Portable Space: Small Peasant Girls Farm to Get Rich

Chapter 187 The corpse of the old woman at the entrance of the village

Chapter 187 The corpse of the old woman at the entrance of the village

"Oh, it's not good, everyone, get up and inform Village Chief Jiang."

Before dawn, a cry of exclamation resounded through half of Shihe Village.

At the head of the village, Xiong Wu heard the sound, before he had time to put on his clothes, he hurriedly picked up the stick in front of the bed and left the house, rushing to the place where the sound came from.

"What happened, Aunt Zhao?" Xiong Wu stopped in front of Aunt Zhao panting, and asked eagerly.

Aunt Zhao swallowed her saliva, raised her wrinkled hand, pointed her finger at the village, and said in a trembling voice, "The village is dead, dead."

"Dead?" Xiong Wu looked at the entrance of the village in disbelief, but the distance was too far, and he couldn't see clearly what was in front of him.

"Yeah, dead, lying on the ground with broken hands and feet. I didn't quite see what this person looked like. I vaguely felt that it was a woman."

When Aunt Zhao saw someone coming, she was not so nervous and scared, and she became a little more courageous.

For more than ten years, she rarely saw such a tragic death. The first time she met her, she almost lost her soul in fright.

"I'll go take a look."

Xiong Wu is physically strong, so naturally he is not afraid.

"Xiong Wu, wait." Jiang Dafu tried to shout when he saw a familiar figure in front of him not far away.

"Da Fu." Xiong Wu stopped, turned around, and greeted him.

"Village Chief Jiang." Aunt Zhao said.

"What's going on? I just heard you yelling, Aunt Zhao." Jiang Dafu glanced at the two of them, and then looked around. He didn't find anything unusual, so he immediately asked.

"Da Fu, someone died at the entrance of our village." Xiong Wu replied with a frown.

"Dead person?" Jiang Dafu was startled, "Did you see clearly who this person is?"

"No, Aunt Zhao said that person looks like a woman, but I don't know who it is!" Xiong Wu was a little worried.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look first." Jiang Dafu pursed his lips and decided to go and have a look first.

Xiong Wu nodded and walked forward. Aunt Zhao looked at the backs of the two, and finally braved up to follow.

Mainly, the two of them left, and she felt guilty alone.

The three of them walked to the entrance of the village step by step. The sky was still dark at this time, and they couldn't see carefully. The time was shaken, and now they could only vaguely see the road, and the rest of the place was dark.

"Aunt Zhao, where is the person, I don't see anyone here." Xiong Wu looked around the entrance of the village under the hazy moonlight, but he didn't see anyone.

Jiang Dafu looked at the gray dirt road and saw no one. He thought it was Aunt Zhao's eyesight, and was about to speak when he heard Aunt Zhao's weak voice.

"Da Fu, I, I seem to have stepped on..." Aunt Zhao was frightened twice in a row, and she almost went limp.

She felt that she might have stepped on the wrong foot when she went out today, otherwise it was such a coincidence that she had run into it all by herself.

"Aunt Zhao, let's go to the side and wait for a while. There is a light behind, maybe someone is coming." Jiang Dafu looked back, and there was a light that kept moving towards them. He guessed that the villagers heard the sound and moved towards them. come.

After about a stick of incense, many villagers rushed over one after another.

The flames gathered, piercing the surrounding darkness at once, and in the grass beside the dirt road, a corpse appeared in front of people's eyes.

Just by looking at her figure, one could tell that it was a woman's corpse. Her limbs were broken, and she was lying on the ground in a strange posture. The blood from her abdomen soaked the cloth and stained the soil red.

"Dafu, this is not from our village. How could he die at the entrance of our village? He died so ugly."

Wu Zhi turned the person over to reveal his face, and he stepped forward to take a look.

This is an old woman in her forties or fifties, dressed in blue cloth, with gray hair and high cheekbones. Although her face is pale after death, it can be seen at a glance that she is not a very easy-going person.

Jiang Dafu walked forward, looked at it, looked again, and then frowned.

"We've seen this man before."

