Chapter 228

The appearance of Xiaoer meant that the affairs of Shuntian Restaurant were coming to an end, Cheng Weiyao shook her sleeves lightly, and immediately changed her mind after confirming that the sachet was in place.

She pretended to be surprised and yelled: "Oh, I said, why can't I find it everywhere? It's covered by the tail of the skirt! My lord, I want to withdraw the lawsuit!"

Zhang Daming hadn't raised his worried brows for half an hour. Seeing that both parties were going to withdraw the lawsuit, he immediately closed the case with a smile on his face.

Wang Yuan had already noticed something strange from it, but when he returned to the wing room, there was already another Wen Chengyun in the room waiting for his arrival with a gentle face.

He has investigated Wang Yuan's information, and if he goes the wrong way because of love, he is still a good person who emphasizes feelings and loyalty on weekdays.So he planned to have a good chat with Wang Yuan...

After Cheng Weiyao left the yamen, he started the food support work intensively.With the capital as the center, the prefectural and county government granaries who heard the news along the way began to be in a hurry.

The reason was that officials and gentry hoarded grain on a large scale, but ordinary people couldn't afford high-priced rice, and there was not enough rice in their homes, and famines began one after another.

The rice release activity of Shuntian Restaurant soon took effect under the publicity, and the prices of rice shops in the vicinity of Qingshi Town were forced to stabilize.This also touched Wang Yuanbao's interests again. He has a lot of granaries under his command, and he planned to take advantage of this wave of popularity to make a fortune.

But he didn't expect to kill such a blocker as Shuntian Restaurant again!

The storyteller in the restaurant and teahouse also kept up with current events, and the content of the storytelling was very insightful and replaced it with praises for Cheng Weiyao, Wen Chengyun and Shuntian Restaurant.

"Fairies and couples help the world, Bodhisattvas are alive and fall into the mundane world. Don't miss it when you pass by. Today is a small heat in the mountains and rivers. If you pass by and listen to the storytelling of the little old man, come in and have a sip of tea..."

At this time, Wang Yuanbao was in the private room upstairs, and with his window open, he could just see the people of Qingping Palace next to Shuntian Restaurant who were opening warehouses to stockpile food.

"It's Shuntian Restaurant again, Wu Qi! Cheng Weiyao! Damn nemesis, I knew there would be no good for these two people to get together!"

Thinking about the price of the rice store, Wang Yuanbao pounded the table with his fists.What happened to that group of bodyguards was an oolong, which had already made his face dull. When he came back, his buttocks were still hot, and he found that Qingping Palace was still doing trouble.

"Master, don't be angry, follow their extravagant progress. As long as there are more people who claim it, I'm afraid it won't last long." The servant fanned Wang Yuanbao attentively and said sarcastic remarks.

The fire in Wang Yuanbao's heart eased a little, but he was a little unwilling to sit and wait for death. He didn't know how much food the Shuntian Restaurant had in store.Even if it is finally released, this reputation has already been made public.

He absolutely did not allow anyone's reputation to override his own. Looking at the sacks of rice being carried out, Wang Yuanbao's eyes flashed a venomous light.

It is difficult to rely on a single Shuntian restaurant to reach other prefectures and counties. After discussing with Wen Chengyun, Cheng Weiyao and Wen Chengyun planned to cooperate with the local county governments.

One is that their influence is limited, and the government needs to come forward to coordinate the price of rice with the various rice shops. The other is that Qingping Palace has been in Qingshi Town for a long time, and it is almost time to leave.

Taking advantage of this food release operation, gradually move towards the capital, catching the enemy by surprise!
"Okay, okay, okay! Please rest assured, my lord and concubine. I will contact my colleagues in other places, and two noble people will help me out. I believe that the price of rice in the prefectures and counties will stabilize soon!"

Zhang Daming is naturally overjoyed, he doesn't need to pay for it himself, and he can get good political achievements, so why not do it!Nowadays, people's hearts are in turmoil everywhere, and because there is this family living Bodhisattva in Qingshi Town, the livelihood of the people is guaranteed.He could already imagine that by the end of the year, his political performance would inevitably lead by a large margin!

After Wen Chengyun and Cheng Weiyao left, the joy in Zhang Daming's eyes faded a bit, and he noticed that he had called the wrong address in excitement.But neither Wen Chengyun nor Cheng Weiyao responded, what does this mean!Bet on the right treasure, stand on the right team!
The next day, the common people came to Shuntian Restaurant to receive the relief rice as usual, but it didn't take long, and strange voices came from the crowd soon.

"Wait... isn't this sand? Isn't Shuntian Restaurant running out of rice? Then there's no need to use sand to fool us, right?"

"What! Out of food? Why don't I carry it like that! I came all the way here with my family, if I don't get more food, I'm going to starve to death! Don't do porcelain work if you don't have diamonds!"

Although Shuntian Restaurant's distribution of food is due to love, but under special circumstances, the common people don't care about their duty and love. They only know that their last hope has been shattered, and they start to blame and cry one by one.

Considering that Cheng Weiyao was still resting upstairs, Wu Qi tried to appease everyone.Unexpectedly, this comfort made the voice louder, and he only felt an extra headache.

And Cheng Weiyao was grazing during the day, and frantically sowing and harvesting on the QQ farm at night, both physically and mentally exhausted.He simply stayed directly in the shopkeeper's room of Shuntian Restaurant, but he didn't expect that it would be full of noise in the morning.

From the noise of the common people, she already knew that there was something wrong with the distributed rice. The rice bag contained yellow sand instead of rice.

Cheng Weiyao came to the warehouse of Shuntian Restaurant immediately after washing and dressing up.

A warehouse full of rice is ready to be handed over to the county government, and the place of relief will gradually change from Shuntian Restaurant to the county government.After all, for the ruler, if a non-governmental organization has too much influence, it will often become a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh.

Even if the biggest ruler is Wen Chengyun's own father, there is always a scale in her heart to grasp the measure and measure.

After all, Wen Chengyun has a special status. Although he is a prince, he is also an adult prince.If it is attacked maliciously to centralize power, it is really hard to argue with the throne.

Therefore, cooperating with the government is actually to slowly transfer the credit to the ruler, that is, the benevolent rule of the current emperor, and it can be regarded as a good sale for his father-in-law who has never met.

Thinking so, Cheng Weiyao raised his hand and patted the rice bag.As a chef, she has been dealing with ingredients all the year round, and she keenly felt that the texture was wrong, too soft and shapeless. Obviously, this was not the food she took out from the QQ farm.

Cheng Weiyao's eyebrows twitched. Yesterday, he and Zhang Daming discussed the matter of cooperating to release grain. Today, there is a problem with the granary stored in Shuntian Restaurant.

Zhang Daming is a smart person, he will never shoot himself in the foot, this is not easy.I'm afraid that the notified colleagues colluded with the merchants.

(End of this chapter)

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