Chapter 438 Performing their duties
"Captain Xiao, do you think there is anything else that needs my attention? I will definitely cooperate better with our rescue training."

"Do you have more lines?"

"There are so many that I won't be able to use them up in dozens of rounds. So I still have a lot of room for improvement. There are also scenes where different parts of the body are injured, and I can perform them separately."

Special forces are worthy of being special forces, and they treat every situation professionally and meticulously.

He knows the simulated training content of participating in the training programs of these programs, and has also watched the video of rescuing the wounded who failed.

But he never expected that he, yao-, would play the role of the rescued one.

In order not to be as fake as the people in the video material, Liang Weiyou also added his real observation impression of the real wounded.

Seeing his "professional" and excited performance, Xiao Haoran decided to make that request to him...

"Oh. That's it, I have a request for you next time."

"What request?"

"Do not talk……"


"Playing the wounded who lost the ability to speak..."


Because of Captain Xiao Haoran's request on the barrage, the discussions were already in full swing:

[Captain Xiao can't stand Liang Weiyou's "touching porcelain" acting skills!In order to avoid everyone laughing, let him stop talking about strange flowers in advance!Hahaha! 】

[If I were a firefighter, I would indeed feel a burden seeing such wounded people. It is better to wait quietly for rescue. There are so many dangerous situations at the fire scene, it is easy to distract people. 】

[The people in the next group are so lucky that they don't have to listen to Liang Weiyou's strange lines anymore. It's so funny. Except for the professional firefighter brother, it's hard for him not to laugh!Hahaha! 】

[Finally someone told him to shut up, how could it be so funny.In such a serious part, it was because of his exaggerated acting skills that he took all the attention away, hahaha! 】

Although Liang Weiyou had doubts about this arrangement, he still accepted all the arrangements of the leaders.

He lay on the ground again in a vegetative state, staring motionless at Wei Yu and Xie Boshi who were about to try to rescue the wounded again.

The two of them were very grateful to Captain Xiao for telling Liang Weiyou to shut up, otherwise they might obey Liang Weiyou's words like a conditioned reflex.

However, they kept things simple. Although Liang Weiyou could no longer speak, it was not that he could not make a sound.

"We will definitely rescue you from the fire scene safely. Where are you injured now?"

Xie Bo knew very professional information about the wounded on short routes, so as to avoid getting into the hands of the wounded when evacuating.

When he thought it was because he couldn't speak, the two of them just went through a stage of communication to take him away from the danger zone.

However, they still underestimated Liang Weiyou's serious attitude towards the task.

He pointed at his throat in pain, grunted twice, and waved his hands.

Then turned over and pointed to his buttocks with his fingers...

Wei Yu and Xie Boshi looked at each other as if they were so embarrassed that their fists hardened.

No!They all said they couldn't speak!He also pointed to his injured buttocks!
Is this a resentment about how big a deal the butt was attacked just now? !

It seems that even if he doesn't ask about his injury, Liang Weiyou will definitely find an opportunity to complain about his injury in front of the two of them...

Because of Liang Weiyou's unexpected behavior on the barrage, everyone laughed:
[What a grudge~ Even though he couldn't speak, Liang Weiyou still asked you. Wei Yu and Xie Boxhi expressed their dissatisfaction and told each other that the position of their hands was on their buttocks!Ha ha ha ha! 】【Liang Weiyou must be a comedian!Hahaha!It would be a shame not to do a sketch!In this situation, you have to tell the other person that your butt is hurt by them, hahaha! 】-+
[Wei Yu and Xie Boshi's expressions changed after being do-ubian. They didn't expect to be told that their butt hurts, hahahaha!Xie Boshi really didn't think the two of them were outsiders, so funny! 】

[Why Liang Weiyou can be so funny just by describing his illness normally, I feel that his joy should be the utility bills that will be killed by his son next year]

Liang Weiyou lay on his side like this, watching how the two men prepared to rescue him.

The failed rescue of the two people who had been confirmed by his own broken pants last time.

Let's see what new tricks Lian can use this time.

Wei Yu and Xie Boshi looked at each other, and they squatted beside Liang Weiyou at the same time.

Each raised an arm and put it on his shoulder.

He successfully lifted Liang Weiyou up, and everything went smoothly at the beginning, but something went wrong when he walked about ten meters away.

Wei Yu's height is 1.7 meters five, but Xie Boshi is more than 1.8 meters tall.

The height difference between the two is seven or eight centimeters, and Liang Weiyou, who is more than 1.9 meters tall, forms a height difference.

When the two of them walked up, Liang Weiyou became the effect of 1.7 meters in one step and 1.8 meters in one step...

Since both Wei Yu and Xie Boshi had trained their muscles well, they would bump into each other after taking two steps.

The walking was extremely out of sync, causing Liang Weiyou's shoulders to not only go up and down, but also open and close.

His expression was gradually painful, and he felt that the arms were about to be separated by the joint efforts of two people.

Since he was a wounded man with a mouth injury, he could only stare at Wei Yu and then at Xie Boshi.

But these two people had already made preparations. In order not to be influenced by Liang Weiyou, they had already agreed not to look at each other again.

In order to avoid being mentally threatened, the behavior of the two of them is restricted, so that they cannot truly express themselves.

This is a pain for Liang Weiyou, who is almost being dragged into a kite...

I have no choice but to give you a hint, if you don’t accept it, then it can only be hard.

When the two of them walked to the outside at the same time, Liang Weiyou no longer controlled his physical strength.

Directly from solid to stone core.

Wei Yu and Xie Boshi instantly felt the pressure on their feet, and they gradually bent over.

In the last 20 meters, just like the two trackers, Lazhen and a huge boat that weighed a thousand catties, it was difficult to walk.

Liang Weiyou didn't expect that he was the one who couldn't hold on first, and these two people could hold on so much.

This is obviously because he wants to insist on dislocating his shoulder. If he doesn't make a move, he will either dislocate himself or fracture himself.

There was only a dozen meters left before the finish line, when Liang Weiyou saw Wei Yu and Xie Boshi bumping into each other with shoulders, and was about to separate to the two sides again.

He seized the opportunity, lowered his body hard, and tightened his arms to control the two of them.

Wei Yu and Xie Boshi didn't expect Liang Weiyou to exert his strength suddenly, and the two of them had reached their limit carrying him to this point.

Received the control of such a huge force, watching the two directly put together.

Swaying left and right, the three of them...

(End of this chapter)

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