Reborn Peasant Girl: I Rely on Carpentry as Minister of Industry

Chapter 148 Changing the appearance of the village

Chapter 148 Changing the appearance of the village
Li Shushen and Qingfeng solved all the bandits and brought the village chief's family back to life, weeping with joy.

Chen Dan helped the old woman in the courtyard up, while Qingfeng entered the house and cut off the rope lock of the family in the corner with a sword.

The village chief was an old man whose hands and feet were numb due to being tied up for too long. Once he was freed, he bowed down to Li Shushen and others on the spot.

"Thank you young hero for saving your life."

Behind him, several sons, grandchildren and grandchildren followed suit.

I thought I was going to die today, but in the end, I was saved, and the savior in front of me was very powerful even though he was young.

With just one sword strike, more than a dozen people can be cut to the ground, and this meeting of people is still drenched in the rain in the courtyard, which is even more powerful than the masters of the rivers and lakes that the storyteller talked about.

"You're welcome, old man, get up quickly, we're here to stay overnight, we didn't expect this kind of thing to happen.

Old man, who are these people?Why are you tied up? "Qingfeng helped the whole family up and asked.

Speaking of that group of people, the entire family looked horrified, "Well, those are bandits from Tiger Mountain, and one of them was kicked out of our village.

His mother doesn't keep women's morals, just do skin and meat business in the village, he is also a local rascal, often steals things, molesting girls and daughters-in-law, tired of many women's reputation, and repeatedly does not change.

I am the head of the village. After discussing with several respected old people in the village, I was approved by the government and the evidence was solid. Then I drove the person out of the village.

It's just that he didn't expect that he held a grudge, and even colluded with the bandits and returned to the village to take revenge.

It came early in the morning, and it rained heavily for several days. We didn't go out, and I don't know if other families have suffered? "

The village chief has a sense of responsibility. After gaining safety and freedom for the first time, he thought of the villagers in the village.

Jiang Chang'an took a glance through the system. There were only a dozen or so households in the small village, but he didn't see any abnormalities such as villagers being bullied.

"Probably not. Do bandits often come into the village? Have you reported to the officials?" This is the job of an official, and Jiang Chang'an didn't want to do it at all.

The old village chief shook his head again and again, "I didn't have time to report to the government, and it was the first time I found out that bandits had entered the village.

The bandits on Tiger Mountain are several miles away from here, and they used to live off the tolls paid by small caravans passing by.

Xu is to seek revenge. "The old village chief was very upset. He also wanted to eliminate harm for the villagers. He didn't expect that his family was almost wiped out.

In this kind of horrible weather, there is no one who calls for help. It is a lie to say that there is no complaint or grievance.

"It's raining so hard, it's not easy to report to the government, and it's a disaster to keep it. Otherwise, kill it and bury it. If you want to come to the government, you must have no objection."

Li Shushen threw the stone in his hand very cynically.

Then, he slammed stones at those people, scaring the bandits who saw Li Shushen's movements so frightened that their hearts almost stopped suddenly.

They will never forget how powerful Li Shushen's little stone is, it can kill people.

Unexpectedly, Shi Zi just solved the dumb hole of one of the bandits.

"Speak, now I will give you a chance to defend yourself. If you speak badly, you will be buried alive."

At this time, the bandit's panting voice suddenly came out, "Huh? Ah, young man, we didn't do it on purpose, it was Wang Laosan who said that the village head of this village is a big villain who bullies others.

Otherwise, you can see that only their house in the whole village has been built with green bricks and tiles. "

The big bandit was drenched in the rain for a while, and his body was so cold that he began to shiver. When he was asked to argue, he really started to argue, completely forgetting that he wanted to slaughter them like fat sheep.

The old village head was angry, "You fart, I have been the village head all my life, and I have never taken a stitch from others for nothing. My house was started with money from my daughter-in-law who married well and my son-in-law."

"Then how do we know, it's all said by Wang Laosan, and the Tiger Mountain where we live is flooded, so we have no choice but to go to the village to borrow things.

We also have to support the old and the young, so we want to rob the rich and help the poor, but the rob is wrong, young man, we haven't done anything outrageous, so please forgive us? "

Aren't children's dreams of rivers and lakes all about robbing the rich and helping the poor? The bandit man is talking nonsense with a sincere face.

The old village chief is about to die unjustly. When did his family become rich?There are no wealthy families in their entire village.

"Although our small village is next to the official road, it is in a low-lying place. Half of the rice planted every year will be flooded, and the rest are steep hills, which cannot be planted at all.

