China who are troubled by myopia can benefit earlier.Seeing that more and more children in Lin Mengxi's class wear glasses, she doesn't want her son to be short-sighted all his life.

Although there was myopia correction surgery at this time, this kind of surgery has only been available for a few years. No one knows how many sequelae people who have a knife on their eyes will have after they grow old.

Since they are all experimental products, she still hopes that her son can use less dangerous ones.Our own myopia treatment device must have quality assurance, and any problems can be found and adjusted in time.

At this time, the marketing department found a channel.

The current deputy director of the marketing department was promoted by Jiang Fang. That young man is a graduate of a serious marketing major. He has sold medical equipment before. He provided a novel idea.

 It's the end of the month again, thank you for your monthly support.The new book "Buy a Mountain at the Beginning" has been released and updated every day at noon. Those who are interested can collect it first.

(End of this chapter)

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