Chapter 178 Return to the original world

The cold voice of the system cannot be rejected.

Yu Zhi pursed her lips, after all, is this day still here? But she clearly hadn't waited to become a movie queen, and Sansan told herself that she could apply for her.

But Sansan is gone, why do you want to get away from Yuan Zhi?

I was just talking about getting married, so I'm leaving. Was it because I was too selfish before?So this is a punishment for yourself?
Yu Zhi's tears dripped silently, and transparent teardrops hung on her long eyelashes. She couldn't cry, and she couldn't cry, Yuan Zhi would be worried.

"I want to know the last question, is the me in this world dead or?" Needless to say, the system and herself understand the latter words.

"You will return to your rightful place."

Similarly, without a trace of emotion, the system did not add other words after saying this sentence.

Yu Zhi's hand clenched into a fist, in front of Tiandao, she seemed to have no chance to resist.

But in this way, will Yuan Zhi still recognize him? Or is it a good time to be with the original owner.

Yu Zhi is very selfish, she doesn't want to see Yuan Zhi fall in love with someone else, even with the same body.

But she didn't want Yuan Zhi to spend the rest of her life in sadness. If she had to choose, Yu Zhi would rather choose to make Yuan Zhi less sad.

"Dididi..." The warning voice sounded in Yu Zhi's mind, nervous and hasty, as if urging something.

"Yes..." Yu Zhi closed his mouth as soon as he said the words.

The person fell straight on the bed, as if falling asleep.

Yuan Zhi, who came out of the bathroom, wiped his hair, looked at Yu Zhi who was already asleep on the bed, and couldn't help smiling.

Really, this little ancestor didn't know how to cover himself well.

He hugged Yu Zhi to the bed, his movements were very light, and he didn't intend to wake him up, so he covered him with the quilt.

Yuan Zhi also got under the quilt and hugged Yu Zhi into his arms.

Breathing gradually returns to peace, the night is like water, quiet and peaceful.

Yuan Zhi always woke up early, seeing that Yu Zhi was still sleeping, he didn't think too much, so he went downstairs carefully so as not to disturb Yu Zhi's sleep.

"Baby, this is your Brother Xiaoyuan."

"Don't follow me."

"Candy really give me?"


At this moment, Yu Zhi is trapped in it, whether it is a dream or a memory, she has no way of distinguishing, there is only her in it, she is looking at the world from the perspective of a bystander.

Whether it was true or false, no one could tell the difference, but Yu Zhi couldn't wake up either.

Even she could clearly perceive Yuan Zhi's leaving figure, but she couldn't get up, and a sense of powerlessness came to her heart.

"Baby, let's go eat."

"Who are you, you are not my daughter!"

"Please, bring my daughter back."


Numerous pieces of memory are running around in Yu Zhi, and there is nowhere to put them, his own memory, the original owner's memory.

Yuan Zhi was running with his earphones on, and he took off his earphones and returned to the villa after half an hour.

When I went upstairs and saw Yu Zhi still asleep, I habitually looked at the clock hanging on the wall. Normally, Yu Zhi should get up at this time.

But after thinking about it, he only had to go out in the afternoon today, and Yuan Zhi didn't wake Yu Zhi up. After all, Yu Zhi was usually too busy to sleep.

I went downstairs again to make breakfast, and watched the hour hand point to ten before going upstairs.

"Azhi, it's time for breakfast."

Yuan Zhi's call didn't wake Yu Zhi up, he shook his head and lamented that the little ancestor must be too tired, but it's not good to skip breakfast.

Gently pulling Yu Zhi up, leaning against his arms, Yuan Zhi squeezed Yu Zhi's cheek, "Get up, go to bed after eating."

But after a while, Yu Zhi still didn't respond, Yuan Zhi frowned, and tried to wake Yu Zhi up several times, but every time he returned without success.

Only then did Yuan Zhi get serious, "Doctor Chen, come over to the villa, right now."

He was still breathing, but he couldn't wake Yu Zhi up. Yuan Zhi panicked, and he didn't look like he was working at all.

It is impossible for a normal person to be unable to wake up at this level, but something happened to Yu Zhi obviously.

Many kinds of bad results swirled in Yuan Zhi's mind, and when he thought about what Yu Zhi said at the door, Yuan Zhi panicked even more.

The hands holding Yu Zhi trembled, "Ah Zhi, don't leave me."

Several teardrops rolled down the tough face, Yuan Zhi shook his head, his lips were tightly pursed, he was afraid that something would happen to the person in his arms, and he was also afraid that he would never see her again.

He claimed that he had never been afraid of anything or anyone in his life, but at this moment, Yuan Zhi realized his sense of powerlessness, and he couldn't hold onto Yu Zhi at all.

Yu Zhi's eyebrows were furrowed, she heard Yuan Zhi's words, she really wanted to open her mouth to comfort Yuan Zhi that she couldn't do it, but she couldn't say anything.You can only do that with all your strength.

The doctor Chen that Yuan Zhi was talking about came over in a hurry, and asked Yuan Zhi to take someone to the medical room for examination.

Yuan Zhi, who was waiting at the door, was extremely helpless, and the inexplicable panic in his heart could not be suppressed at all.

The door was opened from the inside, and the man's face wrinkled. I have practiced medicine for so many years, and I have a place in the medical field, but I have never seen such a strange thing.

"How is she?"

Looking at Yuan Zhi's expression, Dr. Xu naturally knew the importance of the people inside to him, "There is no problem."

Hearing this, Yuan Zhi's sorrow couldn't stop, how could there be no problem, and how could his Azhi be unconscious if there was no problem?

Thinking about it this way, Yuan Zhi was even more sure of the guess he had just made in his mind. Since A Zhi had no problem, there was only that ridiculous reason.

"You go back." Yuan Zhi forced himself to calm down, this matter should not be known by more people. "Don't tell anyone about this."

"Our profession is special, you know."

"Okay." Dr. Xu didn't ask anything else. After all, they have cooperated for so many years, and they still trust each other.

Bringing Yu Zhi back to the bedroom, Yuan Zhi's whole body felt empty, there were too many uncertainties, he wasn't even sure if Yu Zhi could come back.

After handing over the company's affairs to Fan Yin'er, Yuan Zhi was relieved to accompany Yu Zhi.

Yu Zhi didn't show pain, his face was very calm, no different from usual.

The announcement in the afternoon was also pushed by the original executive, and in the name of Yu Zhi himself, he and An Zi also asked for a week's leave.

I don't know how long his Azhi will sleep, but he only invited him for a week for the time being.

"Ah Zhi, don't sleep, okay, wake up and look at me." Leaning against the bed, Yuan Zhi held Yu Zhi's hand, and rubbed his face with Yu Zhi's hand, just like usual.

Facing Yu Zhi's sudden request for leave, everyone was puzzled.

But in the afternoon, Yu Zhi and Yuan Zhi were only asked to choose actors together, which was not an important matter.

Blocking out all outside sounds, Yuan Zhi sat quietly on the stool beside Yu Zhi, his eyes never parting.

(End of this chapter)

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