Chapter 488
Su Shuangluo's medical skills are not very good, but he is still very good at regulating the taste. The seventh prince's soul flew into the sky, and the seven souls and six souls were all taken away, and they came here for several nights in a row.

As for the emperor, since he dealt with Taifu Su, he has been in a daze for a long time. Every night in his dreams, there are Taifu Su's wailing face, sometimes mixed with Xie Yanshan's rough face, and the faces of the two are constantly in his dreams. Intertwined with each other, making him restless all night.

Originally thought that killing Taifu Su and punishing the entire Su family would calm down the matter, but unexpectedly, it took less than half a month for it to calm down, and there were riots and petitions in the capital again.

It turned out that a group of students believed that Taifu Su was wronged, and claimed that the court pushed Taifu Su to take the blame in order to quell the rebellious party.

Taifu Su's generation of great Confucian scholars has become a stand-in lamb, which is so sad!

The Su family is full of families, He Gu died tragically, Emperor Yong has no virtue, punishes loyal ministers, dare to call himself emperor! "

What was originally a rebellion against the party to avenge Xie's family turned into avenging Taifu Su in an instant.

Moreover, it is not ordinary people who are avenging Master Su, but students all over the world.

Scholars were originally sought after by the common people, and when they raised their arms, they really responded. From top to bottom, a huge petition action was formed in just half a month.

Not only in the capital, but also in big cities all over the country, they all denounced Emperor Yong for his lack of success and punished his loyal officials.

In several places, the common people rose up, saying that they were going to rebel against the imperial court, killed the dog emperor, and justified the names of loyal officials. In the end, the Marquis of Jing'an led his troops to suppress and stop several large-scale riots.

The emperor was furious, and everyone in the court was panicked.

Rongxiang and his party advocated directly sending troops to various places, vigorously suppressing them, arresting all the students, locking them up for a year or so, letting them all suffer for a while, and then they all became honest.

Lord Yan's party vigorously protested.

Scholars are all pedantic, or arrogant literati, the kind of people who can die for the righteousness in their hearts. Although tens of thousands of people will go for it, crazy suppression will only be counterproductive.

What's more, his guard army of the capital city is to guard the capital city, how can it be transferred to various places to suppress it?

Compassionate counterattacks, he stands idly by, hangs himself aloft, does not seek to govern in his position, eats the emperor's salary, does not share his worries for the emperor, and his small thoughts crackle.

The two fought fiercely in the court.

The emperor had a splitting headache, stopped drinking, looked at the second prince beside him, and asked him what he thought?
The second prince was assigned marginal errands, and he had been working with the eldest prince in the past. In the past, the emperor would only ask the elder prince for his opinion, and rarely asked him. When he was asked suddenly, he was stunned for a moment.

After being stunned, he was pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly said respectfully, "I think Rongxiang's words are reasonable. A group of people who don't know the heights of heaven and earth think that they can do evil after studying for a few years, so arrest them all and lock them up for a year or so. Be honest."

Lord Yan Guo sneered, "National riots, protests and petitions, what does the Second Highness think should be arrested? Who should be arrested? How much manpower, material and financial resources will be used for this? Where will the arrested people be locked up? Once a bigger riot is caused, how should we deal with it?"

After a series of pressing questions, the second prince clearly had no rules in his mind, and was speechless, staring at Lord Yan, his face turning purple.

Lord Yan continued to sneer and said...

(End of this chapter)

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