"Have you seen it?" Xiong Wu looked at the people on the ground strangely, thought for a while, only felt a little familiar, but couldn't remember it.

"Yes, I've seen it." Jiang Dafu nodded with certainty.

"In the days when our village was picking pea tips, she came here twice to look for grass and said it was her grandmother." Jiang Dafu reminded.

"Hey, I remembered. I said that I looked familiar, so I met each other."

Xiong Wu clicked his tongue twice, and said again.

"Thinking that Qingcao is young, I want to trick her, and I don't even look at it. We agree."

"Oh, so it's this old woman. Let me tell you, she doesn't look like a good person." Wu Zhi crossed his hips, looked at the people on the ground with disgust, and shrugged.

Jiang Dafu looked at the people on the ground calmly, and after a long while, he opened his mouth to speak.

"It's just, why did she die here? Could it be that she was robbed?"

"Robbery? This old woman doesn't look like a rich person. She should be courting someone and offending someone she shouldn't have offended." Xiong Wu said nonchalantly.

Aunt Zhao sighed, "Oh, it's all about money and life."

"Da Fu, this old woman died here, shall we report to the officials?" Wu Zhi looked at the miserable old woman, and reminded him aloud.

"She died in our village, and the officials still have to report her."

Jiang Dafu thought, this old woman came here suddenly, there must be something wrong, but for some reason, she died here suddenly.

This old woman died violently in her own village, so it is impossible not to report to the officials.

"Then let's go to the town now and report to Wan Lizheng, so the town government can send someone to take him away earlier." Xiong Wu suggested.

"Okay, I'll go to the town office with you, Xie Guang, Wu Zhi, you two are going to deliver goods to Ruyilou and Siji Restaurant." Jiang Dafu looked at Zhao Cheng again, "Uncle Zhao, you take two people and guard here." , if someone comes to identify the corpse, you let him identify it, and we can talk about the rest when we come back."

"Okay, you go and come back quickly, I'll watch here."

Zhao Cheng nodded, and Jiang Dafu and the three of them went back to the house together. Not long after, the four of them set off for their destination together in a bullock cart.

It was already half an hour later when Liu Qingcao found out about it. When she heard that it was the old woman, she quickly turned the matter around in her mind.

"Liu Xiao, Liu Wu, you two go out with me." Liu Qingcao called the two of them, they left the yard together and rushed to the entrance of the village.

Within two cups of tea, Liu Qingcao and the others rushed to the entrance of the village, saw Zhao Cheng and the other three guarding there, and greeted them.

"Uncle Zhao."

"Hey, Qingcao, what are you doing here? It's scary. Go back quickly." Zhao Cheng turned around, saw Liu Qingcao, and moved to the side, blocking most of the corpse on the ground.

Seeing Zhao Cheng's actions, Liu Qingcao was slightly moved.

However, since seeing more cruel scenes, her heart has become much stronger. In such a small scene, she will not even tremble.

"Uncle Zhao, don't worry, I just came to see this old woman." Liu Qingcao smiled and walked beside him.

Liu Qingcao walked to the old woman's body, knelt down slowly, and examined it carefully.

After about half an incense stick, Liu Qingcao straightened up, looked at the old woman on the ground, and meditated for a while.

"Liu Xiao, go to the pawn shop in the town and take this with you, and use it when necessary."

Liu Qingcao took out two taels of silver from her sleeve, handed it to Liu Xiao, and then whispered a few words in his ear.

"I have news, come back soon."

"Yes, girl."

After speaking, Liu Xiao disappeared in front of several people in a flash.

After Liu Xiao left, Liu Qingcao looked back at the old woman on the ground, sighed, and walked towards her own house.

 It will be updated every day, because of the baby's affairs, the time is uncertain, the number of chapters will be updated at least once, and the chapters owed in the past will be made up later, and the promise will not be broken.

  If you have any comments and suggestions in the article, I hope you will give me your advice. I will humbly listen to the valuable opinions that you took the time to put forward.

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  Thank you for your companionship and support during the days of breaking less and more, thank you very much

(End of this chapter)

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