The streets and alleys are somewhat depressed.

Some had bitter looks on their faces, while others swaggered and dressed luxuriously.

"Mortals also have their strengths and weaknesses."

Mu Anran and Yu Lan walked among them, looking out of place with the surroundings, but no one noticed them.

Yu Lan seemed a little accustomed to it, turned her head away, her phoenix eyes were a little bored, "It's like this everywhere."

"Have you noticed?"

Yu Lan turned her head, "No woman came out."

There are old women who set up the stalls, but there is no woman besides the old women.

A group of children ran past playing.

Mu Anran raised his chin towards them, "I mean them."

"Girls can have girls, but there are no women." Mu Anran smiled, "What kind of magic only needs women, but not girls?"

"You mean..." Yu Lan frowned in disgust, and said coldly, "Scumbag!"

Mu Angran shook his head, "It may not be what you think."

Yu Lan tilted her head slightly.

That could be why.

Seeing Mu Anran looking around, she scanned around with her spiritual sense.

The town here is not big, so you can easily know everything.

There were cries all over the town, and there were family members who felt that their child would never come back, held a funeral, and were heartbroken.

Mu Anran thought for a while and said, "Which family do you think the woman who thinks she can go back in time will belong to?"

Yu Lan said, "If she can really go back in time, then it won't be any family in this town."

"What do you mean the way to go back in time is suicide?"

Mu Anran pretended to be in deep thought, "If she is real, then is the place where we are now surrounded by many missing women a fantasy or reality?"

"If she is false, then why would a mortal suddenly feel that he can save everyone by committing suicide?"

Yu Lan was silent for a while, "If she thought it was true, but it was false, then wouldn't she commit suicide..."

The two looked at each other, "So where do you think she will be?"

Mu Anran actually wanted to ask the original question.

Obviously she didn't think women's abilities were real.

Yu Lan disagreed, "The real ability cannot be denied. Maybe that woman is very powerful, or maybe she picked up some magic weapon that can go back in time."

Mu Angran just asked rhetorically, "So you think your Wuyue can't see through illusions and illusions?"


Yu Lan subconsciously stroked Wuyue, her phoenix eyes drooped slightly, "If it is false, the deceived woman is really a resident of this town, then she has the courage to commit suicide..."

She raised her phoenix eyes, and her consciousness landed on the room full of white silk, and the room where she cried the most. "She should love her hometown very much, and her hometown is also worthy of her love."

But is it true?

Mu Anran sighed, "You'll know if you go and have a look."

When the two came to the house, they realized that there was something different about this place. There were many people coming and going here, and they all came to express their condolences with mournful faces.

It's hard to imagine that it is a young woman who is hated by so many people, and she looks like an old man.

So if she hadn't guessed along Mu Anran's account, Yu Lan wouldn't have felt that this was the home of the woman who committed suicide.

They walked in with the flow of people, but there was a flat coffin in the center of the dilapidated hall.

The cries became louder, and the two white-haired old men wept bitterly.

"Stupid child! Why are you so stupid! What are you doing to kill yourself! You are obviously smart since you were a child, but you still have to be stupid when it comes to your end!"

"My condolences." Someone comforted, "Girl, she has helped her neighbors since she was a child, and grew up eating our family's food. She is smart and smart, and she also wants to use her death to pray to the immortals to save us."

"What kind of prayer is this! She keeps saying that time can be restarted! But she still lost her life in vain! Why don't I see the immortals pity me!"

"Be careful what you say."

Mu Anran bowed three times to the coffin, then approached the coffin, and the scene inside the coffin came into view.

Lying in the coffin was a girl who couldn't close her eyes until she died.

The girl's death was miserable, and no matter how the villagers and elders washed it, they couldn't wash the blood off their hands or sew up the wound on her neck.

But different from the miserable appearance, even if there was no light in the girl's open eyes, she could still see hope besides the pain before she died.

She really felt that she could go back in time.

Mu Anran stretched out his hand, and a tiny fluff flew up from the girl's mouth and nose.

Yu Lan was a little puzzled.

Mu Anran looked at Yu Lan.

Yu Lan froze for a moment, and at that moment the old man in the space said, "This is the cheapest psychedelic grass! No wonder you haven't seen it before! This kind of thing can only make ordinary people daydream. Not worth the money!"

The old man sneered, "Look, what kind of daydream is this, die laughing."


Yu Lan said slowly, "This is a low-level psychedelic grass, which can make people daydream. I think this woman accidentally inhaled it, so..."

She didn't say any more.

So the mystery of going back in time is just a joke.

Many of their previous guesses were completely unnecessary.

This is a mortal woman who desperately wants to save the missing woman.

A person who... died in vain and was still full of hope.

Mu Anran was stunned for a moment, even though he had expected it, he was still a little dazed.

She thought for a while, recited the mantra of passing away, and then walked out of the crying room with Yu Lan.

The two walked forward in silence for a while, Yu Lan said, "There are great powers in the world, but it is impossible to reverse the time in Wangzhi Continent, and it is even more impossible to imagine that a mortal dares to dream of reversing time, just to save his compatriots. "

Mu Anran suddenly said, "Rebirth is like a big cake, even if you can do it again, you will never be satisfied, and you will always want to do it again."


Yu Lan understood the appropriateness of this word again.

She shook her head, "It is indeed a wonderful dream to be reborn with memories." As she spoke, she was a little dazed, but recovered quickly.

Her aspirations are incomparable to others, and she will not look forward to things that are unrealistic and impossible to happen.

How much is the price of rebirth? The peak cultivators who are so big that they can destroy the world have to be beaten back to their mother's womb to start again. How can such a big world be reversed?
"It's not impossible."


Mu Anran smiled, "It's a great temptation, and this is a very magical world."


Yu Lan didn't want to have some improbable discussions with her, so she said instead, "Let's go, catch the scum behind."

At some point, her phoenix pupils had darkened sharply.

It was just a mortal woman who accidentally inhaled psychedelic weed and committed suicide in a daydream, but Yu Lan couldn't tolerate those people.


Listening to Wuyue's report, Yu Lan raised her eyes and looked a little clueless.

There is not a single trace left here that can be traced.

How do I get started?
"Let's go deep into Fu'an Country."

Mu Anran felt the ball belonging to Daoxu in his body, and shrugged, "The predecessors planted trees and the descendants enjoy the shade."

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