investigative chronicle

Chapter 122 Different Interpretations of One Truth

Chapter 122 Different interpretations of a truth

"It's nothing... just... I just think the way the hemp rope is tied is very familiar. Of course, I may be wrong." Ji Si'an was not sure what he thought.

The master took out the photo from the material and handed it to Ji Si'an. "Take a closer look."

Ji Si'an took the photo and carefully looked at it for a long time before slowly opening his mouth and said: "This hemp rope is very similar to the rope used to pack medicine in the Chenghuang Traditional Chinese Medicine Center last time."

"And this way of tying the knot... is also very special. After the bow is tied, a slipknot is tied..."

The master looked at Yuan Mu with bright eyes: "Xiao Mu, go and tell the branch leader to check the Chenghuang Traditional Chinese Medicine Center, and also check the Chinese Medicine Center and pharmacy in the Luqiao area ten years ago... There are also private clinics like that. Check it out."

"Combined with our previous speculation, we are getting closer to the truth."

"Okay, I'll go right away." Yuan Mu trotted away, her pretty short hair dancing happily in the morning light.

After coming out of the criminal police team, Luo Li has been holding on to Ji Si'an's arm tightly for ten years, and she has waited for this day for ten years.

"Over the years, I've always been in the crowd. The more lively, the more people, the more attractive I am, so that they all thought I was a cheerful and lively child. In fact... I just used their excitement to avoid the past... …”

"In these years, I never dared to be alone, because whenever I was alone, Miao Miao would raise a doll-like smiling face and greet me in front of my eyes..."

"Luo Li...let's take the bus together."

"Luo Li... We are all in the first grade of junior high school, we are not children anymore, we can go home by ourselves."

"Luo your homework with me after school."

"Lou Li...wait for me when I go to school tomorrow."

"Luo Li... Do you think we will be together forever, go to the same high school, go to the same university, find a boyfriend together, and get married together..."

"Luo Li... I'll be your neighbor after we get married. How about we take turns cooking?"

"I'm going to eat at your house today... and tomorrow at my house... Don't bother me..."

"When she said those words, I didn't take them seriously, or even listened perfunctorily. But after she left, those words were engraved in my mind like a knife and an axe..."

"Xiao An... I have never dared to visit her these years. I am afraid that she will blame me. I am sorry for her..."

Ji Si'an hugged Luo Li vigorously. She didn't know how to comfort her, so she just said softly: "When the case is solved, I will accompany you to see her."

With more and more clues, the image hidden behind the fog finally revealed his true face.

When Li Muzi and the others found Wang Jun, he was still trying the essential oil in his hand.

"You're here." He greeted calmly, as if they were just visiting his old friends.

"Wang Jun will go with us to the criminal police team."

Wang Jun didn't answer, he carefully put away the essential oil in his hand, and then stood up slowly.

"It's a pity, this is a good essential oil in a bottle. Lavender, it's lavender." He said nervously.

"In a while, we will take all these things away." Li Muzi said coldly.

Wang Jun glanced at the essential oil reluctantly, and followed them to the criminal police team.

When Luo Li came to identify him again, they all changed into white shirts. She didn't look at his face, just the familiar smell, clean white sleeves and extraordinarily slender white fingers made her recognize him.

A smile slowly appeared on Wang Jun's face, but the words in his mouth made people feel cold all over. "Is it Luo Li? What an interesting name."

"You'd better think about yourself first." Li Muzi blocked his sight and brought him to the interrogation room.

As soon as he arrived in the interrogation room, Wang Jun said first: "I can plead guilty, but you have to listen to my story."

"I'm not interested in the story of the murderer." The master slowly drank the water in the glass.

"Don't you want to know who killed that reporter?"

"The situation at that time...Only I know." Wang Jun showed a smug smile on his face.

Li Muzi stood up angrily, but the master stopped him and whispered something in his ear.

The master's words made Li Muzi's face flash with confusion, surprise and joy.Wang Jun watched him run out of the interrogation room, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, and the expression on his face gradually became stiff.

"I was at the dry well on the day the reporter had the accident, and I saw the whole process... Don't you want to know who killed him?"

"We will find out the real culprit." The master said calmly.

"Okay. Don't regret it." Wang Jun realized that he was being led by the nose by the other party, so he shut up decisively.

When Li Muzi entered the interrogation room again, he was holding a watering can in his hand.As soon as he entered the door, Wang Jun realized that something was wrong, and subconsciously covered his nose with his hand.

"What are you going to do?" This was the first time he lost control of his emotions since he entered the Criminal Police Force.

"Disinfection." Li Muzi smiled triumphantly, showing his neat little white teeth.

After repeatedly spraying around Wang Jun several times, he finally couldn't bear it anymore. "Get me out of this room, I'll say anything."

The master waved his hand, Li Muzi stopped what he was doing. "You hate the smell of disinfectant?"

Wang Jun stiffened his neck and was unwilling to answer the master's question.The master signaled Li Muzi to continue spraying.After Li Muzi got the order, he opened his mouth and smiled and started spraying the disinfectant again.

Unable to stand the onslaught of the disinfectant smell, Wang Jun begged for forgiveness repeatedly, and began to tell the story of his crime. There was a slight pause during the period, and as long as Li Muzi raised the disinfectant in his hand, he immediately continued to confess his crime.

This dramatic scene surprised Yuan Mu, she could never have imagined that the terrifying Luqiao Killer, who had committed several murders in a row, would look like this.

"He is very sensitive to smells." The master sat comfortably on the chair and took a sip of tea.

Yuan Mu flipped through the transcript with a gloomy face: "How could someone kill someone because of this?"

"Talent will also be regarded as a different kind..." The master sighed. The reason why he didn't listen to Wang Jun's story was that he didn't want him to take the initiative, and on the other hand, he had already guessed from the investigation. s story.

If you look deeper, there is a sad story hidden behind every criminal, but no matter how sad it is, it is not a reason to hurt others.

Wang Jun's sense of smell is different from ordinary people when he was a child. It is a talent now, but in the past when eating and dressing were the top priorities, it was a quirk and a different kind.

In fact, he was also troubled by his sensitive sense of smell, as long as someone passed in front of him, he could smell the smell on her body.If you have been to the early shop, you will have the smell of oily smoke, if you have been to the bathroom, you will have the smell of the toilet, if you have been to the library, you will have the smell of ink...

Their ancestors opened a medicine shop, so the smell of traditional Chinese medicine is naturally indispensable on the family.Day after day, year after year, he smelled the extremely familiar scent of his family members, and he could accurately determine their location from a long distance away.

But that day, he smelled a different smell from his mother than before, it was a subtle fragrance, not as strong as roses, but a faint light fragrance, even mixed with a little grass smell, but that smell To him, it smells long, long and heavy.

He didn't know why this smell appeared on his mother, he only knew that he liked this smell and couldn't extricate himself from it.

(End of this chapter)

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