Don't abuse the prince, the princess has remarried

Chapter 540 Can't let go of this silly princess

Princess Xiujing walked with the sending team for more than half a month. She was unaccustomed to the environment and suffered terribly. Most of the journey was spent lying on the carriage.

Until being robbed, the whole person was dizzy.

Although I was already prepared to go away forever, but the further north I looked at the desolate land, the more disturbed and frightened my heart became, and I was so frightened that I vomited crazily.

After all, she has lived for more than ten years, and the farthest place she has traveled is the Great Buddha Temple.

Suddenly hearing that the rebellious party robbed people, she was not only not afraid, but even breathed a sigh of relief. It would be better to die in Dayan than to die in Beimo.

After rejoicing, she was slapped on the back of her neck with a palm and passed out.

When I woke up, I found myself lying in a thatched hut. The thatched hut was very simple, but it was neatly tidied up, and an old woman who couldn't speak was taking care of her.

The old woman was very pleasantly surprised when she saw that she had woken up, so she turned around and went to make porridge for her.

Because she didn't need to take a carriage, the dizzy feeling disappeared. She got up and looked around, and found that the surrounding scenery was picturesque, and there was a clear stream in front of the thatched cottage, and there were groups of small fish in the stream.

A lot of fruits and vegetables were planted in the yard, a group of chickens and ducklings were raised beside it, and two pigs were raised in the distance, chattering and lively, it was a world she had never seen before.

For a moment, she only felt that her consciousness was clear and the world was bright.

I don't know who hijacked her, but she can die without regret if she can live in such a wonderful place for a day.

No, it would take many days to live here.

Those who hijacked her seemed to have forgotten her existence, and let her live here with the old woman.

At the beginning, she was still anxiously waiting for the robbers to arrive, waiting for fate to pronounce the sentence, but she didn't want to wait for a long time without any movement, she became numb.

From the very beginning, I seriously enjoyed watching the old woman pouring vegetables, feeding chickens, ducks, pigs, picking vegetables, washing rice, and cooking rice every day, and then followed me to pouring vegetables, feeding chickens, ducks, picking vegetables, washing rice, and cooking rice...

Watching the seeds germinate, watching the leaves grow up one by one, watching the chickens and ducklings scrambling for food, watching the two sows looking expectantly at the pig vegetables in their hands...

That feeling, novelty and healing, is indescribable.

The only bad thing is that she always feels that someone is spying behind her back, but every time she looks around the house, she doesn't find anyone, only her and the old woman are here.

She asked the old woman why she was here, and the old woman couldn't tell why.

It has to be said that women's senses are sensitive, and there are indeed people who come to spy on them from time to time, and that person is Lu Yangui.

He reached an agreement with the king of Chu, he kidnapped the princess, and the king of Chu beheaded the general Bei Mo to break the hypocritical marriage, so that the emperor could be forced to send troops.

Sure enough, the emperor stopped being a coward and decided to send troops to fight to the end.

He will go to the front soon, but he can't let go of this silly princess.

I've been here a few times, but I just didn't have the courage to meet her.

However, he was relieved to see that she followed the nanny to dig the ground, grow vegetables, feed the chickens and ducks, looking very excited.

The little princess with golden branches and jade leaves has been trapped in the palace wall for too long, and she is about to lose her whole body. Now she is living in the mountains and fields, feeling the growth of all things, the changes of four seasons, nourished by the sun, moon, rain and dew, and her complexion is much better visible to the naked eye.

The weather was fine today, the old woman took a dustpan to catch fish in the creek, and said that she would make tempeh fish for her.

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