That sword fairy is back

Chapter 153 The Most Impossible Answer

How did the elders of Shengyuanzong let a little monk in a deserted city thousands of miles away from Shengyuanzong know the secret that the elders did not pass on to the outside world?
How to quibble?

At this moment, Zhong Qi's back was covered with a layer of cold sweat, and the blood on his face quickly faded away, leaving only paleness.

Su Jianxing had never seen a person's face turn pale so quickly, but he also knew that the other person was overly frightened.She didn't intend to intimidate him, but obviously what she said just now shocked him extremely.

But she was not in a hurry to appease the other party.Because she had some new ideas from the first conversation, but no matter what she wanted to do, she still had to see if Zhong Qi was suitable.

Su Jianxing looked at him quietly, not in a hurry to appease his emotions, but just wanted to see how Zhong Qi would react in this situation.

Zhong Qi didn't know what Su Jianxing was thinking at this moment, and his mind was full of "It's over, it's over...", but he also knew that there was nothing he could do about his current situation.

He forced himself to calm down, forced himself to think.He was thinking, did Su Jianxing meet him just to interrogate this question?

No, it won't.If Su Jianxing wants to interrogate herself, with her strength, she has a way to tie him up without anyone noticing, instead of coming to him through Tan Yi.

To meet him through Tan Yi was to some extent sending a signal to him that she would not do anything to him.

So she asks herself what are those questions for?What does she want to know, or suspect?Would she know herself—no, she couldn't know.

Zhong Qi's mind was in a turmoil, he thought a lot at that moment, but he didn't seem to think about anything.

He raised his pale face, looked at Su Jianxing, and asked, "Does Fellow Daoist Su have to know the answer?"

Su Jianxing raised his eyelids and looked at him: "What if I say yes?"

Zhong Qi tremblingly said with a pale face: "Sorry, I can't give you an answer."


"Because I will die." Zhong Qi said, staring at Su Jianxing closely, as if trying to get a glimpse of the reaction he wanted from her expression.

However, Zhong Qi was doomed to be disappointed.Su Jianxing originally wanted to see his reaction, so how could he take advantage of his loopholes.

Didn't find any valuable information from Su Jianxing, Zhong Qi lowered his eyes again, looking at the glass of white water in front of him, calling for the system to appear in his mind, waiting for Su Jianxing's trial .

But the system is as quiet as a chicken at the moment, and there is no trace of existence at all.

By the way, Zhong Qi thought vaguely that when Tan Yi came to find him before, the system seemed to be gone.Was it because he was too afraid of Su Jianxing, the future villain, that he didn't even dare to risk his head?

Unable to rely on the system, Zhong Qi could only block his own guess and bet that Su Jianxing would not kill him.

Time passed little by little, Su Jianxing never spoke.However, Zhong Qi could feel that her gaze had been circling around her body, as if examining and measuring something.

Zhong Qi remained motionless, like a wooden sculpture.Only the hand that was placed under the table was clenched tightly, and the fingertips were deeply pinched into the palm of his own.

A sharp tingling came from the palm, as if this was the only way to make Zhong Qi feel that he was still living in this world.

Perhaps it was because he was extremely nervous, but Zhong Qi entered a very relaxed state instead.The stiff back slumped slightly, and his clenched fingers were slightly loosened. He even had the time to complain in his heart: He is indeed the villain who can destroy the world in the original plot. The aura of self-prestige also makes people unable to look directly at it.

I don't know how long it has passed, maybe a long time, maybe only a short moment.A clear and short laughter came from the opposite side, and at the same time, the sweat on Zhong Qi's forehead was flowing down the bridge of his nose to the tip of his nose, dripping onto the table with a "click".

The sound was actually weak, but it fell on Zhong Qi's ears like a heavy drum, and it mixed with the short laughter, making it impossible for him to distinguish whether he was hallucinating or not.

Zhong Qi raised his eyes slightly and looked opposite.However, when he raised his eyes a little, he met Su Jianxing's long-awaited sight.

Su Jianxing: "Since you can't say it, and you will die if you say it, then don't say it, let me guess."

With a slight smile on her face, she tapped her fingers unconsciously on the table, as if she was also thinking: "If I guess right, it won't be what you said, and you won't die, right?"

Zhong Qi said dumbly: "Yes."

He was also thinking in his heart, yes, yes, but is it possible for ordinary people to guess such things as crossing with the system on their backs?But at the same time, an inexplicable expectation suddenly rose in my heart.

Su Jianxing didn't rush to guess, her fingers were still tapping on the table "Da, Da, Da——", the sound was not loud, but very crisp, and even had some rhythm and rhythm.

Zhong Qi listened to the voice, quietly waiting for Su Jianxing to speak.

This kind of waiting is not as tormenting as before, and even carries a brisk, secret excitement.

After about half a cup of tea, Su Jianxing finally spoke, and she asked him, "Are you the descendant of the secret?"

What?Heir to Heaven?

Zhong Qi froze on the spot.Before the look of anticipation had time to subside, a look of surprise and astonishment had already climbed onto his face.

Maybe at this moment, he himself doesn't know how weird and funny his expression is in Su Jianxing's eyes.

Su Jianxing gave a "tsk", "Sure enough, it's not, ruled out a wrong option."

Zhong Qi didn't know whether she should worry or breathe a sigh of relief. Although she already had confidence in her heart, it was too outrageous for her to guess that he was the descendant of the secret.

Heirs of Heaven's Mysteries are the ones who can spy on the fate of all things in the world, the ones closest to the way of heaven, and the ones who only existed in legends.

Su Jianxing really dared to guess.He himself would like to be the descendant of Tianji, but it is obviously impossible.If he was really a descendant of the secret, he would probably be chatting and laughing with Su Jianxing at this moment, instead of the tense nerves, trembling for fear of being "clicked" by the other party if he was careless.

Thinking of this, Zhong Qi twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled self-deprecatingly.

At this time, Su Jianxing said again: "You are not the descendant of Tianjimen, and I have checked your background, and the secrets of Shengyuanzong cannot be passed on to you anyway. From this point of view, after eliminating all options What remains is the truth even in the most improbable."

There is something familiar about this passage.Zhong Qi's heart suddenly started beating violently. He raised his head to look at the girl across from him. This time he scrutinized him very carefully, not wanting to miss even a tiny hair, just to find a trace of his familiar face on her face. memory.

The girl noticed his gaze, no one disgusted her, and she didn't avoid it, she just sat there openly and let you look at her.At the same time, she did not forget to continue to announce her answer: "The most impossible truth, I guess, is about——Young Daoyou Zhong, you are not from this world."

Zhong Qi didn't deny it: "You know, maybe you too—"

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