Chapter 237

"Oh yeah, okay!" Cen Li immediately jumped three feet high with joy when she heard it.

In the past, Cen Mugen worked outside the home and never went home. It was too difficult for Huang Xiulan to support a family by herself. She couldn't even wear new clothes, so how could she have time to go out and play.

Although she grew up and went to play around by herself, the experience of going out with her family when she was a child is completely different, so she is still looking forward to it.

After the mother and daughter finished washing, Cen Junjie got on the motorcycle and took the two of them towards the city.

As a small city, there are no large shopping malls in the city center at this time, and the busiest one is People's Square.

In fact, people like to go out, the biggest purpose is to join in the fun, the more people there are, the more atmosphere there will be.

During the National Day holiday, there are a lot of people going out.

There are people who have business, and there are many small vendors selling things here, with various delicacies and toys.

In addition, the most attractive thing about People's Square is that there is a fountain, and children like to run around in the fountain.

Although it's National Day now, the temperature in the south is still very high, and many children have already run in to play, getting their whole bodies wet.

In this regard, the adults did not say anything, and let the children play by themselves.

Raising children in this era is not as expensive as later generations. Playing with things a little bit, is that this is unclean and that is dirty. Moreover, the environment is indeed better, and there are fewer toxins and germs.

"I'm selling balloons." When passing by, I saw a small stall selling balloons, with various shapes, which looked very beautiful under the lights.

"Give me two." Cen Junjie looked at it, and didn't ask Cen Li and Huang Xiulan if they wanted it, and bought two directly, one for mother and daughter.

"Thank you, Dad." Cen Li originally thought that she was an adult, and it was a bit naive to buy this, but when Cen Junjie gave it to her, her heart was inevitably touched and she felt particularly warm.

"Oh, I'm an adult, why do you still buy this?" Huang Xiulan was also embarrassed, but she couldn't hide the joy in her eyes.

Yes, adults also grow up from children, in fact, there is a child living in their hearts, but they have to lock up the child because of the pressure of life.

"What's the matter, my lord, you are just a little girl in my eyes." Cen Junjie took Huang Xiulan's hand and said with a smile.

Seeing his wife and daughter happy made him feel happy from the bottom of his heart.

"Really, there are so many people watching." Huang Xiulan was a little shy and wanted to take her hand back.

"I'm sorry for what to do, but you are the wife I have brought back in earnest, what's the matter if you hold hands." Cen Junjie was very stubborn, and he just didn't let go.

There was no other way, Huang Xiulan could only let him lead her with a blushing face, but it was sweet in her heart.

It turns out that this is the feeling of being hurt.

Huang Xiulan turned her head to look at Cen Junjie, her eyes were full of tenderness, she felt as if she was very old and just started to fall in love.

This kind of heart-wrenching feeling was also felt when he and Cen Mugen first met. After getting married, everything changed beyond recognition.

Originally, she thought that Cen Junjie would not turn bad after getting married, but he should also become cold and indifferent like most couples.

Unexpectedly, the life of the two of them will be sweeter after they get married.

(End of this chapter)

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