Chapter 463 Putting On New Clothes

It turned out that it was Taifu Su and his favorite disciples. In order to evacuate the petitioning people as soon as possible, instead of blatantly suppressing them, they spent a lot of money to invite hooligans and a few killers to mix in with the petitioning people. All parties investigated and inquired.

After inquiring about the initiators, organizers, and gatherers of the petition, they took the opportunity to cause trouble, deliberately creating conflicts, and tried to strangle and kill all the initiators, organizers, and gatherers of these petitions.

Capture the thief first, capture the king first, kill the chickens to make an example to the monkeys, kill all these leaders, and the petitioners will become a mess, and they will be evacuated in a short time.

The approach is a bit cruel, but there is no bloodshed in the struggle. It is righteous to kill hundreds of provocative people for the sake of peace in the world.

Taifu Su and his proud disciples thought they had found a perfect solution, which could not only suppress by force, but also disperse the people.

But I don't want to, the ideal is plump, the reality is skinny, and many petition leaders are against the party, with martial arts, they are not unarmed people at all, and can be dealt with casually.

When the conflict came together, the two sides confronted each other with firepower, which spread to a wide range of levels for a while, and the casualties were unarmed civilians.

The killer Su Taifu invited was extremely vicious. To achieve his goal, he did not hesitate to cut up the petitioning people like leeks. The conflict only started for a while, and before the government had time to rush over, there were already many casualties around.

Although Jun Mochen's people mixed in and tried to protect the people, but there were not enough manpower to protect them at all.

Biansheng Jun Mo Chen went out of the city again at this time, and did not receive the news in time to send people to suppress the riot. As a result, when he and Gu Qianzhou rushed back to the city, the entire street was already full of blood.

At the same time, in the dark pouring rain, a man in white hugged a woman in yellow and ran wildly on the street.

It was Princess Xiujing and his elder brother Lu Yangui.

Princess Xiujing always said that she wanted to go shopping and listen to operas with Brother Lu, so she begged her Brother Lu for a long time to take her out to play.

In fact, she didn't want to come out to play, but was worried about his hematemesis and wanted to take him to see a doctor.

Lu Yangui was impatient with her, so she agreed.

The two agreed to meet at a tea house on East Street today.

Lu Yangui changed into new clothes and shoes, tied her hair with a jade crown, and tied her waist with a leather belt. She dressed up a lot, and sat in the teahouse early and waited.

But he didn't want to, before Princess Xiujing came, he saw a conflict started on the other side of the petitioning people who gathered together.

He pushed through the crowd and went in to understand the situation, but he didn't think that those local hooligans would attack at the first word of disagreement, and they came here with the aim of killing people with ruthless methods.

He figured out the key point in an instant, it must be Taifu Su trying to suppress and kill the leader of the petition with the help of local ruffians.

He immediately cleared up the people, wanting to avoid casualties, but he didn't want to, not only local ruffians, but also killers were mixed in.
The killer doesn't give up until he achieves his goal, he has to chase people to kill, he has no choice but to fight with them.

After several fights, he had beaten several killers to the ground, but he didn't want to just at this moment, he suddenly suffered from hemoptysis, and he vomited so much that he wanted to die.

Not daring to fight with them anymore, he quickly ran away from the crowd. He originally wanted to wait for the hemoptysis to pass before going back to deal with those gangsters, but he didn't want to. A killer spotted him and came straight to him. throat.

He coughed up blood and coughed earth-shatteringly, he didn't notice the danger at all, at the very moment...

(End of this chapter)

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