"Hurry up, what are you doing? Move quickly, the auspicious time will come soon. If you delay, see how I can deal with you!"

"I understand, Uncle Village Chief, why are you so busy when you get up in the morning? We have so many young men and you are not missing any one of us. If you knock and fall, let us help you." Ning He said with a playful smile. .

Village Chief Ning took the crutch in his hand and knocked him on the butt gently, "Don't give me anything that is neither light nor heavy here. Go to work quickly. Changrong has become a high official. This is our Ning family." What a happy event! This will be our ancestral hall from now on, so you all should be careful!" Village Chief Ning said with a serious face.

After the letter came back that Chief Ning was awarded the official title, Village Chief Ning immediately pooled money with everyone to buy a large courtyard as the ancestral hall of their Ning family. There used to be a place to worship ancestors in the village.

Later, in the rush to escape, those memorial tablets were all left behind. Over the years, they continued to offer incense. Originally, the place where they originally worshiped their ancestors could be used as an ancestral hall. However, Village Chief Ning felt that it was not grand enough and worshiped their ancestors. Where is the place worthy of a high official of the imperial court?Then he and the Ning family paid for a larger house to be used as an ancestral hall.

Originally I just thought that people from the Ning family would pay, but not all of them were surnamed Ning. People with other surnames like Sun Carpenter and others also thought of paying. They had lived together and suffered so much. Over the years, it can be said that he has been different from ordinary fellow villagers. After some hard talk, Village Chief Ning reluctantly agreed to accept their money.

It is a solemn and solemn house with very grand decorations everywhere. Village Chief Ning also specially asked people to find a time to formally worship and register the names of Ning Changrong, Wang Xiujuan and Ning Qingxi's family in the genealogy. Genealogy is generally Only men rarely record women, it can be said that there are almost none. The names of Wang Xiujuan and Ning Qingxi can be said to be the first of its kind.

He looked up at the sky and saw that the time was coming soon. Village Chief Ning quickly directed everyone. There were a bunch of ancestors of the Ning family on the altar. The sacrifices in front were chickens, ducks, fish, a big pig's head, and some fruits. and pastries.

Village Chief Ning stood at the head, followed by some other older elders in the village, and at the back were the young people and the younger generations.

"My ancestors and clans, now there is Ning Changrong, a member of the clan, who has fought for the Ning family and became a high official in the court. I hope you have spirits in heaven to bless their family and our Ning family..." Village Chief Ning held the hand Holding the incense, I bent down and muttered. After a long while, I finished my words and slowly and respectfully placed the incense on the incense burner in front of me.

The others behind him followed suit, first talking about Ning Changrong's family's future, then talking about their own prayers, and finally asking their ancestors for blessings and lighting incense, all in one go.

The genealogy that has been re-transcribed is said to be a re-transcription. In fact, there are no people recorded in it at all. The people that Village Chief Ning still remembers are all a generation older than him, or his peers, who are recorded in the genealogy. It's just these people who have never produced any promising people.

"From now on, our Ning family will be dominated by Changrong, and he will be the leader of our Ning family!" Village Chief Ning stood solemnly in front of everyone with the genealogy in his hand.

Ning Lao Er and Ning Lao San were supposed to stand in the row of young people, relatively back, but because they were Ning Changrong's relatives, they were able to stand in the front.


A young man made a sound, but was knocked lightly or hard by the elder next to him. He warned with his eyes, "Don't talk."

The elders like them were angry about these things in private, so it was not the young men's turn to say anything.Village Chief Ning said this just to inform everyone.

Ning Changrong didn't know until he received the letter that he had become the head of the clan.

The branch of his family started from Ning Changrong's father's generation, and no one above him knew about it.But in fact, it is equivalent to the genealogy starting from Ning Changrong. Ning Changrong’s original father was just an ordinary ordinary farmer. In terms of merit, he was definitely not as good as Ning Changrong, who became a high-ranking official in the imperial court. Even if the world is divided, That was also a high official under one of the princes.

Speaking of which, Wang Xiujuan's age is actually more suitable to be the patriarch, but after all, this is an ancient feudal society. No matter how much they are influenced by Wang Xiujuan, they can't escape the idea that men are superior to women. It is natural that Ning Changrong becomes the patriarch.

"They wrote a letter before saying that they wanted to renovate an ancestral hall. I was too busy to take care of it at the time. I didn't expect them to actually start renovating it." Ning Changrong said with a smile while reading the letter.

"Father, you have become such a high official. It is normal for them to want to build an ancestral hall. In ancient times, everyone was prosperous and everyone suffered losses. It could be said that we were just fellow villagers in the past, but now you are still the clan leader in the genealogy, and we are the real clan members. If they do something, you will be implicated, or if we do something, they will be implicated." Ning Qingxi said with mixed feelings of joy and sorrow.

Along with the letter, there was also a copy of the family tree, and the real one was placed in the ancestral hall for worship.

Wang Xiujuan flipped through the names on the family tree and recalled their appearance. This small book really brought them closer, as if there was an invisible thread that closely connected everyone's destiny. Together.

"Xixi is right. Although everyone is keeping to themselves, we should always remind you that you should be cautious when doing things in the court. Don't rely on His Majesty's trust to act recklessly."

Speaking of what happened in the court, Ning Changrong let out a long sigh. Bai Yunliang didn't know why he was so crazy. He treated him as an imaginary enemy all day long.

"I know mother, I won't force myself. If they want to fight, let them fight. From what I know about Your Majesty, the more they fight, the faster they will die."

In the court, there were those who took refuge in Ning Changrong, some who took refuge in Bai Yunliang, and some who were neutral.

It's just that Ning Changrong doesn't accept anyone's surrender. He always looks upright and only serves His Majesty. There are not many people who seek refuge with him. Seeing his appearance, most of them went to Bai Yunliang. .

Bai Yunliang's power is already a force that cannot be underestimated in the court.

Ning Changrong had no intention of competing with the other party, but the other party seemed to be staring at him and insisted on overpowering him.

Ning Changrong usually talks about matters and doesn't easily come forward when something happens. He never does anything beyond the scope of his duties and never reaches out randomly.

Bai Yunliang became even more proud because of this, feeling that he had suppressed Ning Changrong tightly.

After all, the two have been colleagues for many years, and they had a tacit understanding when they worked together.

Ning Changrong wanted to remind him at first, but when he saw that Bai Yunliang didn't say anything, he looked very proud of himself, and he kept making friends with him, and kept suppressing him. He insisted on overpowering him in the court to be happy. Then he shut his mouth.

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