Mu Xiyang really didn't know what to say.

Although the weather in Yangcheng is very cold, standing at the door all night is still too much for my iron-clad body.

"Besides, as long as the rest of us move the table to the door when we sleep, we'll be fine." In fact, needless to say Ajie, Mu Xiyang was worried that someone was deliberately teasing her.

"Also, if you stay like this all night, you will have no energy during the day. As long as I pay attention at night, nothing will happen. What about during the day?"

Li Dashan and Bai Yufei both have things to do and cannot protect her anytime and anywhere.

Sun Xiao also had a mission when he came here. The wholesale market they built in Pengcheng had also opened, and there were many things that required him to be busy.

I will go back after staying for three or four days at most.

"OK then!"

Ajie thought for a moment and agreed not to guard the door at night.

While it was still early, Mu Xiyang urged him to go back to sleep for a while.

He had a free and easy temperament, so he fell asleep while lying on the bed.

When I woke up again, I felt refreshed.

In the next few days, nothing went wrong at the trade fair. Mu Xiyang was like a top, helping here and there, which made Xu Juan's teeth itch.

Xu Juan and Wang Zijun are also somewhat capable, but they are too arrogant and do not want to ask for help even if others want her to help.

Mu Xiyang is still easy to talk to, has strong professional skills, has a certain amount of control when talking to people, and has a good sense of proportion. Everyone who signs orders with her praises her highly.

Even the person in charge of Yangcheng wanted to keep the person.

After learning that the other party was the director of a clothing factory and a food factory, the smile on her face became even bigger. She also said that she would arrange a better booth for her at the next trade fair.At the same time, he also introduced many orders to her.

It's the end of the year, and every unit has to order New Year's goods, so the gift boxes from the food factory are just what they need.

Mu Xiyang sincerely thanked the other party and immediately called the commune and asked them to send a batch of goods from the food factory by train.

Mu Xiyang is really generous. One factory gave away two bottles, both spicy and not spicy.

People in Guangdong Province don’t eat spicy food, but there are a lot of people who know how to eat spicy food.

When it comes to eating, variety is even better.

When the farm opens, she will also arrange pork breast, pepper and sesame pork, tiger skin chicken feet, spicy wing tips, pepper and sesame chicken, saliva chicken, and other special snacks.

In terms of eating, the potential is considerable.

Mu Xiyang is currently running out of production lines.

Bai Yufei has already made arrangements, and the production line for spicy dried radish will be in place in another week.

If you do other things, you will also need sealing machines, disinfection machines and so on.

However, these are not problems. Now the machinery factory can not only produce limited products. If they have special ones, you can also talk to them.

Mu Xiyang also met people from the Shanghai Machinery Factory this time. The machines in their factory are not only sold domestically but also abroad. They are also very interested in the sealing machine Mu Xiyang mentioned and said they would go back and study it.

The originally planned ten-day trade fair was postponed to the end of the month.

Lu Yunhai has returned from Xinjiang Province.

"The cotton has been dragged to the factory. I have five days off this time. I want to go and pick you up."

The two of them haven't seen each other for almost a month now.

The family was almost ready for the wedding, the house was decorated, and they were just waiting for her, the hostess, to come home.Mu Xiyang thought for a moment and nodded: "As long as it doesn't delay your work, you can come over."

After knowing what he was doing in Pengcheng, Mu Xiyang knew that his work as a transport team was actually optional.

However, transportation is also a big mistake.

It is said that in an era when the per capita salary was less than [-], a truck driver could earn one or two thousand for a trip.

As for whether this was an exaggeration, Mu Xiyang didn't know, but judging from the fact that drivers are so in demand now, the salary for a ten-and-a-half-month trip is not an exaggeration.

The main thing is that going out for a sports car carries high risks, ranging from loss of goods to loss of both people and money.

Lu Yunhai was a person who reported good news but not bad news, but he also learned a lot from his mouth.

When they go out to drive a sports car, if they don't pay attention, someone will come over to lick the gas, remove the tires, etc.

Therefore, they usually sleep alone and keep vigil at night. Steel pipes and long knives are always kept in the cab.

He doesn't get into trouble easily, but he can't be afraid of trouble.

After learning that Lu Yunhai was coming, Mu Xiyang's daily schedule was full again. She wanted to finish her work as much as possible, and then wait for him to come and go shopping with him.

She is not a person who likes to wrong herself. Now that she is here, she must enjoy it.

There are a lot of seafood in Yangcheng, but not many can make it delicious.When Lu Yunhai came over, she was going to have a good taste.

Because of the hardship of working with Mu Xiyang, Tan Qin hasn't stopped wailing in the past two days: "After I go back, I will sleep with him for three days and three nights."

"Okay, I think you are tired and happy." Zhu Xiaoyu's fingers have become calluses in the past two days.

The abacus beads were smoothed several degrees.

"I think it's okay. If we go back this time, we can sleep peacefully next year."

Fortunately, Mu Xiyang made some spring clothes and brought some drawings of summer clothes.

After seeing it, the other party not only ordered winter clothes, but also ordered a lot of spring and summer clothes.

Allen also helped me record the logo and some design drawings of Qingshan Garment Factory. I heard that the copyright has almost been released.

Although copyright is not taken so seriously now, with this, Mu Xiyang is no longer afraid.

The main thing is that some people are disgusting. As soon as you produce it, they will also produce it. The product they designed themselves is just one step ahead of others.

Director Qin and Mayor Yu have been laughing so hard these days.

The sales at the blanket factory are also good. I heard that Mu Xiyang was getting married and gave her a complete set of bedding.

Director Qin also gave Mu Xiyang two pieces of high-quality fabric.

"It seems that I am the only one who has nothing to give." Mayor Yu teased them with a smile.

Mu Xiyang smiled: "The practice you gave me this time is the best gift."

Not everyone has the opportunity to experience this kind of experience.

"Thanks to your help this time, otherwise, it wouldn't have been so smooth." Regarding the management and arrangement of talents, he felt that he would definitely not lose to others.

However, when it comes to business, he is still far behind.This girl is sophisticated and tactful, and she is well-reasoned in doing things. She is neither humble nor overbearing when faced with other people's doubts, and uses her knowledge to reason with others.

The main thing is that her words will not make people feel bored!

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