"This thing is really hard, I don't know how Xixi came up with it."

"Yes, I feel much more at ease after living in this cement house."

People in the camp took turns to enter Pozi Ding's house and had just been assigned to the cement room to visit.

Everyone touched the hard cement on the wall and sighed with emotion.

In short, I feel that any place is good, and those who are not assigned are looking forward to rushing to their home.

Mrs. Ding's family is even more cheerful, touching here, touching there, happy everywhere they look, this house is even better than the one they lived in the village!

At first, I thought that I would not be able to live in that brick house relying on digging in the soil for food in this life, but I didn't expect to live in a cement house that is better than a brick house!
Everyone came out of Mrs. Ding's house with unsatisfactory expressions on their faces.

"Whose house did it repair today?"

Ning Changrong took a group of people to build a concrete house with him, and he regained some of the feeling he had when he was a contractor.

He allocates these houses in order of centimeters, and whoever has more centimeters will live in the cement house first.

Even Ning Lao Er and Ning Lao San are the same.

With no paper on him, Ning Qingxi could only write down their contribution value, which is centimeters, on one wall.

According to the value of the individual to the camp, and the completion of the daily assigned tasks to record their centimeters.

"Behind Mrs. Ding's house seems to be Mrs. Lai's family. It is estimated that their family will be able to move in tomorrow."

"There are so many sons in Lai's family, and there are not as many centimeters as in Ding's family."

"It's because Ning Miao was lucky. The boys went out to find the taro root. He found the root of the taro first. Xixi just added [-] points to him."

After finishing the task of burning cement, Ning Qingxi went to find Carpenter Sun.

She was going to work as a bamboo slave with Carpenter Sun, and tried her best to get everyone in the village to have a hand.

The single-shot hand crossbow made by her family before has been eliminated after making the continuous-fire iron hand crossbow.

"Uncle Sun, did you understand what I said?"

Carpenter Sun held the blueprint, squinted his eyes and flipped through it for a long time, "Xixi, I'm afraid it won't take long to make this thing."

Carpenter Sun has worked as a carpenter all his life, and when he fled, he took all the carpentry tools that were close to him with him.Fortunately, he brought it, otherwise it would be really difficult.

Ning Qingxi smiled when he heard the words, "It's okay, Uncle Sun, just make it after it's worn out, anyway, there are a lot of bamboo and wood on this mountain. With this thing, everyone in our camp will be able to have a certain degree of lethality .”

Although Carpenter Sun had never heard of the word lethality, he probably guessed what it meant.

This little bow and arrow is indeed a good thing. He still vaguely remembered that Ning Qingxi killed many refugees with this little bow and arrow, and finally shot the person who came to their village to steal the child with one arrow, and saved Daguang Nawa One life.

Unlike other bows and arrows that require arm strength, this thing can be used even by children.

Now there are only a few tools in the entire camp for logging and firewood, and there are no hoes for digging. If they really fight with people, these small bows and arrows are their best weapons.

"Okay, since you trust me, don't worry, I'll take my sons and rush to work for you overnight. Try to get some people in our camp."

"Okay, then I'll leave it to Uncle Sun."

"Father, don't we still need to make furniture? Don't you have time to make hand crossbows?" After the people left, Carpenter Sun's son asked.

Carpenter Sun slapped his son on the head, "I think you are a fool. Are weapons or furniture important?"

Carpenter Sun's son was patted for a moment and said in a daze: "But we all agreed to other people." He even took his salary.

The people who received the cement house asked Carpenter Sun to help them make a few beds for their own house. Others are not important, but this bed must be needed, right?After all, sleeping directly on the ground is unbearable to the body.

Of course, the rewards they gave were not good things, just some food they collected.In this deep mountain camp, these foods are the most valuable.What's more, they will provide the materials themselves, and Carpenter Sun just contributes.

"The work arranged by Xixi must be done first." This matter is not related to their centimeters, but also to save everyone's life.

"As for other people, if they are willing to wait, they can wait. If they don't want to wait, you can return the things they brought back to them."

After finishing speaking, Carpenter Sun sighed deeply, why did he give birth to such a stupid son?

Ning Qingxi left Carpenter Sun and was going to find some children.

She searched for a long time before she saw a few children by the stream who seemed to be catching fish.

The leader next to Xiaoxi happened to be Ning Daniu's son, Ning Daguang.

Seeing Ning Qingxi approaching, the children were a little cautious. During this period of time, they could see clearly that Ning Qingxi, a girl who was only ten years old, even listened to their parents. the captain.

These little radishheads didn't dare to make mistakes, and they all looked at Ning Qingxi obediently.

"You help me find the stones, and each kind of stone should be opened separately, you know? I will also calculate the centimeters for you at that time."

Ning Daguang's eyes lit up after hearing this, "Really? We can also earn centimeters?"

Ning Qingxi smiled and said, "Of course, as long as you contribute to our camp, no matter how big or small it is, it will be counted as centimeters."

Ning Qingxi found a few samples and ordered a few words before leaving.


"What's going on? Why has the price increased again? Wasn't it only [-] Wen yesterday? Why is it only [-] Wen today?"

"It's rising every day, who can afford it?"

"Can't afford it? If you can't afford it, get lost!"

Detective Zhao quickly smeared the ashes on his face and lined up in the line, frowning when he heard the noise in front of him.

Just as he was about to look forward, he found a familiar figure. He turned sideways quickly, and deliberately messed up his hair, hanging down to cover his face.

When Hu Dadao and his group of thieves invaded Taixi County earlier, they, the yamen servants, blocked them for a while. Later, seeing that they couldn't beat them, they simply changed their clothes and joined the team of smashing and looting. Many people have now been incorporated into the team of the bandits.

The familiar figure he spotted just now happened to be another arrester working in the county government.If recognized by this person, maybe he will be caught.

At that time, Catcher Zhang took off his clothes when he saw that the situation was not going well, and he didn't join the team of smashing and looting.

Only then can Detective Zhao safely hide until now.

Some time ago, he was still self-sufficient by relying on the food stored at home, but it would be because the food in the family was almost exhausted, so he had to go out to buy food.

It was only when I came out that I found out that it was this group of thieves who sold grain in the county, and their grain prices rose ridiculously every day.

After a while, the troublemaker in front was pulled away.

The rest of the population had to continue to buy these sky-high prices.

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