After returning to the handsome tent, Rong Mu was a little uneasy again, and quietly said to Rong Jin: "Is it a bit too much for me to do this, in fact... General Yu didn't do anything wrong."

Rong Jin ignored him.

Rong Mu also felt that if Yu Saihua was not strong enough, he might not be able to make it this far.

I no longer think about it.

Rong An managed to deal with the official documents piled up on his desk, and after taking a bath, he thought carefully about what dowry gift he should prepare for Chu Yin.

Parents will definitely prepare for it, but their own intentions are also essential.

The leather that Yu Saihua sent today is really good. Miss Chu is quite decent no matter whether she is using it for herself or giving it away.

Although it is important to be spiritually elegant, if you can't afford enough food and clothing, how can you pay attention to romance?

He handed over the matter to Rong Jin: "If I didn't take the initiative to ask, you shouldn't mention it.

"After the skins are collected, they are sent directly to the mother.

"Also, the blankets that Bei Qi wove are not bad, see if you can find a way to get some of them.

"Choose those with generous and simple color schemes... and prepare a few gorgeous ones, just in case they come in handy.

"It's the same as the skin, and it's delivered directly to my mother. If I don't ask, you don't have to answer me."

Although Rong Jin was curious, he didn't talk too much.

Rong Mu winked at him, Master Hou started to make plans for Mrs. Hou in the future!

Rong An paused for a moment, then asked again: "You guys also help to think about it, is there any rare thing here that can be sent back?"

Rong Jin said honestly: "The local beef and mutton taste very delicious, but it is a pity that it is not easy to transport it back.

"Northern Qi people are also good at making bone tools, I'm afraid our people won't like it either.

"Others, I can't think of them for a while."

Rong An shook his head, "Let's leave it at that. You guys go to work first."

He had to revisit the letter and diary that Miss Chu had left for him.

Oh, Miss Chu let Yu Saihua take charge of the production of cotton-padded clothes for the army.

It was also discussed with Grand Master Xu that the first batch of leathers sent by Northern Qi should be selected from cows and sheepskins to be given priority to the army.

Even if everyone can't have leather clothes, at least the elbows and knees that need to be protected must be covered with leather.

In addition, the caravan from Ms. Chu's side also arrived, bringing a batch of cloth and porcelain.

Cloth can be kept for military use, and porcelain can be traded with Northern Qi.

This matter has been cleared up by Grand Master Xu, he knows that this is the capital of the Chu family, and he has already hinted that he will help take care of it, so there will be no mistakes.

Another thing is that Ms. Chu mentioned that a batch of spinning wheels could be shipped over.

Although the Northland lacks raw materials such as cotton and linen, wool can also be spun.

Furthermore, not all places in the Northland have poor soil, and raw materials can be planted in suitable places.

However, it is necessary to consult professionals for specific matters, or to know whether it is feasible or not after field experiments.

Miss Chu is so caring!
Not only did she consider solving the current problems, she even considered the livelihood of the frontier residents in the future!

I have to tell her well, don't waste your time and energy on these things, it's not her job.

If you have relevant ideas, just tell him, and he can find someone to do it.

Before going to sleep, he looked at himself in the mirror again, and bared his teeth at himself in the mirror, "Hey! You are so lucky!"

Because the day was too busy, he almost fell asleep after touching the pillow, without even having a dream.

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