"Wei Xu?" Mother Ou said, "I seem to have seen this guy's TV series before, so he graduated from a major. He has acted in TV series and made movies, he is a big star."

Fu Ying's expression became even more tangled.

Lin Ruoyan noticed it this time, and thought to herself, if Fu Ying is Wei Xu's alumnus and also worked as a counselor back then, are the two really unfamiliar?If they are not familiar with each other, they probably won't have such an unnatural expression. It is estimated that the two of them had something in the past, so she could find a chance to introduce them from Wei Xu, but she still didn't do anything.

At this moment, Lin Ruoyan didn't dare to make a big deal about investing in the film festival. After all, she had to ask the knowledgeable people in the film and television industry.This is different from holding a homestay design competition. Lin Ruoyan doesn't understand the rules in the film and television industry at all. If she touches someone else's sphere of influence, the loss of money will be small, and it won't be worthwhile to hinder the development of the Lin Group.

So she said, "I don't know anything about this film festival, why don't you bring me some information, and I'll ask someone in the company who knows, and then decide whether to participate in the sponsorship."

This Fu Ying has no name in the original book, and unlike Zhang Huanyu, Lin Ruoyan can't even tell whether she is the person in charge.If you're just helping to inquire and pass on a message in the middle, then you have to look up.

Lin Ruoyan's request was very reasonable. Fu Ying was here for the parents' meeting today, so she naturally didn't bring any film festival materials with her, so she agreed and said that she would come to visit with the materials some other day.Lin Ruoyan gave the company address, and made an appointment with Fu Ying to come to the company for a meeting in two days.In the past two days, the other party was able to sort out the materials and sort out her thoughts, and she was also able to inquire about the inside story of the film festival.

After talking about the film festival, Mama Ou and Fu Ying turned back to the topic of children's education, and asked Lin Ruoyan to discuss how she taught her son so well, and what extracurricular classes she gave her son.

Lin Ruoyan said modestly: "My child usually studies questions online, reads books by himself, and used to learn Go. Since he got the amateur 5-dan certificate, he doesn't go to class anymore. He just plays chess with others online."

Mama Ou knew the way of Go grading test. She only heard that Lin Mengxi learned Go, but she didn't expect to be an amateur 5th dan?The son of her husband's colleague's family showed off when he passed the amateur 1st dan in the second grade test. Lin Mengxi had a 5th dan amateur before entering elementary school, which is amazing.

"So, what is the learning website you just mentioned, and the Go website?" The two mothers asked at the same time.

Lin Ruoyan asked someone to bring a laptop, and showed them the learning website and Go website on the spot.

Mother Ou said: "Yes, the head teacher seems to have recommended it before, and I didn't pay much attention to it. It turns out that the learning website is so good, and it is very convenient to supervise children to study."

Although Fu Ying was also interested in the website, she was a little worried: "Will it be bad for the eyesight to let the children watch the computer all the time? My Lu Yiming already wears glasses. Can I sign up for the school where Go is offline?"

"Oh, yes." Lin Ruoyan smiled and took the enrollment coloring page of the chess academy, and some of these leaflets were also placed in the restaurant of the hotel, "I invested in opening a chess academy, and the professional teachers who retired from the city's Go team taught , His students are also selected for the city team this year, if you are interested, you can learn."

"Wow, Mr. Lin, how much business have you opened?" Mother Ou sighed enviously.

Lin Ruoyan said modestly: "It's all about investing a little money, serious business is still run by professionals."

"Then can we follow suit?" Ou's mother usually has some spare cash and doesn't know what to do with it. "1 to [-], isn't it too little?"

"For this quota, I can recommend another project." Lin Ruoyan found Zhang Huanyu's homestay project recruitment promotional document for small and micro shareholders from the computer, "I sponsored this project, take a look, if you are interested You can vote, the money is not much, but you can live for free in the future, it is very convenient for travel and leisure.”

This is indeed very attractive to the two mothers, and they are eager to try after reading the material.

Mother Ou also said: "Mr. Lin, would you like to join our parent group, which are all parents of our school. There is a first grade group, and there is a large school group. This is a private organization for exchanging information with each other."

