Lost eight hundred million at the beginning

Chapter 183 Chapter 183 Digital Entertainment Industry

Chapter 183 Chapter 183 Digital Entertainment Industry
Hao Heshan was astonished: "Go overseas?"

"Yes, our country's culture is extensive and profound, and many IPs, whether modern or ancient, are worthy of being developed into excellent online games. Not to mention online games, it is the chess and cards you make now. Do you think foreigners don't play? Mahjong has already become popular in Africa. Southeast Asia Regional Go is also very basic, not to mention poker, which is popular all over the world. As long as you load the language module and find local channels to promote it, there are still many audiences.”

Hao Heshan wondered: "However, the domestic network conditions are far worse than those in Europe and the United States. Southeast Asia and Africa really have no network foundation."

"Then develop Northeast Asia first, as well as stand-alone games." Lin Ruoyan was right when she thought about it. The network foundation was not so developed in the era in the book, and the domestic network was not popular, and many industries relying on it could not develop. .However, in a few years, smartphones will occupy the mainstream market, and the construction of domestic mobile networks will allow mobile phone signals to spread throughout the country.There are signals not only on the ground, but also in the subway. This kind of late-comer infrastructure is more advanced than the old capitalist countries, and the majority of people are the beneficiaries.

"That's right, the island countries and the peninsula have a better network foundation than ours, and they still have a demand for chess and card games." Hao Heshan calculated that the chess and card rooms that have been made so far can be loaded with the language modules of neighboring countries, and then find that kind Great portal promotion.In this case, the department will definitely need to expand its manpower, at least it must have personnel who understand the relevant language to maintain the website on a daily basis.

So, is starting a new company just to enjoy the preferential policies of the industrial park?Boss Lin looked at him with such earnest eyes, can he really take on this important task?
"By the way, there is also the Middle D area. When developing web games, we must consider the possibility of changing the language in the future and the idea of ​​multi-cultural compatibility, and recruit some Arabic-speaking talents." Lin Ruoyan is not talking nonsense.

Web games will gradually decline in China, not because people don’t like them anymore, but because more new content is emerging, computers are becoming more and more advanced, and the network is getting faster and faster, from a few K speeds to hundreds of megabits of broadband , that is, over ten years.At that time, everyone played games online, and it was only comfortable with large-scale 3D rendering.However, there are also many countries in the world with underdeveloped networks. Their infrastructure development is slow, and the demand for online games is also different from that in China.

At the same time, those countries do not have the technical ability to develop their own games. They want to play games, but they cannot accept the vulgar culture exported by Europe and the United States. Therefore, in the real world, a group of people specially reskin some domestic web games and put them in Arabic. The story skins of heroes in the world are dumped overseas.

The production cost of this kind of web game is very low, and it is basically a routine of exchanging skins for krypton gold. Those big players in oil countries are crazy addicted to playing with krypton gold, and they can easily earn hundreds of millions of dollars.

Also, after more than ten years, a group of gamers will also like short videos, or start developing video platforms now?
Lin Ruoyan thought about it again, it's better not to mention this idea for now.Throwing out so many concepts at once, Hao Heshan might have to work overtime until he vomited blood. His hair has become thinner this year.

"Mr. Lin, I don't quite understand what it means to be an Arabic language talent." Hao Heshan can understand the rest of the content, but when it comes to the world he is completely unfamiliar with, he still doesn't quite understand it after thinking about it for a long time, "Back then Neighboring countries radiated by our culture can still play chess and mahjong, but the Arabic-speaking cultural system is completely different from ours, can they play chess and card games?"

Now that Hao Heshan has thought about this, Lin Ruoyan really wants to develop overseas online game markets in the future, so she patiently explained: "Naturally, their culture also has their own legends of heroes. We do Three Kingdoms and Journey to the West in our own cultural circle, The circles in Northeast and Southeast Asia can resonate, all of which can be directly used by changing the language module. In the Arabic-speaking world, will they accept the proposition that a small person becomes a great hero after suffering? A cool text like Godhead?"

Hao Heshan thought for a while, nodded and said: "I will arrange people to study this proposition first. I plan to do a good job in the domestic market first, and then go to Northeast Asia to explore the market. I have no contact with exporting before, and maybe I have to recreate it. Teams, including those who are good at foreign languages ​​and foreign cultures, it will take time."

Lin Ruoyan originally wanted to explain in more detail how to do it at the beginning, but she didn't expect that Hao Heshan already had her own plan.As expected of a technology leader, these aspects naturally have his logic and way of doing things. Others only need to mention a big idea, and he can improve it by himself.

What a peace of mind!

Lin Ruoyan smiled and said: "Take things slowly, but if your technology company aims overseas from the very beginning, it may be more in line with the above, and it will reduce the pressure of domestic competition. You will also have to work with the industry on these inside information in the future." Communicate more with the management department of the park, and they should be able to give you more support."

Lin Ruoyan looks at this issue from the perspective of future generations. Since the beginning of the millennium, the country has vigorously encouraged cultural creation and its own original animation and digital entertainment industries. It is not just to protect its own spiritual home, but to save cultural output. The big logic of the game, the long accumulation from scratch, the quantitative change and finally the qualitative change, will have the brilliance of domestic games becoming popular all over the world 20 years later.

"Also, Mr. Lin, you mentioned smartphones at the beginning. Every time we develop new software, you repeatedly remind us to pay attention to some possibilities of mobile phone applications. I have been paying attention to the movement abroad, and there are already signs in North America and Europe." Hao Heshan added another sentence.

Lin Ruoyan suddenly thought of Wu Chenghao, the blind date she met at Chuanshu's first banquet, and she didn't take the initiative to contact her after that, but she met unexpectedly when she was traveling in Europe last year, and he seemed to be participating in related industry seminars.Otherwise, let Hao Heshan learn from this person?

Hao Heshan is a master in the field of computer software programming. The future development of mobile phones and the trend of related domestic industries may be more professional than what Wu Chenghao said.

So she gave Hao Heshan Wu Chenghao's contact information.

After chatting with Hao Heshan, she called Wu Chenghao again, intending to just tell him that Hao Heshan would contact him in the future to discuss some professional issues.

She said, "Mr. Wu, do you still remember me? Lin Ruoyan."

How could Wu Chenghao forget?Ever since that meeting in Europe, he has never forgotten Lin Ruoyan.Lin Ruoyan had already sent him a good person card, and he knew that he had no chance to get married, but Lin Ruoyan's son, Lin Mengxi, was a genius.At that time, he paid more attention to adding Lin Mengxi's Penguin.

Lin Mengxi was also out of sight, and would ask him about mobile phones and artificial intelligence from time to time, and would ask him if he didn't understand the corresponding books when learning the corresponding materials.

So he had to have a little fantasy, could it be that Lin Ruoyan asked Lin Mengxi to ask?
In fact, Lin Mengxi is very "Sea King". There is a special group in his Penguin account, and he writes notes and names according to the subject areas that the other party is good at. When he encounters a problem in any subject, he will send a group message to the relevant friends.Not limited to domestic ones, he met a lot in Europe last time. Later, he and Hua Mengmeng learned how to go over the wall to overseas forums, and met some friends according to his own needs, and added friends using some chat software in Europe and the United States.

So every time he asks a question, he doesn't expect a certain person to answer it immediately. It is enough for the people he asks to be answered by someone. The answers are different, and he can also compare them and study them.

 double update second update
(End of this chapter)

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