Lin Ruoyan continued: "According to Mr. Wang's plan, the industrial new city should be well-equipped at the beginning, and I agree very much. Building a higher-end hotel is just the beginning, and it needs to gather popularity. There is such a large area in the picture to build a new city , it is impossible to wait for appreciation and rebuild houses.

Mr. Jiang also said that the higher authorities agreed to let the hotel be built first, and commercial housing will definitely be launched later.Mr. Wang invited everyone to come here to complete the first-level development, put the municipal facilities in place, and plan what to do for each plot, so that in the future, these lands can be sold to others in a targeted manner to obtain the maximum value. "

The same meaning, they are all buying land and selling second-hand to make a difference. Lin Ruoyan's statement immediately became more elegant.These people took the land for the so-called first-level development, repaired bridges and paved roads to improve the municipal connection, made the raw land mature, and then sold it to others to continue the second-level development.

This concept is already common in more mature real estate markets.But right now these people haven't had that kind of systematic exposure to professional vocabulary. It wasn't until Lin Ruoyan said it that they realized that what they were doing was actually such a lofty thing. Approving smile.

"However, the construction cycle of high-end hotels is long, and the money can only be seen after a period of operation. At the beginning, we still have to build houses and sell them, so we can sell them quickly." Wang Min frowned, "The floor area ratio here requires the same 1.0, the height is still limited, and high-rises cannot be built, and villas must be sold with small high-rises, otherwise they will lose money if they are not satisfied with the floor area ratio.”

Lin Ruoyan listened to everyone's opinions, and knew that the villa in their minds was still the concept of a traditional big villa. Next, she was going to tell them what product she was going to make.

The floor area ratio is the floor area divided by the occupied land. The larger the number, the more houses can be built on the same piece of land, and the more salable area will be.However, the higher the floor area ratio means the lower the possibility of building a villa.In the era of the book, what is officially called a villa is a large unit with a single family and a single courtyard, with one or two floors on the ground and a basement.The floor area ratio of that kind of house is about 0.6. If it is higher, the yard will be smaller.

Theoretically, a piece of land with a plot ratio of 1.0 cannot build a traditional single-family villa.

Of course, the overall planning here will not allow so many high-rise buildings to be built far away from the county seat, nor can it waste land to build a bunch of big villas, all of which are blocked in front and back. Let the developer make a fuss about the floor area ratio of 1.0 and build some exquisite buildings. The small bungalows have the feeling of small towns and satellite cities in foreign countries.

Therefore, it is correct to control the floor area ratio and height limit.Lin Ruoyan can fully understand this, but the garden house multi-storey unit cannot be sold at a too expensive price.Only those who build villas can attract people from Beijing. The payment is slower, but the unit price can be higher. The cost of selling rough construction is also cheaper than that of multi-storey and high-rise buildings.It's cheap to build but expensive to sell. Which developer doesn't like it?

However, the existing types of villas on the market cannot support a floor area ratio of 1.0.

Generally, developers will think about raising high and buying low, that is, building some tall houses against the height limit, and building villas as much as possible on the remaining land.The proportion of the building area of ​​the villa should be maximized, and high-rise residences will be built in one row or two along the northernmost edge of the plot, and all good resources will be reserved for the villa.Those high-rise residences are actually not easy to sell, and they still look down on the villas, which will disturb the privacy of the villas.

Such a mixed community, no matter how isolated by masonry walls, will still affect each other, and the villas will not be the price of traditional high-end villas.However, at least we got enough floor area ratio and made some expensive products that can be sold.In short, the loss of floor area ratio is the loss of sales area, and these people must not accept it.

Ling Laoliu's temper was even more violent. He could feel that there was something in Lin Ruoyan's words, but he didn't know what this girl was going to do, so he asked bluntly: "Boss Lin, are you planning to build a villa at the exit of the expressway? It's convenient to come and go, But the floor area ratio is not enough, and the villas have to be sold with some multi-storeys, and the multi-storeys here cannot be sold at a high price."

Lin Ruoyan asked suddenly: "Do you know how much the big villas in Beijing and surrounding cities cost? The big villas I bought in Jin City some time ago were only 80 million. Beijing is not a place where traditional villas are located. Villas That's more than 300 million."

Ling Laoliu didn't understand, so he said: "Of course, there is no two or three million yuan, and it is not called a villa in Beijing."

"Then, after two or three years, have you thought about how much the serious suburban villa you think will sell for?" Lin Ruoyan continued to ask.

"According to the market conditions in the past few years, in two or three years, the suburban villas can sell for 500 million? And it may fall. After all, there are very few rich people. If you bought a villa a few years ago, would you buy a new one?" Do you want to buy a villa in a distant place? And villas with a small area and low quality are priced at the same price, and ordinary people can’t afford them, and even the really rich don’t like them.”

Wang Min's research on housing is not as good as that of hotels. He came from the era of welfare housing and built some houses himself. Where is the construction and installation cost? He always feels that the housing prices in Beijing are already very high now. Years later, when the price of raw materials and land have not changed suddenly, the price of commercial housing will rise and fall in line with market laws.

"Then if in the future, the policy does not allow residential buildings with a floor area ratio below 1.0, the floor area ratio of all residential land within Beijing must exceed 1.0, and encourage more high-rise buildings to meet the rigid living needs of the people. When villa products become more and more Scarcity, will the price of villas increase? Rare things are more expensive.”

Lao Jiang recalled some high-level meetings he attended before retirement, and knew that there was a tendency to build more houses on the same land, and gradually reduce the use of land for large villas.Especially in a big city like Beijing, it may be difficult to see villa land outside the Fifth Ring Road in the future.

The assumption Lin Ruoyan just mentioned, combined with her good relationship with relevant departments in Beijing, can roughly infer that the future policies of Beijing and even the whole country are also in this direction.Now I feel that the floor area ratio of 1.0 is very high, and this may be the lowest floor area ratio of residential buildings in the future. In 1.0, it is very difficult to build all villas. Will there be fewer and fewer real big villas in the future?

Lin Ruoyan said: "The proceeds from the sale of land have brought a significant increase in the finances of various places. Capital has heard the news and speculated. The development of real estate can drive the upper and lower industrial chains and prosper the economy. This is a role of pillar industries... Land prices will increase. It's getting more and more expensive, and it won't be as cheap as it is today.

In addition, my brother is in the industry. He said that changes in the international situation have a great impact on domestic raw materials. For example, raw materials such as steel have been rising.With more and more domestic engineering projects, the price of the previously unremarkable building materials has been increasing very fast, and the supply is in short supply and the price continues to rise.

So, I must be tempted to hear that an acre of land is so cheap here.Moreover, the floor area ratio of 1.0 may be very low in the future, and it can be used as a livable plot for villas. "

Old Liu asked curiously, "I heard from Mr. Lin that he intends to build a... villa with a floor area ratio of 1.0?"

Ling Laoliu covered houses, and knew the normal situation of villas and residential plot ratios, shook his head and said: "Lao Liu, even if the plot ratio can really make a villa, it is far worse than a serious villa. Do you like it?"

This Ling Lao Liu seems to be very concerned about whether the house can be sold at a higher price after being built.And the product innovation that Lin Ruoyan wants to mention is a kind of courtyard villa product that has been seen in the real world. With a plot ratio of 1.0, the living quality of a villa is realized.

But first, she wanted to answer everyone present, who would sell such a villa.

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