Chapter 178 Chapter 178
Wang Min came to the news soon, and Lin Ruoyan took Feng Qiang with her, and asked the old man to start the car, and went straight to the prefecture-level city where Chongl County was located.

Lao Zhan drove all the way, out of the border of Beijing, and when he was on the mountain road, he talked about his past missions in the special forces, driving on the mountain road, or walking at night, crossing mountains and mountains to leave the country.

The road conditions there are far worse than those in Beijing. In many places, the roads are so narrow that only one car can pass through them. Fall off a cliff.

And that kind of mountain road is not illuminated, and the trees cover the sky and the sun. When it is windy and rainy, it will collapse, or a huge tree will fall down and block the road.

Compared with that kind of climate, the bare mountains in the north are always better.

Especially in recent years, the newly built winding mountain roads are wide enough to drive in the opposite direction, and you don't have to stop if you miss the car.The mountain is also reinforced with cement and net bags, so it will not easily landslide, and there is little rain in the north. There are no trees to cover it, and the road is very clear and easy to drive.

Lin Ruoyan can drive herself, but she still doesn't like driving on mountain roads.

Especially the treacherous mountain road that Lao Zhan mentioned, she felt that she would not drive it if she looked at it from a distance. She really admired the transport personnel who drove that kind of mountain road back then to guarantee the border defense logistics.

"My driving skills were developed at that time, but we are nothing, at least there are a few cars every time we go out, and there is a car before and after. Get it done." Lao Zhan paused for a moment, his tone became a little more serious,
"The comrades who are really suffering are those who carry out secret missions. They often have to hide their identities. Most of the operations are at night, which is very dangerous."

Feng Qiang asked curiously, "What secret mission did they carry out?"

"It's just that people often do illegal things over there. There was a lot of noise, and gunshots were heard in the deep mountains and old forests. We will assist in some operations. My leg was blown off at that time, and there are landmines in the forest."

This was the first time Lao Zhan mentioned his leg disability.

Lin Ruoyan seldom rides in Lao Zhan's car, she has her own special car, and Lao Zhan usually doesn't talk about old things, and likes to quietly listen to other people in the car talking.This time, the Panshan Road probably reminded him of the past. She really wanted to know more about Lao Zhan's past career.

After all, that man is also in this business, and he is an undercover agent, which is even more dangerous.There has been no news for so many years, and there is only a sentence at the end of the original book, which gave Lin Mengxi the status of a martyr's child.

"Old Zhan, before we asked you to tell your legendary stories, you refused to tell them. Why are you willing to tell them today?" Feng Qiang sat in the co-pilot and asked in a half-joking tone.

Lao Zhan said with a smile, "That's right, you guys never forgot to discuss the content of your work in the car before, so I can't get in."

Indeed, everyone must go to research or report somewhere every time they leave the car. There are always people in the car discussing work, and there is no leisure to chat about other things.

Lin Ruoyan asked: "Will someone be sacrificed for your action of using a gun?"

Lao Zhan withdrew his smile, with a layer of sadness on his face: "Yes, the gangster's weapon is not bad at all, even better than what we used back then. Injuries and sacrifices are inevitable. I just broke my leg and left a Fate, our captain pushed me out of the inner circle of the explosion, but he himself stayed there forever."

"Doing similar work now is much better than it was then." Lin Ruoyan added, "I see that many surveillance cameras have been installed in Beijing. Can this deter criminal activities?"

In the book, the Skynet monitoring system started to be built after the millennium. Tens of millions of cameras were successively installed in the streets and alleys of the city, which can accurately identify age, gender, match faces and correspond to ID numbers, and even analyze people's gait, Walking posture, that is to say, even if you can't see the face clearly, you can still find the target.

Of course, this system was not achieved overnight, but it took several years to basically complete it, and it was formally connected to the national grid around 2005.

Although it is still impossible to cover the depths of dense forests in remote areas, there are such protection measures in places where the population is relatively concentrated, which can make criminals fearful and have nowhere to hide once they commit crimes.

Lao Zhan said: "Oh, Mr. Lin is still concerned about this. Indeed, I heard from the old comrades in the police station that their area has been installed and is still being debugged. In two years, the national network will not be a problem. At that time, we must catch The bad guys can be found from the computer, and they can also be targeted when they are staying, which saves a lot of manpower."

Lin Ruoyan sighed: "If there was such an advanced system back then, I probably wouldn't have been taken away by the package."

Many people in the company knew that Lin Ruoyan was replaced when she was born, and the couple fled overnight without leaving any clues.So much so that even though the Lin family had a lot of money and was willing to spend money to investigate, it took more than ten years to investigate before they had any clues.

If the couple hadn't discovered the truth before their death and told Lin Ruoyan the truth, she might not have been found by her family so soon.

Suddenly, Lao Zhan slowed down the speed of the car and said, "There is a traffic jam ahead, there is a problem."

Originally, they drove along the road very smoothly, with few cars facing each other. After their own car outperformed a few cars in performance, they never saw other cars in front of them.At this moment, I saw a few cars in front of me, and they seemed to have stopped.

Lao Zhan turned on the lights and stopped the car without turning off the engine.

There is no convenient internet navigation at the moment. Except for the GPS in the car, you have to look at the map or get out of the car to ask about the situation when you drive out.

Feng Qiang is good at communication, he opened the door and went down to the car in front to ask about the situation.

After a while, he came back and said, "The car on the opposite side had an accident. It was a small three-wheeled truck that lost control. Both the driver and the co-driver were slightly injured. No one was killed, but the car must not be able to drive. .Their truck load is very heavy, and the truck is lying on the road, and no one can walk."

"Can you pull the powerful car in front? At least turn the car around, and everyone will pass." Lao Zhan made a suggestion, "We have a rope on the car, Xiaofeng, take it over, and ask again. .”

Feng Qiang noticed that there was indeed a four-wheel-drive SUV opposite, but there seemed to be no rope there.He hastily pulled the rope out of the trunk and ran to help.

After another ten, twenty, 10 minutes, the car in front finally moved.

Feng Qiang called to report: "We can go here, I will wait in front."

When Lao Zhan drove the car over, he found a woman standing beside Feng Qiang, dressed as a village woman, with some abrasions and rough skin on her body, but she was not very old.

The village woman spoke, but she didn't have an accent, and her words were elegant: "Uncle, can you give me a ride to the village ahead? My man looks at the car and the goods. I'll report back to the village."

Feng Qiang asked for instructions: "The cars that passed just now were all full, and they were unwilling to take another person. Mr. Lin, shall we give her a ride?"

Lin Ruoyan noticed that the village woman glanced at the old man beside the pickup truck while talking.Although the rural people look older due to wind, sun and rain, the husband seems to be enough to be the father of the village woman.And the village woman seemed to be very afraid of the man.

Lin Ruoyan said: "There is a seat in the car, let's take her to the village ahead."

The village woman was very grateful and got into the car. She didn't speak at first, until Lao Zhan asked which village to go to after turning a few bends in the mountain road, the village woman cried and said: "I don't want to go to the village, I want to go to the village." Go to the city police station to report the case.”

 The third update on Sunday and the second update
(End of this chapter)

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