Lost eight hundred million at the beginning

Chapter 201 Chapter 201 Overseas Situation

Lin Ruoyan was in Panshi, and was treated grandly, and Panshi's boss always asked about Lin Ruxu's situation.Lin Ruoyan knew that this was seeing her son-in-law.

Although at first I would dislike Lin Ruxu who is still in his 30s and still not married, I suspect that he is a playboy and has too many girlfriends.After observing from various aspects, it was confirmed that Lin Ruxu was too busy with work and didn't like talking about girlfriends.If you have the time to talk about a few business partners, how good it is?However, at such an old age, one can still cultivate one's body and mind so well, so there must be something wrong with the body, right?
You can't ask Lin Ruoyan directly about this kind of thing, just make all kinds of insinuations, ask about Lin Ruxu's health and so on.

Lin Ruoyan understood it immediately, saying that her brother often went to the gym, and was a second-level athlete when he was a child. It seems that he participated in some competitions in the amateur 5th stage of Go, and he could get a certificate back then. Serious Go is also an intellectual sport.However, most ordinary people don’t understand that the second-level athletes of the national standard are divided into sports categories. They only talk about national second-level athletes in general, and they are particularly bluffing if they don’t mention any sports.

People think that Lin Ruoyan is generous, and her son is a gifted child. Lin Ruxu has been good at both learning and learning since he was a child. This must be a good gene of the family.

Not to mention that Lin Ruxu inherited the family business after graduating from university, and his parents died unexpectedly. He alone can stabilize everyone and make the company bigger and stronger. This is his skill.

A man is capable, and his daughter has no in-laws when she marries, which is ideal.It is definitely a good thing for the two marriages to join forces.But after thinking about it, he started to worry again, afraid that Lin Ruxu would look down on their daughter.

Although their daughter had already impulsively bought a villa next door to the Lin family to "wait for the rabbit", but Lin Ruxu was so busy recently that he often didn't go back to the villa. Could it be that he avoided it because he didn't want to?
Lin Ruoyan said: "It's probably the first time my brother was chased by a little girl, and he was too shy to save face. In the future, if we can cooperate in business and have serious work contacts, first we only talk about business affairs and not about love, then we will get along easily. At that time, the two became business partners, and after a long time of contact and familiarity, maybe it will be successful."

Lin Ruoyan herself doesn't have any successful love experience, so this set of Lin Ruoxu just copied what was in the book, and it's a matter of course.Anyone who wants to talk to Lin Ruxu about business, he can handle it. Start with this aspect first, and then talk about everything else.

When the parent of the other party heard this, they hurriedly called their daughter. The daughter was promoted to the vice president of Panshi's Beijing branch, and was responsible for dealing with Lin's group's affairs, which re-inspired her future course of action.Regardless of whether it works or not, the business should cooperate more closely first, and no one will suffer.

Lin Ruoyan learned a lot about the logic of expanding overseas projects from Panshi, and Wang Kui, a talented student, can often discuss things, and her thinking on how to develop overseas markets has gradually become clearer.

When she returned to the capital again, Lin Ruoyan began to think about the overseas market she had always wanted to expand, and what exactly it contained.

First, web games, which are relatively inexpensive, can be launched to test the waters.

According to her original suggestion, Hao Heshan has already begun to develop web games, and has reserved language conversion channels and different texture replacement positions from the beginning.To put it bluntly, the core of the program will remain unchanged in the future, which is to change the skin of the page game.The development cycle of a web game in China may be two to three months, and the vitality is one or two years. If it is developed in China for two years, it will be changed to overseas and continue to be developed for two years. The cost input and benefit ratio will become very good.

Lin Ruoyan has always insisted on web games, not only because of the computer configuration and network speed in the book, but also because the review of client games is very strict.Not only at home, but also in most countries overseas.On the contrary, web game review is relatively easy, and the rules of game krypton gold are well designed, which will not delay making money at all, and the development cost is low.

There is nothing to say about Hao Heshan's technical strength. After registering in the Shi JS area, he focused on developing web games. From the very beginning, he developed the idea of ​​walking on two legs at home and abroad. As expected, he was valued by his superiors. He not only subsidized funds, but also contacted Several major colleges and universities, relevant high-level talents were transported over.Students get internship opportunities, so they don't have to worry about future employment, and the company's own talent demand has also been greatly improved.

In the past, Hao Heshan was just the information department of a real estate company, and he relied on social recruitment, headhunting operations or fooling experts in the industry to recruit people.It is different now. It is a formally supported high-tech enterprise. To build a talent echelon, not only professional people but also an external team.In addition to programmers and artists, he even translates Arabic, Dao Mandarin, and Nanbang as regular college graduates majoring in minor languages, and is not hired by a translation company.A set of people quickly pulled together, and his company became very standardized.

Lin Ruoyan talked about the market in Northeast Asia and the Arabic-speaking world early in the morning. He listened to it, thought about it, and thought it was good.

The Arabic-speaking world, especially those rich oil-rich countries, are currently deeply tied to the economies of developed countries. The upper and middle classes of society all receive Western education, speak Y well, and see the advanced things of developed countries, such as computers, Internet, mobile phones, all these things are also available in other big cities.

Especially in resource-based countries like Saudi Arabia and Chief A, the people of the country are very rich. It is said that they build modern cities in the desert regardless of cost. They have some developed countries in Europe and the United States, but they don’t have them. For example, the world’s highest They also need to have the largest building and the largest artificial island.

This local tyrant has such a strong temperament, the younger generation, how could those thousands of princes not play games?However, the developed countries in Europe and the United States are simply dumping their cultural products forcibly, trying to Westernize others, and have never thought of developing entertainment products that conform to local cultural traditions. This is exactly what Hao Heshan will start with, localization from the very beginning assimilate into.

The second direction is overseas real estate.

There are also two types of overseas real estate, one is to build luxury houses overseas, and the other is to build new towns for ordinary houses.

Needless to say, the logic of luxury houses, there are many expatriates overseas, and many wealthy people in China buy properties overseas. Lin’s Real Estate, which has already built top luxury houses in China, expands overseas luxury houses, which is easier to open up than ordinary houses.

As for ordinary residences, the idea of ​​building a new city can be considered, and the same holds true abroad.

The infrastructure of many overseas countries lags behind that of our country. The old capitalist countries made their fortunes earlier, and the infrastructure was built earlier. Now there are too many century-old buildings, all of which are cultural relics and cannot be demolished. Modern new buildings can only go to the suburbs or satellite cities.

There are also some colonized countries that no longer have the money to build infrastructure after independence. Their cities are almost all old antiques built during the colonial period. They were only to meet the trade needs of the colonists at that time, and never considered the working people of the country. survival and life.When the colonists are driven away, the country needs to develop and expand the city, and new housing or the construction of new cities are all demands.

There are many countries like this on the African continent. The land outside the big cities is still barren, and many buildings in the big cities are also dilapidated.However, their own construction technology and construction capacity are worrying, and all large-scale construction equipment needs to be imported.

There have been a large number of people in China who aided in the construction of Africa, and they have successively arrived on the African continent decades ago.However, Lin Ruoyan's eyes are not on Africa yet.At this point in the book, there is actually a better choice in South America.

A new volume has begun.

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