Lin Ruoyan immediately joined the group.However, the current Penguin account does not require real-name verification, and the account is often stolen, so people seldom fill in real name information.The news spread in such a group can only be regarded as a reference, and it is far from the official effectiveness of the real-name verification group of professional communication tools more than ten years later.

However, she can use this parent group to send some project information, such as learning websites, Go academy... and the myopia treatment device developed by her company in the future.

"Oh, by the way, does any of you know a good physical training teacher?" The two asked about the training classes, and Lin Ruoyan also wanted to ask how their children usually practice sports.

"What is a fitness teacher?"

It seems that there is no concept of special physical training in this era, so Lin Ruoyan put it another way: "It is our head teacher who asked me to strengthen physical exercise for Mengxi. He is good in other subjects, only the physical education grade needs extra daily training." Practice again."

Mama Ou had met Lin Mengxi before. This little boy was delicate and cute, and he was relatively thin. He was different from other strong and mischievous little boys. It seemed that he should exercise more.

"Well, my Xiaoxue learns dance, so I don't have any extra practice. Fu Ying, where's your baby?"

"In the beginning we ran very fast and didn't practice. The skipping rope was taken by the child's father, and the results of jumping more at home have also improved."

The children of these parents don't worry about physical education. If they want to exercise, they let their children learn some ball games, swimming, or skating. They don't have special physical training for physical examinations like later generations.Who knows where the son's father is, Lin Ruoyan herself is not good at running and jumping, and there are no training classes, so it seems that she has to find another way.

Because Lin Mengxi is not omnipotent and has to "make up lessons" in sports, the mentality of these two mothers has finally stabilized, and they will not be too envious of other people's sons.

After seeing off the two mothers, Lin Ruoyan returned to her residence in front of the courtyard, and when she looked up, she saw Chen Jun boxing in the courtyard.She suddenly realized, isn't this a ready-made master?Rope skipping and running are the basics. To practice martial arts, you can learn from Chen Jun, and you can just add a tutoring fee to him.

So Lin Mengxi, who was fascinated by reading in the study, was caught by her mother and entered the yard. Lin Ruoyan asked, "Do you think Uncle Chen's boxing looks good?"

Chen Jun practices in the yard every day, and Lin Mengxi can often see him when he comes home from school, but he has never been good at sports, so he can only watch enviously.

Lin Ruoyan bewitched: "Son, do you want to learn? Chen Jun learned martial arts from Shaolin Temple, so he doesn't accept apprentices easily. If you want to learn, how about mom finding a way to let him teach you?"

Lin Mengxi's eyes were bright. He was dragged by his mother to watch many movies before.At that time, martial arts movies about flying over the roofs and walls, showing love and enmity were very popular, and they were all in Lin Ruoyan's taste, and they were also easy to attract children.He knew the status of Shaolin Temple in the world of martial arts, and he also heard from his classmates that he was applying for classes outside to learn martial arts and taekwondo.He nodded and said earnestly, "Mom, I want to learn."

Lin Ruoyan said: "Then you need to lay a solid foundation first. During the parent-teacher meeting, I heard from the teacher that you need to work harder in sports. You didn't get full marks for jumping rope and running. It's still a bit difficult to practice martial arts... ..."

"Mom, I'll practice." Lin Mengxi solemnly promised.

"Then exercise in the yard for an hour after school every day. First, you will get full marks in the exam content of your school's physical education class, and then see if Uncle Chen is interested in teaching you." Lin Ruoyan thought that her son's IQ is high , but adults' routines are more complicated.How about arranging him to learn martial arts from the beginning?You must meet certain conditions to have a chance, and your son can work hard.

This reminded her of a joke. In order to encourage his grandson to go to kindergarten, his grandfather educated his grandson since he was a child, saying that only obedient and well-behaved children can be sent to kindergarten. There are many toys and many children to play with.So the grandson has always been very obedient and well-behaved, looking forward to qualifying for kindergarten.On the day when I was sent to the kindergarten, I went happily with my schoolbag on my back, which was completely different from the crying children with separation anxiety disorder around me.

Today is the fifth update and the third update

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