So the population in the village is not large, because life is too difficult. Except for a better house, my family is the same as everyone else. How is it rich?
All the daughters in the village marry out, and half of the men fail to marry a wife. That's why I drove Wang Laosan, who harassed women, out of the village. "

Is there something wrong?The facts can be seen here, but you still have to talk nonsense with your eyes open. Are the bandits amazing?The old village head snorted unhappily.

The bandits were in a hurry, but the old man dared to talk back, just as he was about to argue again.

At the entrance of the village, there was suddenly the sound of a beating stick, from far to near, and then a loud voice came with great penetrating power.

"The flood is coming! All the villagers quickly hide to a higher place, the flood is coming!"

This voice should contain a huge internal force, and almost everyone in the village heard it.

Jiang Chang'an saw some people coming out of the house in panic, and then saw a figure on a horse galloping past.

He ran in the direction of the village chief's house, and the villagers who heard it quickly followed him.

The old village head was startled, "Floods are coming? Impossible? Our village has never had a flood for decades. It is usually just a lot of rain and flooded crops.

How can there be floods when there are no rivers passing by?Wouldn't it be a trap for bandits? "

No wonder the village head thinks this way, because there are more than a dozen bandits in his family who don't know how to deal with them.

Jiang Changan let go of the system, scanned to the farthest place, and checked the nearby terrain.

Then, he pointed in a direction, "Over there, is there a gap at the foot of the mountain? If there is a river on the opposite side, it is entirely possible for the flood to rush from that direction."

This was just Jiang Changan's premonition, because she couldn't see it from farther away.

At this moment, the village head was also anxious, he slapped his thigh, and suddenly realized, "God, that's not true, our village is low-lying, the gap is very high, but the opposite side of the gap is flat ground.

There is a river over there. If the river floods, it is very likely that the gap will be washed away. By then, our home and our fields will be finished!

There is no place for drainage at the end of the village, and the flood will only accumulate in the pocket of our village. "

The old village chief staggered, his eyes full of despair.

Sin!In the future, not only will there be no fields, but even the homes where they live will be submerged.

"Now is not the time to think about these things. Go to the police to see how far the flood is, and quickly organize the villagers to go to the high ground."

After Jiang Changan finished speaking, he walked to the door first, waiting for the intelligence personnel to arrive. He was very calm at such a young age.

The old village chief wiped away his tears, "Yes, I'll go out and have a look." The poor are always fighting for their lives with God, and they can't easily admit defeat until the last moment.

A few people hurried through the rain curtain to open the gate of the courtyard. At this time, the informant just arrived, but, a little familiar.

Jiang Changan and Li Shushen looked at each other. This was a young man in black. He had been seen by the search team in Shanshang Village before.

I don't know which side it is from, and, how could he appear here?

"Who is the village head? You are asking me to report that the flood is about to overflow the Huoshan Pass and submerge the entire village. You should evacuate immediately."

After the man in black finished speaking, he took out Lizheng's document and handed it to the old village chief.

Then, I found the statue bandits in the yard, and the little fool in the mountain village?The one who pretended to be the little dark horse who won the first place in the assessment, and the very smart Li Shushen.

"What's going on here? Aren't you two children from the village on the mountain?" How did you appear thousands of miles away?

The man in black was puzzled, and, he knew those bandits, it's just that these people didn't dare to rob him before, but didn't they think they would come to rob this village?

"Floods are important now, sir, but there are floods in many places outside the mountain?" The old village chief is more concerned about the safety of life, and you can postpone your reminiscences.

"Yes, the upper reaches of the Yongjiang River broke out in floods, and all along the way were affected, and people in many places were constantly washed away by the flood.

Hurry up, move all the important things up the mountain, forget the unimportant ones, there is no time. "

"Yes, I always ask the villagers to move, but, where to move? Which place is safe? And it's raining outside, it's wet, and the elderly and children can't stand it."

The old village head was panicked and desperate.

And Jiang Changan has already found the location, "Move to that mountain, where the terrain is relatively flat, and the soil is solid, not prone to landslides, and the location is large enough for a village of you to resettle.

There are bamboo forests next to it, but with local materials, several bamboo houses can be built today.

The location at the entrance of the village is actually very weak, as long as it is connected, the flood can be discharged.

If the upper stream is dredged and diverted, even if the flood recedes, a river can be formed here, and the water supply is convenient.

Those hilly lands can also be developed into terraced fields, and the environment and conditions of the village in the future should be better than now. "

Jiang Changan used the system's assistance to guide the planning like a country, which immediately stunned a group of people.

(End of this chapter)

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