Chapter 498 Lost Control

The reason why he didn't deal with the Chen family in the early days was because he needed the support of all parties at the beginning of his ascension to the throne, and it was not enough to have Princess Jingyang and his wife alone!
The Chen family was set up by Emperor Wenchang for all parties to see, the benchmark of "respectful and virtuous corporals".

In addition to the Chen family, there were even some courtiers who stood against him at the beginning, and they were also reused, which was a symbol of his magnanimity.

He needs Empress Dowager Chen to sit high and help him set an example of governing the world with filial piety.

He also knew that the Chen family had ambitions.

So when Queen Mother Chen chose a soft-tempered wife like Queen Chen for him, he did not refuse.

It is enough to have a strong woman in the harem.What's more, the Chen family absolutely does not allow aunts and nephews to fight among themselves.

As for the upbringing of his children, although he didn't like the queen, he still valued his first son very much, not to mention that child was extremely talented.

He had to admit that Zhou Xian's accident was due to his own negligence.He really didn't expect Zhou Xian to have so many servants around him, and accidents would happen.

When he saw the child who had been soaked beyond recognition by the pool water, the regret in his heart couldn't be added.

He knew it was done by Empress Dowager Chen, and he hated how that person could do anything to such a smart child!But he has no proof!
He can do nothing without evidence!
Later, when he met the love of his life, he originally didn't intend to bring him into the palace, because this gorgeous palace was not only a cage to confine freedom, but also a dangerous place full of dangers.

But he couldn't stand loneliness.

There are quite a few women in the harem, but some are for the sake of balancing the various forces, and some are arranged by the empress dowager.

None of them touched his heart, and he was just playing with them.

When he was alone, all he could feel was boundless loneliness.

Therefore, in the end, he couldn't hold back and brought his beloved woman into the palace.

This is another bad decision he made!
He thought that he had made enough preparations to ensure the safety of Concubine Xian.

But he didn't know that the filthy methods in the harem were beyond his imagination!
So he watched concubine Xian continue to have accidents in the palace, she slipped tires one after another, the originally plump and cheerful person became thinner day by day, and the smile that was always on her face became more and more reluctant.

Nothing can be done!All the concubines in the palace represent one side's power, he can only balance and not give up, so he can't really vent his anger for the concubine Xian.

Therefore, the harm that Concubine Xian suffered was thanks to him in the final analysis!
Later, when he lost his love, he really wished he could use all the people in the harem who had done anything to Concubine Xian to be buried with her.

But, because of the overall situation, he can't be that impulsive!

So he must keep their child no matter what, and this country must be left to that child!
A hundred years from now, Ye'er will be able to bury their husband and wife together, they will never live together in the same bed, and will die in the same cave.

Concubine Xian is the one who understands him best, so she will definitely not blame him.

Emperor Wenchang let out a long breath, and said in a low voice, "Jingyang, I dreamed of Concubine Xian last night."

A look of pain flashed in Princess Jingyang's eyes.

The virtuous concubine Xue Yu, as her name suggests, is a born optimist. Even if her first-married husband died unexpectedly and was criticized by her husband's family, she was never depressed because of it. After returning to her natal family, she still lived happily.

But after entering the palace, like a flower, it gradually went from blooming to withering.

As a good friend, Princess Jingyang wanted to change her fate several times, but was rejected.

(End of this chapter)

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