Don't abuse the prince, the princess has remarried

Chapter 764: I’m not asking you to sacrifice your life, just sacrifice some of your strength.

Gu Qianzhou said while pulling away the thorns in front of him, "We will be at the top of the mountain and see all the small mountains. If we don't climb to the top, how can we enjoy the most beautiful scenery of the Western Mountains."

Yan Guang smiled, "That's true. It's rare for Qianzhou to be so leisurely and relaxed. I'm willing to sacrifice my life to accompany you!"

Gu Qianzhou stepped onto the stone steps in three steps at a time, "I'm not asking you to risk your life, just give up some strength."

When Yan Guang heard this, he felt happy. His future wife really loved him.

For a moment, it was like being given a pot of chicken blood. My waist was no longer sore, and my legs were no longer painful. I was able to catch up with Gu Qianzhou's pace with great courage.

The stars were very good tonight, and the starlight did not disappoint the travelers. They didn't even use torches. In the deep night, when the forest was quiet and everything was silent, they finally reached the top of the mountain.

Plum Blossom Nunnery is located on the top of the mountain. It is larger than expected. It has more than a dozen rooms, surrounded by peach blossoms. The white walls and black tiles are hidden among the burning plum blossoms. It is quiet and distant, like a beautiful picture.

A red lantern hung at the door, emitting a scorching red light in the night. At first glance, it looked like two clusters of will-o'-the-wisps.

The wooden door is closed.

Gu Qianzhou stepped forward and knocked on the wooden door.

Knock knock knock, knock knock knock...

After knocking for a long time, a little nun opened the door sleepily, looked at Gu Qianzhou, and asked in a daze, "Does the donor want to stay overnight?"

Gu Qianzhou nodded, "Exactly."

"Please come in."

The little nun yawned and led them into one of the side rooms.

The wing room was very simple, with scriptures and a few futons inside.

The little nun led them in and was about to leave, yawning again and again, anxious to go back and catch up on her sleep.

Gu Qianzhou asked politely, "Excuse me, Master, are there any noble people who have come here to worship Buddha in the past two days?"

The little nun yawned again and said, "No, let alone the nobles, not even a fly has come to visit us in the past few days. The benefactors are the only guests that Meihua Temple has received in the past few days."

Gu Qianzhou carefully looked at the little nun's expression and felt that she did not look like she was lying.

Uncle Chen said that the prince and Song Birou came to Xishan to appreciate the plum blossoms, but there was no one at Kegong Palace and no one at Meihua Temple. Where did they go?

Song Birou invited the prince to come and enjoy the plum blossoms in a generous manner. She could not kidnap the prince away unless she no longer wanted to be a princess.

So where will they be?
You can't just go into the woods, right?
After coming up, Gu Qianzhou still wanted to explore the reality of Meihua Temple. He couldn't just go down the mountain after listening to the little nun's words.

So the group pretended to rest, and after the little nun left, Gu Qianzhou wandered around Meihua Temple in the dark.

The Meihua Temple is dedicated to the Bodhisattva. Although there are few pilgrims, the interior is very clean and spotless. Fresh fruits and incense candles are also offered.

Gu Qianzhou walked through one room after another. When he reached the innermost room, he suddenly came across a unique room.

This room is different from other rooms filled with scriptures. There are many weapons in this room. The most frequently displayed are red tassel spears, of different lengths, and each handle is polished.

Gu Qianzhou walked in and saw that the person worshiping inside was not a Bodhisattva, but a girl in red.

The girl is extremely beautiful. If you look at her from a distance, she will be as bright as the morning glow of the sun. If you look closely at her, she will be as bright as a flower emerging from Lubo, as graceful as a frightened giant, and as graceful as a swimming dragon.

Holding a red tassel gun, he looked forward with sharp eyes that seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts.

When Gu Qianzhou saw this portrait, his heart skipped a beat.

Why do you look so much like Queen Xie!

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