Because he brought back many ghost guards, Jiang Changan came to the main hall to hold a meeting to deal with issues of placement and work allocation.

Jin Qiaoqiao and Zhu Ming are very capable, but they are not masters after all. They left in a hurry at the beginning. Even if Jiang Changan and Li Shushen let go of their power in many matters, they did not dare to be too presumptuous.

So when I come back this time, I must put the work in place so that the people under my command are no longer tied up.

Despite Jiang Changan's young age, he immediately got into the mood when it came to work. Li Shushen was also unfazed. After all, they both had experiences in their previous lives and were already used to the fast pace.

Not long after reminiscing about old times, a group of people were unconsciously brought into working mode, and the atmosphere couldn't help but become tense.

The businesses in Suzhou Mansion and Qingping Village were managed separately from Cangwu Mansion, so Fengling only briefly introduced the business there to let everyone know that it was his own business.

To avoid malicious competition.

Let’s focus on the business side of Cangwu Mansion. Because Jin Qiaoqiao and Ju Ming don’t have enough manpower, they need to incorporate some manpower from within Baigui to assist.

Of course, business is secondary. The main purpose of the Hundred Ghost Guards is to protect the safety of Jiang Changan and Li Shushen and assist them in accomplishing great tasks, such as official affairs.

If you want to enter the officialdom, you must first make enough money. Only after your life is stable can you consider studies and officialdom.

Jin Qiaoqiao took out a thick stack of account books, "Girl, these are the account books for the brocade business, furniture factory preparations, porcelain factory preparations, and household expenses." These are the double-entry accounting methods that Jiang Changan taught them before leaving. This kind of Accounting accounts play the role of self-checking and supervision by others.

The account books are densely packed with additions and corrections, which shows that Jin Qiaoqiao and the others have a hard-working attitude towards learning.

Jiang Changan is a veteran in doing accounting. He can check the original receipt and the report at a glance, and he can tell whether it is true or false at a glance. When he scans it with the system, he can also see right and wrong at a glance.

They were definitely all true, but there were several mistakes. Jiang Changan pointed them out to her directly and taught her how to correct them.

By the time Jiang Changan read the account books, he almost knew how far these businesses had progressed, so he shared and analyzed them with everyone.

"Generally speaking, Ju Ming and Qiao Qiao have done a good job. From now on, we will just do it your way and make some corrections.

But you are the ones who want to stay with me and Shu Shen as the general manager, and leave all the things in the factory to others, you can just coordinate them."

When Jiang Changan's business was about to be discussed, Li Ziyi and the tenth prince came to the door.

Li Ziyi was particularly excited. There were no outsiders here, so he shared it directly with Jiang Changan, "Chang'an, you must have heard that our brocade was sent to the palace, right? How is it? Did it meet your expectations?"

Several young people moved to the pavilion. The table was filled with tea and snacks, and they started chatting freely.

"Of course, today's success is inseparable from the efforts of several of you. Thank you so much!" Jiang Changan raised his tea cup in tribute to the young men.

"Don't dare to thank Chang'an. After all, we have all benefited." The tenth prince raised his cup of tea in return.

Jiang Changan was generous, and the tenth prince just set up the middle and used some connections to successfully send the Sun family's brocade to the palace, making it famous and driving huge sales.

Jin Qiaoqiao directly paid one hundred thousand gold. Do you think how profitable this brocade business would be?

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